Tuesday 28 November 2017

Tablas De Candlestick De Las Opciones Binarias

Introducción a los gráficos de velas japonesas

Los candeleros japoneses son uno de los tipos de gráficos más utilizados. Los gráficos muestran una gran cantidad de información, y hacerlo de una manera muy visual, por lo que es fácil para los comerciantes para ver las señales comerciales potenciales y realizar análisis con mayor velocidad. Aquí veremos qué candeleros japoneses son, cómo las velas & # 8222; Son creados y la interpretación básica del candelabro.

Cartas de velas japonesas

Candelabros japoneses son un tipo de gráfico que muestra el alto, bajo, abierto y cierre de un precio de los activos, así como mostrar rápidamente si el activo terminó más alto o más bajo en un período específico. Los candeleros se pueden utilizar para todos los plazos de un gráfico de 1 minuto hasta cartas semanales y anuales.

Cuando la información se presenta de tal manera, hace que sea relativamente fácil comparado con otras formas de gráficos para realizar análisis y señales de comercio al contado.

Figura 1. Tabla de velas japonesas & # 8211; EUR / USD 5 minutos

La mayoría de las veces las velas serán combinaciones de colores específicas como verde y rojo, azul y rojo, o blanco y negro. Los gráficos de cartas de opciones binarias gratis utilizan un esquema de color verde y rojo para los candelabros japoneses.

Creación de Candelero Japonés

El color es importante en los candeleros japoneses. Una barra verde (a veces azul o blanco) indica que el precio cerró más alto que el precio abierto de la barra. Una barra roja indica que el precio cerró inferior al precio abierto de la barra.

Figura 2. Velas verdes y rojas candelabro japonés & # 8211; EUR / USD 5 minutos

Para entender cómo funciona esto, tendremos que ver cómo se construye cada barra.

Como se indica, cada vela proporciona información sobre la apertura, cierre, alta y baja de un precio de los activos. Cada uno refleja el período de tiempo que ha seleccionado para su gráfico. Por ejemplo, en la figura 1 y 2 se utilizó un gráfico de 5 minutos, lo que significa que cada vela muestra la información de precio abierto, cerrado, alto y bajo durante un período de 5 minutos. Cuando transcurran 5 minutos, comienza una nueva vela de 5 minutos. El mismo proceso ocurre si se utiliza un gráfico de 1 minuto o un gráfico semanal.

Los espacios abiertos y cerrados están marcados por la grasa & # 8222; Parte del candelabro. Esto se llama el cuerpo real, y representa la diferencia entre el abierto y el cerrado. Si el cierre es más alto que el abierto, la vela será verde; Si el cierre es más bajo que abierto, la barra será roja.

El abrir o cerrar no son necesariamente los puntos de precio alto o bajo del período sin embargo. Los precios altos y bajos para el período están marcados por una mecha & # 8222; O & # 8220; sombra superior & # 8221; Y & # 8220; sombra más baja. & # 8221; El punto alto de la sombra superior da el precio más alto que el activo fue durante ese período, y el punto bajo de la sombra inferior da el precio más bajo que el activo fue durante ese período. La figura 3 muestra la construcción básica.

Figura 3. Construcción de Candelabros Japoneses

Si no hay sombra superior o inferior significa que el abrir y cerrar también fueron los altos y bajos para ese período.

Ocasionalmente también verá barras que son casi todas sombras superior y / o inferior, con muy poco cuerpo real.

Figura 4. Sombras largas de candelero japonés & # 8211; EUR / USD 1 Hora

La Figura 4 muestra varios ejemplos de candelabros con sombras largas (también llamadas colas & # 8222;). Vamos a centrarnos en el de la caja azul. La sombra superior refleja el precio más alto alcanzado en este período de una hora, la sombra inferior muestra el precio más bajo golpeado durante la hora, y el pequeño cuerpo real rojo muestra que el precio cerró marginalmente más bajo que abrió.

Para ver los precios exactos de la apertura, cierre, alta y baja, puede hacer clic en un candelero en las cartas de opciones binarias gratuitas para ver un pop-up que le proporciona toda la información. La Figura 5 muestra información para la misma barra tratada en la figura 4.

Figura 5. Boletín de Candlestick Japonés

Debido a la construcción altamente visual de los candeleros hay muchos patrones de candelero que los comerciantes utilizan para el análisis y para establecer señales de comercio (lea: un patrón de precio poderoso candelabro). Estos patrones están más allá del alcance de este artículo, pero hay principios generales que los nuevos a las cartas japonesas de la palmatoria deben entender.

Un cuerpo real largo indica una presión más fuerte que un cuerpo real pequeño. Por ejemplo, un cuerpo verde largo representa una presión de compra más fuerte que un cuerpo verde pequeño. Un largo cuerpo rojo representa una presión de venta más fuerte que un pequeño cuerpo rojo.

Las sombras se pueden utilizar para determinar qué grupo de comerciantes compradores o vendedores era más fuerte al cierre de una vela. Aunque no siempre, es muy posible que el grupo más fuerte al final de la barra anterior sea el más fuerte en la siguiente barra.

Una sombra más larga con poca sombra superior indica que los vendedores intentaron empujar el precio abajo, pero finalmente los compradores lograron empujar el precio de nuevo y eran fuertes en el cierre.

Una sombra superior larga con muy poca sombra más baja indica que los compradores intentaron empujar el precio para arriba, pero finalmente los vendedores consiguieron empujar el precio abajo abajo y eran fuertes en el cierre.

Las cartas japonesas de la palmatoria son la opción preferida de muchos comerciantes puesto que los movimientos del precio son fáciles de ver y las señales comerciales pueden ser vistas manchadas absolutamente rápidamente. Hay muchos patrones japoneses de la carta de la velas para explorar y los métodos que se pueden idear basados ​​en la naturaleza visual de los candlesticks. Juegue con los gráficos gratuitos ofrecidos en http://www. freebinaryoptionscharts. com/ para tener una idea de los candelabros y cómo comerciar con ellos.

Gráficos de Candlestick de opciones binarias

Cuando se trata de negociación de opciones binarias, o cualquier tipo de inversión más información el inversor tiene el mejor. En el comercio de opciones binarias es fundamental poder visualizar toda la información pertinente y captar todas las señales de un mercado determinado.

Lectura y uso de opciones binarias

Una vez que tenga la idea básica de cómo funcionan estas cartas, verá qué gran herramienta pueden ser. La información del mercado está representada de tal manera que los indicadores parecen una serie de pequeñas velas, que es cómo este tipo de gráficos obtiene su nombre. La información mostrada de forma compacta en las plantillas binarias de velas incluye:

Precio alto

bajo precio

Precio de apertura

Precio de cierre

Cada pequeño candelabro & # 8221; Muestra toda esta información para cada día. El cuerpo de la vela indica la diferencia entre el precio abierto y el precio de cierre del activo en un día determinado. El color del cuerpo de la vela & # 8221; Muestra si el mercado es alcista o bajista. Si el color es verde significa que el precio de cierre fue mayor que la apertura, y si es de color rojo significa lo contrario. El precio alto se muestra con una mecha & # 8222; Saliendo de la parte superior y el bajo precio se muestra como una cola & # 82221; Saliendo de la parte inferior.

Cada vela pequeña en las cartas binarias de las velas de las opciones demuestra una cantidad inmensa de la información que es crítica para que cada comerciante tenga que tomar decisiones sabias de la inversión. Ver las tendencias es mucho más fácil cuando se utiliza este tipo de gráfico y la captura de las señales es crucial para el éxito de la inversión. Las cartas binarias del candlestick de las opciones dan al comerciante elegante la ventaja sobre el resto.

Nuestro corredor más recomendado

Cartas de velas en opciones binarias

La importancia de las cartas de velas

Las cartas de la vela son muy importantes en negociar porque no sólo sirven como medios de la representación de la acción del precio, pero también dan una representación visual de lo que los comerciantes están haciendo en el mercado.

Un gráfico de barras simple mostrará una línea vertical cuyos dos extremos son el alto y el bajo y dos barras horizontales cortas unidas a cada lado de la barra vertical para mostrar los precios abiertos y de cierre. Al mirar esto, no hay información sobre lo que hicieron los compradores o lo que hicieron los vendedores. El candelero en contraste muestra muy claramente cuando los compradores están dominando y cuando los vendedores son dominantes. Los puntos en los que el predominio de un partido es despojado por otras partes en el comercio también es visible, y esto puede ser utilizado por los comerciantes para decidir inmediatamente qué medidas tomar en los mercados financieros.

Esto también allana el camino para el uso de candeleros para el comercio de las opciones binarias del mercado.

La belleza de los gráficos de velas es que pueden ser utilizados para el comercio a corto plazo, ultra-corto plazo, medio plazo o largo plazo. La información de una o dos velas es suficiente para entregar señales bancables al comerciante.

Patrones candelabro que son de interés para el uso sería los patrones de velas de reversión. Esto se debe a que su apariencia es suficiente para decirnos cuándo negociar con un sesgo bajista (opción PUT) o el comercio con un sesgo alcista (opción CALL).

Hay varios patrones de velas de reversión. Algunos son altamente confiables y no necesitan confirmación adicional de otros candeleros o indicadores, mientras que algunos son sólo moderadamente confiable y necesitaría una confirmación adicional. Ahora tomamos el tiempo para enumerar estos candeleros uno tras otro para indicar en qué condiciones se deben utilizar para negociar las operaciones de opciones binarias de CALL / PUT.

Pinbars incluyen los siguientes patrones de velas:

C) Estrella fugaz

D) Martillo invertido

Los pinbars son buenos para comercios a corto plazo. Esto significa que en el momento en que se completa la vela, el comercio debe iniciarse al abrir la siguiente vela y la caducidad debe ser cuando los pinbars se encuentran en la parte superior de una tendencia, que pueden ser utilizados para intercambiar la opción PUT. Cuando ocurren en la parte inferior de una tendencia, pueden utilizarse para intercambiar la opción CALL.

Los patrones de estrella de Doji (estrella del doji de la mañana y estrella del doji de la tarde) se utilizan para negociar reversiones del precio. Lo bueno de los patrones de estrellas doji es que son patrones muy fuertes de reversión de la vela. Por lo tanto, cuando usted ve que ocurren a ambos lados de la tendencia, que puede ser utilizado para el comercio de las inversiones en la dirección correspondiente. La estrella del doji de la tarde se puede utilizar para negociar la opción de la CALL, y la estrella del doji de la mañana se puede utilizar para negociar la opción de PUT.

3. Patrones de Engulfing

Hay dos patrones que engullen: engullir bullish y engullir bajista. La aparición del patrón engullir alcista en la parte superior de una tendencia debe utilizarse para intercambiar la opción PUT en la apertura de la siguiente vela. El patrón de engrosamiento bajista se utiliza en la parte inferior de una tendencia para intercambiar la opción CALL.

Las "velas embarazadas" o haramis también se pueden usar para intercambiar la opción CALL y PUT. El problema con el haramis es que tienen que ser combinados con otros medios de confirmación ya que son de moderada fiabilidad cuando se utilizan con fines comerciales. Así que si usted tiene un harami bajista que ocurre en un área de resistencia sólida, que es la confirmación lo suficientemente fuerte como para entrar con un comercio PUT. Si el harami alcista se produce en un área de fuerte apoyo, que es una buena indicación para el comercio de la opción CALL.

Hay otros patrones de velas que veremos en las listas. Estos son los siguientes:

A) Pinzas: Pinzas son patrones de candelero compuesto de dos candelabros que tienen los mismos precios altos y cerrados (Tweezer Top) o el mismo bajo y cierre de precios (Tweezer Bottom). The Tweezer Top es una formación bajista. Su apariencia es una señal para abrir una posición PUT a la apertura de la vela siguiente. La parte inferior de la pinza se utiliza para la opción CALL. La pinza es un candelabro raro.

B) Los patrones de Kicker y los cuervos negros son candelabros formados por sucesivos patrones de velas en una dirección particular. Se componen de tres candelabros que funcionan en la misma dirección para forzar el activo hacia arriba o hacia abajo. El aspecto de dos de las velas se puede utilizar como base para hacer la entrada.

Todo dicho, los candeleros se pueden utilizar muy eficientemente para hacer entradas comerciales en el mercado binario de las opciones.


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Cartas japonesas de Candlestick en el comercio de opciones binarias

Cartas japonesas de Candlestick en el comercio de opciones binarias

Los gráficos japoneses de la palmatoria son las cartas gráficas más usadas por los comerciantes binarios de la opción en su análisis técnico de los mercados financieros. Aunque OHLC / barra y las cartas de línea todavía se utilizan por muchos comerciantes, estos gráficos no pueden proporcionar la velocidad y la facilidad para establecer Una relación entre los precios abiertos y cerrados que hacen las cartas de velas.

Podemos considerar los gráficos de velas como una especie de combinación de gráficos de OHLC / barra y gráficos de líneas, que utilizaremos para realizar un análisis técnico del movimiento del precio de un activo en un tiempo determinado. Cada barra / vela representará la mayoría Relevante para el tiempo que representa: los precios abiertos, cerrados, altos y bajos.

Las cartas de candelero se han utilizado en el análisis técnico desde el siglo XVIII, pero no se introdujeron en el mundo occidental hasta el 90, por el libro de Steve Nison, "técnicas de gráficos de candelero japonés".

La popularidad de la cartela de velas aumentó rápidamente entre los comerciantes del mundo occidental debido a su manera fácil, rápida e intuitiva de proporcionar un método para establecer una relación entre los precios de apertura y cierre de una sesión de negociación, así como una idea clara de la Movimiento de precios en el tiempo que cada vela representa.

En este artículo veremos cómo funcionan las cartas de candelabro japonés, su eficacia, y sus fortalezas y debilidades cuando las comparamos con otras herramientas gráficas y métodos de negociación. Indicadores utilizados en el análisis técnico de los mercados financieros.

Candelabros japoneses: cómo se crean

En primer lugar veremos cómo se crea una barra gráfica de candelabro y la información que necesitamos para hacerlo. Para crear un candelabro japonés necesitamos los valores del precio de apertura, precio máximo, precio de cierre y el precio mínimo de una sesión de negociación en particular . Estos valores determinarán la forma y el tipo de candelabro creado, y nos proporcionarán información sobre la sesión de negociación.

Las velas japonesas se componen básicamente de dos elementos distintos: el cuerpo y las mechas / sombras. El cuerpo del candelabro será blanco o vacío & # 8221; Si el precio del activo se cierra por encima de su precio de apertura y será negro o lleno si el precio del activo se cierra por debajo de su precio abierto. Techo "del cuerpo representará el precio de apertura del mercado y el & # 8221; Parte inferior del cuerpo su precio de cierre.

Puede ver todo esto en la siguiente imagen:

Las líneas superior e inferior representan las mechas de la vela. E indican el rango máximo y el rango mínimo de los precios de la sesión de negociación.

En la siguiente imagen puedes ver diferentes estilos de candelabros japoneses:

Ahora explicaremos con un poco más de detalle las diferentes partes de los candelabros:

Sombra superior, mecha superior o superior. Representa los precios más altos de la sesión de negociación. Candlesticks con sombras superiores largas indican que los precios se han movido muy por encima del precio de apertura y el precio de cierre.

Sombra más baja, mecha inferior o inferior. Representa los precios más bajos de la sesión de negociación. Los palillos con sombras más largas indican que los precios se han movido muy por debajo de los precios de apertura y cierre.

Cuerpo real, o cuerpo. Por lo general, cuanto más largo es el cuerpo del candelabro, más intensa era la presión de compra / venta. En otras palabras, podemos decir que el cuerpo representa la volatilidad en las condiciones actuales del mercado representan el candelero. El cuerpo proporciona al comerciante una idea sobre el mercado Consolidación y movimiento de precios-

Precio alto o máximo. El precio alto o máximo es el valor máximo que el precio del activo alcanza en el tiempo que representa el candelabro.

Precio abierto o de apertura. El precio abierto o de apertura es el valor mínimo que el precio del activo alcanza en el tiempo que representa el candelabro.

Precio de cierre o cierre. El precio de cierre o de cierre es el precio del activo al final de la sesión de negociación / marco de tiempo que representa el candelabro.

Precio mínimo o mínimo. El precio alto o mínimo es el valor mínimo que el precio del activo alcanza en el tiempo que representa el candelabro.

La información que se puede extraer sobre la base de los patrones básicos de los candeleros japoneses:

El largo candelabro negro / completo indicará fuerte presión de venta. Cuanto más larga es la vela, más lejos están los precios abiertos y de cierre.

Con base en esto, podemos concluir que los precios han caído significativamente desde la apertura de la sesión, y que los osos o vendedores han sido agresivos. En otras palabras, indican un sentimiento bajista durante la sesión.

El largo candelabro blanco indicará una fuerte presión de compra. Cuanto más largo es el cuerpo, más lejos están los precios abiertos y de cierre de la sesión. Basado en esto, podemos concluir que los precios se movieron significativamente durante la sesión y que los toros o compradores tienen Sido agresiva. La formación de este tipo de vela después de una fuerte tendencia a la baja puede estar indicando una posible tendencia inversa / cambio de dirección del precio.

En la siguiente imagen puedes ver ejemplos de los candelabros largos negros (bajistas) y blancos largos (alcistas):

Sombras / mechas de candeleros japoneses y la información que pueden proporcionar

Podemos obtener mucha información de la sesión de comercio observando las mechas del candelero y su longitud en proporción a su cuerpo. Como hemos mencionado en las secciones anteriores, las mechas de los candeleros representan los precios máximos (sombra superior) y los precios mínimos (Sombra inferior) de la sesión.

Si las mechas de un candelero son cortas en relación con su cuerpo, esto nos dirá que durante la mayor parte de esa sesión el movimiento de precios se ha producido cerca de los precios de apertura y cierre.

Si las mechas son largas en relación con el cuerpo de la vela, podemos deducir que para esa sesión de negociación el movimiento de los precios se extendió más allá de los precios de apertura y cierre.

Un candelabro con una mecha inferior larga y una mecha superior corta indicarán que los vendedores o los osos dominaban durante la mayor parte de la sesión que negociaba. Pero al final de ella los compradores resurgieron & # 8221; Y el cierre fuerte creó esta sombra más larga y más baja.

Un candelero con una mecha corta y una mecha superior larga nos indicará que los compradores o los toros fueron los que dominaron durante la mayor parte de la sesión. Pero en última instancia los vendedores ganaron fuerza y ​​esto creó la sombra superior larga.

En aquellos casos en que un candelero japonés tiene un cuerpo corto, pero una larga mechas superior e inferior. Los denominaremos como telas giratorias & # 8221; . Las tapas giratorias son un tipo de candelero más o menos relevante dependiendo de las condiciones del mercado que aparecen (por ejemplo, serán un fuerte signo de una inversión de tendencia si aparecen al final de la misma). Podríamos decir que el Las tapas giratorias representan la indecisión en los mercados financieros. En la siguiente imagen se puede ver un candelabro japonés giratorio:

El pequeño cuerpo de los candelabros giratorios nos dice que hubo muy poco movimiento de precios de abierto a cercano, o en otras palabras, ni los toros ni los osos han sido capaces de obtener una ventaja sobre el otro. Una tapa giratoria indica debilidad y, Como he mencionado antes, un posible cambio en la dirección de la tendencia.

Patrones de Candlestick

Hay una gran cantidad de patrones de candelero japonés utilizados en el análisis técnico de los mercados financieros y podemos aplicarlos a nuestro comercio con opciones binarias con el fin de mejorar it. I va a mencionar y explicar brevemente los patrones más relevantes:

El martillo

Este patrón de candelabro nos proporciona una señal de inversión alcista de considerable fuerza. El mechón inferior debe ser al menos el doble de largo que el cuerpo real de la vela. Un candelabro de martillo no tendrá mecha superior, o será muy corto:

Básicamente, el martillo nos indica que en el marco de tiempo representa los precios de apertura, alta y cierre eran muy similares. La mecha larga del patrón de martillo nos dice que el mercado "probado" donde se encontraba el soporte, y cuando esta área fue encontrada, los compradores empujaron el precio más alto, cerca del abierto, es decir los compradores rechazaron los osos.

No todas las formaciones de candelabro de martillo tienen la misma fuerza, un candelabro de martillo con los mismos precios altos y cerrados será más fuerte que un martillo con los mismos precios abiertos y altos. Básicamente, en la primera situación los compradores rechazaron a los vendedores y empujaron el precio más allá del precio de apertura, y en el segundo los compradores pudieron contradecir a los vendedores, pero no podían llevar el precio al nivel abierto.

El martillo es un patrón de candelero muy útil, que nos ayudará a localizar las áreas de apoyo. Cuando un martillo aparece después de una tendencia a la baja, nos proporcionará una señal de una inversión de tendencia potencial y un cambio en la dirección del movimiento de precios. Imagen se puede ver un ejemplo de un patrón de martillo al final de una tendencia a la baja, seguido de una inversión:

Por supuesto, incluso si el patrón de candelero martillo nos da una señal fuerte, necesitamos la ayuda de otras herramientas e indicadores para confirmar esto. Por ejemplo, vamos a imaginar que en un gráfico con candelabros diarios estamos siguiendo una fuerte tendencia a la baja Que comienza a debilitarse, y las dos velas del último día son dojis, entonces aparece un martillo. Esto probablemente indicará una probabilidad muy alta de inversión de tendencia, por lo que en el comercio de opciones binarias compraremos una opción de Llamada (en orden Para decidir el tiempo de vencimiento de la opción, tendremos que considerar varios otros factores).

El hombre colgante

Este patrón de candelero es similar al martillo, pero nos proporcionará una fuerte señal bajista (que necesita ser confirmada con otros indicadores / herramientas / patrones de velas anteriores). Esta formación se puede encontrar en la parte superior de las tendencias ascendentes El tiempo), e indicará una posible inversión / cambio de tendencia en la dirección del precio, como se puede ver en el siguiente ejemplo:

Este patrón nos muestra que los precios abiertos, altos y cerrados de la sesión son casi los mismos. La única diferencia entre el martillo y la formación de hombre colgante, además de la señal opuesta que proporcionan, es que el martillo aparece en una tendencia bajista y el colgante Hombre en una tendencia alcista. Usted puede ver esto en la siguiente imagen:

En aquellos casos en que los precios altos y abiertos son los mismos, la fuerza del hombre colgante será superior a las formaciones colgantes donde el alto y el cerrado son iguales.

Si estamos siguiendo una tendencia alcista que ha estado sucediendo durante mucho tiempo y aparece un hombre colgante, esto nos indicará que hubo una vacilación y los precios cayeron durante la sesión. Los toros hicieron una vuelta y empujaron el precio cerca El abierto, pero los osos probaron la fuerza de los toros. La vela del día siguiente determinará si la tendencia ha terminado realmente y el precio sufrirá una inversión, o si los toros tienen la fuerza para reasumir la tendencia alcista.

Vamos a aclarar algo, aunque el hombre colgante es una señal bajista de fuerza significativa, esto no significa que en nuestro comercio de opciones binarias sólo debemos comprar un Put basado en él, necesitamos confirmación. Vamos a ver Un ejemplo: después de una larga tendencia alcista, identificamos varios signos de debilitamiento de tendencias, aparece un patrón de hombre colgante y la siguiente vela de sesión crea una gran vela negativa bajista, en este tipo de situación, colocar un Put probablemente será una buena idea Tendremos que considerar varios otros factores para seleccionar un tiempo de vencimiento adecuado para nuestra opción).

Estrella fugaz

La estrella fugaz es una formación de candelabro japonés que nos indica una reversión potencial bajista de los precios. Este patrón tiene una sombra superior y ninguna mecha inferior, o una muy corta, como se puede ver en la siguiente imagen:

El cuerpo real es pequeño y cercano a los mínimos de la sesión. La mecha superior larga indica que el mercado probó los precios para encontrar un área de resistencia. Cuando se encontró este área de resistencia, los vendedores comenzaron a empujar los precios más bajos, Sesión cerca del precio de apertura.

La fuerza de la estrella fugaz variará; Cuando los precios bajos y cercanos son los mismos, tendremos una estrella fugaz más fuerte que cuando el abierto y el bajo de la estrella fugaz son casi el mismo valor. En esta última situación el patrón estrella fugaz será considerado menos bajista, pero todavía bajista (Los vendedores contrarrestaron a los compradores, pero no pudieron llevar el precio al nivel abierto).

El patrón estrella fugaz nos ayudará a ver la ubicación del nivel de resistencia. Si aparece después de una larga tendencia alcista y nuestros indicadores / herramientas nos indican un debilitamiento progresivo de la tendencia en las sesiones anteriores, las posibilidades de una reversión de los precios Son altos. Si la vela de la siguiente sesión es una vela negra de largo bajista, esto aumentará aún más las posibilidades de una inversión, por lo que podríamos comprar un Puesto en nuestro comercio de opciones binarias.

Como he dicho sobre los patrones de candelabros anteriores, aunque pueden ser muy útiles, siempre debemos confirmar las señales que nos proporcionan y no basar nuestras decisiones comerciales en ellos.

martillo invertido

Este patrón de candelabro se puede encontrar en los extremos de las tendencias bajistas, y nos indicará una posible inversión de los precios. En otras palabras, nos da una señal alcista. Como dije en las secciones anteriores, esta formación candelabro es útil, pero Incluso si nos proporciona una señal alcista, debemos confirmarlo primero antes de entrar a un comercio.

Al igual que con la formación de estrellas fugaces, el martillo invertido indicará que la apertura, baja y cierre de la sesión se encontraban en un nivel muy similar. La mecha superior debe ser al menos el doble de la longitud del cuerpo real candelero. Usted puede ver esto en la siguiente imagen:

La fuerza de la señal que el martillo invertido nos proporcionará variará; Cuando los precios bajos y abiertos del martillo invertido son iguales, esto será una señal alcista más fuerte que cuando los precios bajos y cerrados del martillo invertido son iguales.

Si encontramos esta formación después de una larga tendencia bajista, el martillo invertido será una fuerte señal alcista, porque los precios vacilaron en su movimiento hacia abajo y aumentaron considerablemente durante la sesión. Después de esto sucedió, los osos hicieron un regreso y empujaron los precios de vuelta cerca El hecho de que los precios podrían aumentar considerablemente durante esta sesión nos muestra que los toros estaban probando la fuerza de los vendedores. La próxima sesión de vela nos permitirá determinar si esto implica una reversión de precios y el final de la tendencia a la baja, o si Los osos todavía tienen la fuerza para reanudar la tendencia bajista anterior. En la siguiente imagen se puede ver un martillo invertido después de una tendencia bajista alcista, lo que indica una inversión:

Si encontramos un martillo invertido después de una tendencia a la baja que se ha ido debilitando progresivamente durante las sesiones de trading anteriores de la vela activa y al día siguiente es larga y blanca, debemos considerar la compra de una Llamada en nuestro comercio de opciones binarias, con un tiempo de vencimiento adecuado Que debemos decidir sobre la base de las condiciones de mercado activas, etc


El harami es un patrón de candelero japonés, y puede ser alcista / bajista. Aparece después de una tendencia alcista / bajista e indica una inversión de precios. Aquí puede ver un ejemplo:

El Harami bajista: los elementos de este patrón son una gran vela blanca alcista y una vela negra más baja después de ella. La vela más pequeña debe estar verticalmente "dentro" de la gama anterior de la vela (cuerpo y mechas). Es un signo de incertidumbre En los mercados.

El Harami alcista: los elementos de este patrón son una gran vela negativa bajista y una vela blanca bullish más pequeña después de ella. La vela más pequeña debe estar verticalmente dentro de la gama anterior de la vela (cuerpo y mechas). Es un signo de la incertidumbre en el Mercados.

En nuestro comercio con opciones binarias, podríamos obtener una señal de llamada si el precio subió más alto y se cierra por encima de la línea de tendencia de resistencia a la baja. Si tenemos un patrón de harami alcista combinado con tendencia romper esto dará lugar a una fuerte señal de llamada.

Si el día después de un harami bajista el precio cae y se cierra por debajo de la línea de soporte, esta es una buena oportunidad para adquirir una opción de venta. Cuando se combinan, un patrón de harami bajista y una ruptura de tendencia hacen una señal bajista aún más fuerte, por lo que Podemos aprovechar esta situación comprando una opción de venta.

Los tiempos de vencimiento, como dije en las secciones anteriores, dependerán de varios otros factores.

El patrón Harami puede ser muy útil en nuestro comercio con opciones binarias, y es utilizado por muchos comerciantes. La relevancia y fiabilidad de un harami será mucho mayor si aparece en un área de soporte / resistencia.

Engulfing patrones de velas japonés

La formación de vela candela es similar al harami, con la diferencia de que la primera vela de esta formación es la pequeña y la segunda vela la que la envuelve verticalmente (cuerpo y mechas incluidas).

Hay dos tipos de patrones engullir:

El patrón engorroso bajista consiste en una primera pequeña vela alcista engullida verticalmente por una segunda vela negra larga. El mercado se acorta, los toros empujan los precios más altos, pero los osos toman el control y bajan los precios, llenando la brecha y empujando los precios por debajo El precio anterior de la vela abierta.

El patrón engullir alcista consiste en una pequeña vela alcista envuelta verticalmente por una segunda vela blanca larga. El mercado de las lagunas hacia abajo, los osos empujar los precios más bajos, pero los toros se apoderan y son capaces de bajar los precios, llenando la brecha y empujando el Precios más allá del anterior precio de apertura de la vela.

Dependiendo del tipo de opciones binarias que son y el riesgo que están dispuestos a asumir, hay tres maneras básicas de tomar ventaja de cada patrón de vela candente.

Con el patrón bearish engullir velas:

Podemos comprar una opción de venta al final de la segunda candelero. Si hay un aumento en el volumen que acompaña a la gran movimiento hacia abajo, esto será un signo más fuerte para comprar un Puesto en nuestras opciones binarias de comercio. Incluso si estamos negociando con binario Opciones, el volumen será un indicador importante en nuestro análisis técnico, un aumento de volumen es una fuerte confirmación de que el aumento / disminución del precio es & # 8222; real & # 8221 ;.

Podemos comprar una opción de venta el día después de que se produzca el candelero engorroso bajista. Esto, por supuesto, tendrá un riesgo menor que la opción anterior.

Esperar otras señales / confirmación antes de entrar en el comercio con una opción de venta, por ejemplo, una ruptura de los precios por debajo de una zona de apoyo.

Con el patrón candelabro bullish engullir:

We can buy a Call option at the close of the second candlestick. A considerable increase in volume at the same time the large upward move takes place will be a stronger signal to buy a Call in our binary options trading.

We can buy a Call option the day after the bearish engulfing candlestick occurs. This will, of course, imply a lower risk than the previous choice.

Wait for other signals/confirmation before entering the trade with a Call option, for example, a break of the prices above a resistance area.

Dark cloud Cover

This candlestick pattern provides us with a bearish reversal pattern signal. This pattern has two components:a bullish candle representing a trading day session, and a bearish candle representing the next day’s trading session. The bearish candle closes below the middle of the first candle(below 50%).The price gaps up on the second day, but in the end fills the gap and close into the gains of the previous day. T his rejection is a bearish signal, and the retracement into the previous day gains adds more strength to it. You can see an example in the following picture:

Piercing line pattern

This candlestick pattern provides us with a bullish reversal pattern signal. This pattern has two components:a bearish candle representing a trading day session, and a bullish candle representing the next day’s trading session. The bullish candle closes below the middle of the first candle(below 50%).The price gaps up on the second day, but in the end fills the gap and close into the loses of the previous day. This rejection is a bullish signal, and the retracement into the previous day loses adds more strength to it. You can see an example of a piercing line pattern in the next picture:


A Marubozu is a type of candlestick pattern characterized by not having wicks. This indicates that an asset was traded strongly in one direction during the trading session. The formation of a Marubozu indicates a potential reversal in prices.

The black marubozu will form when the opening price is equal to the maximum price of the session and the closing price is the minimum price of the trading session. This Marubozu tells us that the bears dominated the session.

The white marubozu is formed when the opening price is the minimum price of the session and the closing price equals the maximum price of the session. This marubozu will indicate us that the bulls dominated the session.

You can see examples of this pattern in the following picture:


The dojis are candlestick patterns created when the opening and closing prices of an asset are close to each other at the end of the trading session the candlestick represents. This indicates us a minimal price movement. You can see doji examples in the next picture:

The dojis will be more or less relevant depending on the market conditions they appear, even more than the other candlestick patterns.

A doji with the same opening and close prices can be considered more reliable and it will be indicating a standoff between bulls and bears. Like I mentioned earlier, the relevance of a doji as an indicator / signal will vary dependending on the market conditions in which it appears, and the candlestick formations of the previous days sessions. For example, after a long white candlestick, a doji tells us that the bullish pressure is weakening.

In other words, a doji indicates equality in the strength of bulls and bears, and a potential change in the price direction, but as mentioned, a doji by itself will rarely have enough weight to confirm a price reversal.

The dojis found at the end of a trend can be considered as a strong sign of potential reversal od the price direction…but the doji can sometimes be viewed as a continuation pattern.

There are several sub-categorizations of the dojis, the most relevant possibly being the dragonfly and gravestone dojis:

The dragonfly Doji is a considerably bullish candlestick pattern that most of the times can be found after a downtrend. In this kind of doji, the open, high and close prices have the same/nearly the same value. The lower wick of the dragonfly doji is telling us that the market was testing to fng a support, the bears pulled the price down until this area of support was found(at the low) and after this the bulls pushed the prices back up until they reached the open. In other words, the bears were completely countered by the bulls. This doji lets us locate the support areas, and can signal the end of a downtrend(needs confirmation).Buying a Call after confirming the doji signal and selecting an appropiate expiration time for our option will probably result in a trade that ends in the money.

The gravestone Doji is similar to the dragonfly doji, but it can be found mostly in the top op uptrends and provides us with a bearish reversal signal of considerable relevance. The open, low and close prices of this candlestick formation is at the same/almost at the same level. Like in the previous pattern, the most relevant aspect of this doji is its upper wick, that is prolonged upward meaning that the market is testing to find a resistance level. The bulls pull the price up until this level is finally founds and after this the bears counter the bulls advance, closing the session at a similar/same level than the opening price.

Heikin Ashi

The Heikin Ashi is not a japanese candlestick pattern, its a different style of Japanese candlestick calculated differently from the standard ones. The standard candlesticks are formed from the opening price, closing price, high price and low price of a trading session, however, the Heikin Ashi candlesticks are calculated as it follows:

Close = (opening + high + low + close) / 4

Opening = (opening of the previous bar + close of the previous bar) / 2

High = Max (high, opening price, closing price)

Low = Max (low, opening price, closing price)

The Heikin Ashi Candlesticks are mostly used to identify trends with ease. White candlesticks without lower wicks are indicating us a strong uptrend, while black candlesticks with no upper wick will indicate us a strong downtrend.

The Heikin Ashi Candlesticks are an effective and useful tool for trend identification . and is one of the many available methods used in conjunction with standard candlestick charts to improve the insulation of prices and try to predict future price movements.

By themselves, the Heikin Ashi candlesticks should not be used as the only factor upon which we base our binary options trading, but they will be especially useful to eliminate market noise and to represent the price action in a smoother way.

The Heikin Ashi candlesticks utilize moving averages in their calculation, which will mean they are a “laggy” indicator by their nature.

One of the ways in which Heikin Ashi candles can be used in our trading with binary options is buying a Call or Put depending on the color, and once it changes, making a sell back of the option( we will need additional indicators to indicate us if prices reach overbought / oversold territory, as well as information on the strength of the trend and its possible weakening, and levels of support / resistance ).On the next graphic you can see the same market conditions being represented by normal candlesticks vs Heikin Ashi candles.

The Heikin Ashi candlesticks are mostly used in the equity and commodities markets.

There are a number of main signals that Heikin Ashi candles can provide:

White candles without lower wicks are indicating a strong uptrend.

A candle with a small body and upper / lower long shadows indicate a potential change on the direction of a trend.

Consecutive black candles indicate a downtrend.

Black candles with wicks will indicate a strong downtrend, we will remain trading Puts until the trend changes.

Heikin Ashi candles are generally a great addition to normal candlestick charts, and can help us to fing trade opportunities in our binary options trading.

Strengths and weaknesses of the candlestick chart

If we compare the Japanese candlestick charts with OHLC charts and western line graphs, most binary options traders will prefer to utilize Japanese candlestick in their technical analysis, because they are easier and faster to interpret . and allows us to establish a quick relation between opening and closing prices as well as the highs / lows of the session, and the different conclusions we can draw based on candlestick patterns. Here you can see a basic OHLC graphic and a basic candlestick one:

However, like all the tools we can use in our technical analysis and binary options trading, Japanese candles have weaknesses that must be compensated using them in conjunction with other methods / complementary tools. For example, Japanese candlesticks do not reflect events that occurred between the opening and closing of the previous sessions, and although they indicate the high and the low of the session they represent, they do not tell us which one was reached first.

If we compare the Japanese candlestick charts vs the western line charts(OHLC), we can see that their major difference is the way they display the opening and closing prices. The western line emphasizes the difference of the next/previous days close and open prices, while the candlestick puts all its emphasis on the relation of the closing price with the previous day closing price. Identifying a trend or a reversal will be a lot easier if we are using Japanese candlesticks.

The OHLC charts makes us focus on trying to find significant signs of a developing pattern, ant this will lead to an extensive research before finally entering a trade. This could be considered one of the strengths of the western line charts, since they will force the trader to analyse carefully the next move.

Chart reading and trading is something subjective, and will depend of each individual trader. Japanese candlestick and OHLC charts are the most used technical analysis graphic systems(however, Japanese candlestick charts are the most popular),that’s why I compared them. It would not be a bad idea to use two tabs, one with each chart style, when we are using a web based charting program.

4 de diciembre de 2017

BinaryOptions. com - El sitio de opciones binarias más informado, conocedor y educativo

Candlesticks & Opciones binarias

Binary options is a financial derivative product that attracts no taxation in many countries because it is classified as a form of gambling. The all or none nature of this market also prompts many of its participants to approach the market with the same mentality that those in the casinos of Las Vegas and Macau use in their activity. When these gambler traders start losing money, they blame everyone else but themselves. Binary options trading is not a gambling activity; something as easy as a little candlestick trade analysis can radically transform trade outcomes and push the trader into profitability.

Candlesticks have long been recognized as a way of analyzing the market for trade signals. If they can work in the conventional markets and the same assets traded in these markets are traded in the binary options market, why can’t candlesticks be used to trade binary options?

Using candlesticks to trade binary options is one weapon that a trader can use to pick out trade signals that can be used to trade the Call/Put and the Touch/No Touch trade types.

Candlestick patterns can be divided into the continuation and reversal candlestick patterns. Whichever one you decide to use is immaterial. What is more important is being able to use a candlestick pattern correctly for a trade type that you have chosen.

Overs/Unders & Candlesticks

In order to decipher if an asset will end the trade higher or lower than the market price, the first thing is to determine what direction the candlesticks are saying. If the trader is using a reversal candlestick, the odds of the trade succeeding are actually greater than if a continuation candlestick pattern is used. Reversal patterns have a reliability index. There are the highly reliable patterns (such as the morning and evening Doji star patterns), and there are those with moderate reliability. There are also some that require added methods of technical analysis to confirm the reversal (the pinbars). Let us demonstrate the use of a candlestick pattern to trade binary options.

Pull the various asset charts and identify those with candlestick patterns showing promise. To access the charts, simply download the MT4 platform from a forex broker with an asset base that touches on the asset class traded in the binary options market. FXCM is a good example as it has currencies, stock indices and commodities in its asset list.

When you have identified a chart with candlesticks for potential of profits, take note of the time frame of the chart being shown. This will come in handy when calculating the expiry.

Identify the candlestick pattern being shown, and note the direction that it indicates the trade will go.

The first three steps are illustrated on this chart of the crude oil asset. The time frame is the daily chart, and the candlestick pattern is the bearish harami (a bearish reversal pattern). This points out to the trader that the bias for the asset is decidedly bearish, and so the trader should be positioned to go for a PUT trade. This takes us to the fourth step.

It is possible for the trader to get the first three steps right, and then have the trade knocked off by a faulty expiry setting. Setting the expiry for the trade requires the trader to look at the time frame of the chart, and then give enough time for the trade to end in the money. For the trade above, it would be foolhardy on the trader’s part to set an intraday expiry following the bearish harami. We can see that the next candle that formed is a hanging man, and this pinbar is formed by price retreating to intraday lows before being pushed higher to its close that completes the pinbar pattern. The intraday push upwards is something that can easily ruin the trade if an intraday expiry is used.

The correct thing to do is to give away at least two candles, using the second candle time as the expiry. The time frame of the chart will then educate the trader on what that will translate into in terms of the expiry time to be used.

Touch/No Touch & Candlesticks

There are a few differences with the Touch/No Touch trade. The TOUCH strike price should be in the direction of the reversal, and the NO TOUCH strike price should be set above the highs of the candlesticks that form the reversal pattern.

Using these principles, the trader can easily pick profits every week from the markets.

Binary Options Candlestick Charts

When it comes to binary options trading, or any type of investment the more information the investor has the better. In binary options trading it is critical to be able to visualize all the pertinent information and catch all the signals of a given market.

Reading and Using Binary Options Candlestick Charts

Once you get the basic idea of how these charts work you will see what a great tool they can be. Market information is graphed in such a way that the indicators look like a series of little candles, which is how this type of charting gets its name. Information shown compactly on binary options candlestick charts includes:

High price

Low price

Opening price

Closing price

Every small “candlestick” shows all of this information for every day. The body of the candle indicates the difference between the open price and close price for the asset on any given day. The color of the body of the “candle” shows whether the market is bullish or bearish. If the color is green it means that the closing price was higher than opening, and if it is red it means the opposite. High price is shown by a “wick” coming out of the top and the low price is shown as a “tail” coming out of the bottom.

Each small candle on binary options candlestick charts shows an immense amount of information that is critical for every trader to have to make wise investment decisions. Watching the trends is much easier when using this type of chart and catching the signals is crucial to investment success. Binary options candlestick charts give the smart trader the edge over all the rest.

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Trading: Understanding Candlestick Charts

Trading: Understanding Candlestick Charts 5.00 / 5 (100.00%) 1 vote

Trading today carries with it many risks, but it also has significant rewards. Avoiding one while in search of the other is naturally the primary aim. There are a number of tools available for examining market conditions, and these can be of great help in the achieving the goal of profiting with as little risk as possible. Many investors, day traders and financial institutions today use candlestick charts as part of their analytical efforts. Data used in a candlestick chart will create patterns that can indicate market turning points, and this can help investors to decrease risk. Understanding candlestick charts can help the new and uninitiated to gain a better perspective on trading, risk and a productive analysis of market data.

What They Are

Candlestick charts plot pricing data in way that visually resembles candlesticks. The opening and closing prices entered for the charts form the bodies of the candles, and the low price and high price form the wicks. The patterns created and the shapes of the candle parts provide insights about the movement of prices. Color coding in some charts can help to make the candlestick charts more visually intuitive. The charts can be very simple or highly intricate, but they are all based on the same principle.

Creating Candlestick Charts

Beginners can create candlestick charts easily with any spreadsheet program at their disposal. Four columns of data are entered, and a label column is inserted. The four data columns are the low price, opening price, closing price and the high for the period entered. The charting tool for the spreadsheet program used can automatically create the chart. Simply choose to use a trend chart from the selections presented in the tool. When the tool is finished, the chart will show the candlesticks for each asset of data included.

Reading the Charts

It is important to look closely and determine the opening and closing prices on the chart, as that indicates whether the shaded candles are the bullish ones or bearish ones. Changing the order of the opening and closing columns in the spreadsheet changes the shading of the candles in the chart. No matter the shading of the candles, the wicks at each end indicate the low and high prices. With experience, traders can learn how the candle bodies reflect price movements. The length of each candlewick is as illuminating as the length of the candle bodies, as traders also come to realize.

A part of understanding candlestick charts is learning the best way to use them. There are times to heed them, and there are times to ignore them. There are also things to do in conjunction with making use of them. Traders need to begin by not allowing preconceived notions about market conditions to color the analysis of the charts. Traders should also use technical indicators in addition to the candlestick charts to help formulate the best conclusions about market trends.

Acerca de Admin

Understanding Candlestick Charts in Forex Trading

Most Forex brokers will provide their clients with a trading platform that offers some form of charting. The forex trading platforms will usually offer three different types of charts including line charts, bar charts and candlestick charts.

For many forex traders candlestick charts are the most popular. One reason for this may be that the candle is the most visual representation of the market within a particular timeframe. One major difference between candlestick charts and line and bar charts is that the two each time frame has a color representation of market direction. We were going it’s over various time frames the trader can quickly assess whether the market is in an uptrend or downtrend.

Candlestick charting originated from Japan over 300 years ago. It was used in forecasting the rice market which was the currency of that time. This is the reason that the names for many of the candles are in Japanese.

Each part of a candle represents different prices within the timeframe. The “body” shows the open and close price within that timeframe. The “wick” or lines extending above and below the “real body” represent the high and low price for that timeframe. As we mentioned earlier the color of the real body represents whether the candle is a down candle usually the colors to represent our Red or black for down is green or white for up.

One type of candle that does not have a real body is referred to as a doji candle. This is because the open price and the closing price or the same. The result looks like a cross or a t. As you learn more and more about candlestick charting you’ll learn that combining candle patterns will represent direction of the market. These candles patterns can also signal a pivot or reversal in the market as well.

To learn more please visit www. clmforex. com

Trading Forex and Derivatives carries a high level of risk, including the risk of losing substantially more than your initial investment. Also, you do not own or have any rights to the underlying assets. The effect of leverage is that both gains and losses are magnified. You should only trade if you can afford to carry these risks. Los derivados de negociación pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversores, así que asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y busque asesoramiento independiente si es necesario.

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Candlestick Patterns

Candlestick Patterns admin 2017-06-03T08:21:51+00:00

Introduction to trading candlestick Patterns

The use of candlestick charts is done with the purpose of allowing the binary options trader can learn more about the market sentiment before executing a trade. The information provided by these charts exceeds what can be derived from the standard of bar charts, where high and low are the main focus points.

Candlestick charts instead will show how to open and close relations of price correct at the moment. One of the main benefits for traders of binary options is that candlestick charts make it easy to identify a reversal of the trend of value of assets or a trend of stability in the value of the asset. This can be one of the most difficult tasks to accomplish when the binary options trading. In addition, candle charts can be used to select different input and output.

The following is an example of the basic candlestick :

The length of the body represents the difference between the value of opening and closing, with the Wicks that represent the highest and lower prices for the period of time. The thicker body allows marketers to quickly see how close are the opening and closing price. The shadow area, which represents the ranges of asset prices, which are the least likely to be achieved, can also be easily noticed.

This basic candle is exactly the opposite. with the solid body signaling a decrease in asset prices. Once again. the issues of length. since it means how extensive the decline really is.

On the left is the much lower shadow. which is on the rise. On the right is the far superior shadow. which is bearish. In both cases. the shade should be at least the same size as the body of the candlestick. When using these. the greater the length of the shadow area. more reliable will be the signal.

Hammer makes easy to identify a trend of decline in the value of assets. This signal should include a shade that is at least 2 x the length of the body of the candlestick.

Shooting Star Candlestick

Shooting Star is mainly shadow. This shows the session lows that occur only after an uptrend. or while an uptrend.

This pattern Hey, Fletcher Christian shows two candlesticks. In this pattern the small body contrasts with the large body of previous trading session.

The following provides a simple explanation of some of the most used candlestick patterns.

The doji occurs when the open and the close for the day are the same. Shows indecision and can often mean in pending weakness in an uptrend.

Bearish Engulfing (BeE)

In an uptrend. the day a little white body occurs. The prices the next day opens in new highs and sell quickly. shutting down the open of the previous day.

Bullish Engulfing (BuE)

In an uptrend. the day a little white body occurs. The prices the next day opens in new highs and sell quickly. shutting down the open of the previous day.

Candlestick Chart Example

This image of candlestick patterns in action may seem complicated at first glance. Take some time to memorize each of the different patterns. Binary options traders wishing to use candlesticks as indicator are advised to memorize the most basic symbols first and then move on to more advanced symbols. In binary options trading. candlestick patterns can serve as a powerful source of fundamental analysis. By being able to quickly identify patterns based on the commercial behaviour. the merchant will immediately take advantage.

It’s far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price. (Warren Buffett)

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Weak points of the Japanese Candlestick charts

Weak points of the japanese candlestick charts

The japanese candlesticks charts/graphics are tools used by most binary options traders in their technical analysis of the financial markets, because they provide them with a fast and easy way of establishing a relation between the open and close prices and the general “feeling” of the trading session they represent. Even if all of this is true, the japanese candlestick graphics have some weaknesses, and in this article we are going to explain some of them.

Let’s have a look at the following image:

As you can see, the candlestick in the picture has a long, white real body and short wicks, and it shows the open, close, high and low prices clearly. When we see this candle we assume that during the time interval it represents the bulls dominated and the price went up sharp and steadily …but this is not always correct. The japanese candlesticks show us the high and low of the session, but they don’t tell us which one was reached first, so different price movements can result in the same candle being created. Let’s see an example about what I just wrote:

Both these examples will result in the candlestick of the first image being created, but as you can see the price movement is not the same and they indicate us a different price behaviour:

In the first example the price makes a small movement down after the open, reaching the low of the session and creating the small lower wick, then it rises sharply and reachs the high of the session, after which falls slightly until the close, creating the small upper wick. This behaviour will lead us to think that the bulls dominated the session and that there is a strong bulling pressure.

In the second example the price rises sharply after the open, reaching the high, falls sharply reaching the low and finally rises again until the close. In this session there was buying and selling pressure, and the bulls didn’t domintate all the time …which is what the candlestick will lead us to think.

These are just two of th e multiple price movements that could create the same candlestick. This doesn’t mean that the japanese candlestick graphics aren’t useful, far from that;the japanese candlestick graphics have many uses and they are a potent tool to use in our technical analysis, but as any tool they have weaknesses and limitations that we must always have in mind. Also, even if different price movements can create the same candlestick, the price’s behaviour in the previous sessions will let us predict accurately the most probable movement in the current session.

If you want to read more about the japanese candlestick graphics, their usefulness as a tool in our technical analysis and the most used patterns you can read this article:Japanese candlestick charts in binary options trading .

Tagged with Candlestick Charting

Saturday, February 1st, 2017 by Tim Lanoue

Understanding the fundamentals and complexities of day trading takes time and commitment which is why today we are going to scratch the surface of one of the most complex topics associated with day trading. Price action is the root of any asset and its movement determines whether your trade prediction ends up as a win or loss. Having a slight understanding of candlestick charting, trends, and time frames is what price action is all about. Moving forward we will cover the basics associated with price action and online trading.

What is Price Action?

Price action is a term designated for online trading that means the summation of all buy and sell orders at any given moment of time. Price action can last as little as a second or can be infinite since time is continuous. To further explain this, all the buy and sell orders that occur in the market place dictate price action, it simply the assets movement over any period of time. In the picture below you can see an example of price action.

What is Candlestick Charting?

Candlestick charting is simply a chart style chosen by a majority of traders because it symbolizes the opening, duration, and closing of a candle. This style of charting is very popular among Forex and binary options because it allows traders to determine how the asset is performing and approximately when the candle is about to close/open. In the picture below you can see an example how our candlesticks look.

The opening of the candle is wear it starts whereas the closing is where it ends. There are two types of candles associated with candlestick charting. The first type of candle is a bearish candle, meaning that the direction that the candle is moving is downward. The last type of candle that can be seen is a bullish candle, it displays an upward movement.

What are Price Action Trends?

Price action trends are trends that occur throughout an assets market hours. There are three types of trends associated with price action, the first being a bullish trend. A bullish trend is characterized by a strong upward movement throughout an assets overall trend, an example can be seen below.

The second type of trend commonly seen with price action would be a bearish trend. A bearish trend is an asset that displays a strong downward movement unlike a bullish trend. The last type of trend that can be seen would be a neutral trend, meaning that there is no clear upward or downward direction associated with the assets trend. In the picture below you can see an example of both trends.

Understanding the basics of price action is essential if you want to become a successful trader. Without the practical knowledge of price action it is nearly impossible for traders to properly implement strategies that involve the use of indicators or advance trend trading. This is the root and basis that all strategies are built around, if you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment below. For more information on Candlestick charting you can visit the Binary Candlesticks Charts Guide!

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Trading Binary Options With Candlestick Charts And Bollinger Bands

EU Licensed Broker: http://bancdebinarybankers. com USA Friendly Broker: http://porterfinancecapital. com Candlestick/Bollinger Band Charts: http://fxempire. com/charts/live-forex-charts/ Strategy In Detail: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=250SrBP4v0U You really do not need etoro charts as I provided link to free candlestick and bollinger bands charts at fxempire link in video description. Be sure to select "majors" to analyze various currency pairs. Then select time scale to "1min". and "studies" to bollinger bands.

If you are one of the people who look at various ways to make money online, you have probably read or heard about binary options trading. In case you haven't heard, binary options trading has had many people flocking to reap the rewards. There are several reasons why binary trading is the method that is becoming more popular. Here are the top five reasons.

Binary trading is easy. It's a very simple system to learn. This trading options is not near as complicated as some other markets. Even a beginner can figure it out and make it work for them. Ease of use is probably the most common reason people cannot wait to get started trading with binary options. More information can be obtained from a binary options broker.

This type of trading also includes time limits (or expirations). It goes quick. The outcome of your trade is determined within just a few moments. This is why many investors choose this because they don't have to wait for days to find out the results. Either way it goes, the simplicity and quickness are appealing to traders from all walks of life.

Binary options also offer the ability to trade multiple expiriations as well as multiple products simultaneously. This is possible because it is for such a short period of time. This enables traders to participate in these multiple trades and possibly increase their chances of profitability. This is another very popular reason people choose to trade options.

Trading with binary options is also one of the least expensive ways to trade. You can generally get in for as low as five dollars. A trader can select various investment amounts as he determines his risk level. That's another benefit that keeps people coming back for more. If they can invest a small amount and possibly win a larger amount, you can bet there are thousands of people who will take advantage of this.

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EU Licensed Broker: http://bancdebinarybankers. com USA Friendly Broker: http://porterfinancecapital. com Candlestick/Bollinger Band Charts: http://fxempire. com/charts/live-forex-charts/ Strategy In Detail: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=250SrBP4v0U You really do not need etoro charts as I provided link to free candlestick and bollinger bands charts at fxempire link in video description. Be sure to select “majors” to analyze various currency pairs. Then select time scale to “1min”. and “studies” to bollinger bands.

If you are one of the people who look at various ways to make money online, you have probably read or heard about binary options trading. In case you haven’t heard, binary options trading has had many people flocking to reap the rewards. There are several reasons why binary trading is the method that is becoming more popular. Here are the top five reasons.

Binary trading is easy. It’s a very simple system to learn. This trading options is not near as complicated as some other markets. Even a beginner can figure it out and make it work for them. Ease of use is probably the most common reason people cannot wait to get started trading with binary options. More information can be obtained from a binary options broker.

This type of trading also includes time limits (or expirations). It goes quick. The outcome of your trade is determined within just a few moments. This is why many investors choose this because they don’t have to wait for days to find out the results. Either way it goes, the simplicity and quickness are appealing to traders from all walks of life.

Binary options also offer the ability to trade multiple expiriations as well as multiple products simultaneously. This is possible because it is for such a short period of time. This enables traders to participate in these multiple trades and possibly increase their chances of profitability. This is another very popular reason people choose to trade options.

Trading with binary options is also one of the least expensive ways to trade. You can generally get in for as low as five dollars. A trader can select various investment amounts as he determines his risk level. That’s another benefit that keeps people coming back for more. If they can invest a small amount and possibly win a larger amount, you can bet there are thousands of people who will take advantage of this.

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Trading with candlestick charts

February 18, 2017 By Traderguy

A candlestick chart is a technical analysis tool which is a bar chart applied to demonstrate price movements of an asset trading at a market over time. It is a combination of a line-chart and a bar-chart with each bar or “candle” showing the range of price movements over a given time interval. It is used by traders to detect market sentiment of an equity, derivative or currency which are not always only driven by fundamental factors.

Candlesticks are rectangular vertical boxes with vertical lines, one extending up and another extending below called shadows. The vertical body, the “candle,” shows the opening and closing prices for the asset of the day, and the shadows show the high and low prices for the day. If the candle is white, the prices are up that day and, conversely, are black if prices are down that day. However more trading systems are replacing black and white with red for a lower closing and green for a higher closing.

Candlesticks supposedly came from 17th century Japanese rice traders who observed that price patterns repeat themselves, and to the observant trader, this could mean trading profits. Today, Candlestick charts also convey more information than say the open-high-low-close form of charts. Candlesticks show absolute values and by their colors, they show prices relative to the prior periods’ prices, so that you can tell if the price action is higher or lower from the previous period. Some signaling systems even allow for candlesticks to be designed to show open-high-low-close for a specified volume range, e. g. 1,000, 100,000, or 1 million shares per candlestick. With time, 42 definitions of price movement have emerged with handbooks readily available to define pricing action for the trader. Understanding the pricing action can be the signal the trader needs to trade profitably.

This is very important for the binary option trader because they should know what is the price action of the equity underlying the option, since investor sentiment can diverge from fundamental economic news. Candlesticks can show changing market sentiments which can direct your trading strategy. Here is an example, a Doji is a flat candlestick with varying wicks. This indicates that the open and closing prices were very close yet trading during the day was high and low. If this candlestick shows up in a well established market, a reversal could be imminenet. Let’s say that you have been observing the US NASDAQ market which has been on a down trend, and the Doji pops up. After checking some fundamentals, you may want to place a buy call trade to catch the newly emerging bullish trend.

You can use candlesticks to trade a market index, an individual stock, or even Forex with binary options. Candlesticks visually quantify the market, and are easy to read. Thus a trader should not miss key market signals leadin to bad trades. Also, candlesticks can be overlayed on fundamental charts to gain better visabiloity of market action. Many a successful trader has used candlesticks to reach their goal of super profitable traading.

Posted 2 May 2017

The 24Option binary options broker is known to have a binary options platform that is fairly well developed and highly appealing to traders. Few days ago when we discussed the fact that the Cedar Finance broker launched the super turbo binary options in spite of warnings. we have seen that the 24option broker has a better reputation as this latter also offered very short-term binary options, such as 30 seconds, thus making it possible to earn profits in the very short term, hence making this broker part of the brokers that offer innovative services that are at the cutting edge technology with respect to binary options. Today we return once again to the 24option broker because it has recently developed its platform one step further by adding Japanese candlestick charts to binary options.

Japanese candlestick charts

The graphic representations in the Japanese candlestick charts also called “candles” are types of graphics used in technical market analysis to represent the course of an asset such as that of a currency pair, a share, an index, a raw material, or a share of a company listed on the stock market, and view its fluctuations.

Japanese candlestick charts allow traders to have access to a graphical representation of any value during a previous period, the previous graphic representation but also the present one (candlestick chart during training) is expected to provide guidance to traders on the future direction of the rate and thus encourage them to take a position on the market by focusing on either the downward or upward position. 24option decided to incorporate this type of graphic in its binary options platform. thus allowing it to stand out from competitor binary options brokers which for the most part do not offer a simple online graph to their traders.

The technical analysis platform of 24option

It is therefore now possible to choose the type of desired chart on the binary options platform of the 24option broker. Depending upon own preference, the trader can display the Japanese candlestick chart (candlesticks) in OHLC (open high low close) or even online. Of course the time unit (timeframe) is customized according to the preferences of each trader. It is possible to display the Japanese candlestick chart as 60 seconds, 5 minutes, 30 minutes and 1 hour. The platform allows its traders to create designs on the graph, they can use the basics of technical analysis such as horizontal lines, vertical lines, trendlines (trendlines), parallel lines and Zig Zag lines over a multitude of geometric shapes.

An extensive list of technical indicators, such as MACD, RSI, Stochastic, Bollinger bands and moving averages, which are well-known technical analysis tools, are also integrated into the platform by 24option and are expected to help traders in their analyzes. Also it should be noted that an entire menu is dedicated to the Fibonacci indicators, where we find Fibonacci retracements, Fibonacci areas, the range of the Fibonacci or the Fibonacci scopes, hence offering traders the possibility to carry out the most advanced graphical analyzes and draw the best conclusions in order to take a position on the market effectively and intelligently.

All the features mentioned here-above are available trading instruments that the broker proposes to its traders to speculate on and make money. Traders who practice “traditional” trading with forex brokers already benefiting from this type of advanced platforms (such as the MetaTrader trading platform) will now be able to benefit from the same kind of work environment this time with a quality binary options broker and above all in the form of a webtrader (internet browser) that does not require any software downloads or any installation on the computer. The 24option broker fills a gap that some binary options traders could be experiencing. Further note that another binary options broker also offers a similar platform on which technical analysis can be carried out using advanced graphics through Japanese candlesticks and technical indicators; this broker is OptionTime. regulated by 12 financial regulators.

100% bonus on deposit negotiated with 24option

In addition to keeping the public informed of what is happening within the binary options industry and of news and offers from the brokers, our team has been on a mission to offer traders the best binary options bonuses. It has negotiated exceptional bonuses with most brokers in our comparative chart of binary options brokers. Upon opening a trading account through this website with the 24option broker, it is for example possible to benefit from a 100% bonus on deposit (to directly double one’s initial investment), whereas the broker normally offers a 20% bonus.

Being a reader of this website, another advantage that will automatically be available to traders who proceed to opening a trading account with a broker is the BonusBinaryOptions. net guarantee, i. e. the protection of our team in case of conflict encountered with a broker. Upon simple contact made on your behalf through our binary options forum, via our system of comments on the blog or e-mail, we will be aware of the problem encountered with the broker in question and we will try to find a quick solution thanks to our special relationship with most binary options brokers.


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You are here: Home / News & Tools / Binary options trading using candlestick techniques

Binary options trading using candlestick techniques

There are a multitude of different ways to analyse the markets for potentially successful binary options trades. These are usually categorised as either technical or fundamental methods of market analysis which give traders an insight in to the future direction of price in financial markets. Although these are not always 100% reliable, they give traders and important edge and can be applied very successfully to binary options trading in terms of predicting if price will be higher or lower on any given time frame. One of the most effective ways to use a specific analytic technique is to utilise the ‘candlestick’ charting option provided by many online brokers and software programmes.

What are candlesticks?

Trading with candlestick charts has been used successfully for several centuries; initially being applied by Japanese rice traders as a way to speculate on its future commodity value. The concept is both simple and effective, with each price bar representing the open, close, high and low of any particular price bar. The main ‘body’ of the candle consists of the relationship between the opening and closing price of that bar, with the typical default colours of a green body representing a higher close and a red body showing that the market has closed lower. The candle ‘wicks’, which often extend from each end of the body of the price bar, reflect the high and low of the time period and which provide additional information about the price-action in the market to the trader.

Incorporating candlesticks in to your trading strategy

Using candlesticks effectively with traditional higher or lower binary options can range from applying some of the most basic, but powerful, candlestick analysis through to complex trading systems of which candlesticks make up just one element. Focusing on the most straightforward technique’s, candlesticks can be used to determine if the market is going to move higher or lower in the near future. The way that they do this is by providing an indication of the price action which occurs within each candles time period. This creates familiar-looking candle patterns which, to those who know what they are looking for, can provide a strong indication that purchasing higher or lower binary options will have a high likelihood of success.

Candlesticks are great for spotting market reversals

Using candlesticks to spot market reversals can be one of the most reliable ways to be profitable trading binary options. Candlestick patterns such as ‘shooting stars’, ‘abandoned baby’ and bullish and bearish ‘outside bars’ are some of the most reliable indications that the current trend is becoming exhausted and a reversal or correction is highly probable. These candles either operate in isolation, such as the long ‘wick’ on a shooting star candlestick, or form a pattern of several candles which then create a familiar trading pattern.

Candlesticks and key levels provide the best trading opportunities

Combining candlesticks with key levels on trading charts is undoubtedly the most powerful price action analysis available to binary options traders. Key levels are created where many other traders place their purchase orders in the market and form important areas of support and resistance. Of these, the most important are daily pivot levels, Fibonacci retracement levels and psychologically-important zones such as round orders. These areas become even more significant when candlesticks begin to form familiar reversal or continuation patterns close to these areas. Whilst most traders know approximately where the majority of orders lie in the market, how the market will react to these is something that gives candlestick traders an edge in predicting which way price will move when it comes in to contact with these zones. For binary options traders, this provides an excellent opportunity to confidently predict lower or higher when price reacts at these key levels

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Using candlestick charts for binary options

February 25, 2017 @ 6:57 am

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Charting techniques is one of the most important aspects in any kind of trading to conduct systematically and this can now also be used for trading in Binary options. Anyone who is into trading and would like to make a decent earning needs to try trading with the help of charting techniques as it is termed one of the best and successful ways to trade . Traders with the help of charting procedures can indeed trade binary options for a living.

To implement the same in Binary options, one initially needs to know what Charting is all about. I am going to help you understand what this means and how you as a trader can implement these techniques to achieve successful trades. The basic chart does not provide as information as provided by a candlestick chart. The nodes on the candlesticks help us understand the opening price and the closing price of a unit . The color of the candlestick can be used to determine if the time period was a positive one or negative one. Red color indicates negative and the color green is used to indicate positive time period. This is a proven binary options strategy that works.

Traders also need to understand that the Binary options trading with candle stick methodology is entirely different way to trading when compared to the other trading options like the Forex or commodity market or stock market trading.

Candlestick Charting is a Very Good Beginning

Not everyone can be lucky to make money with binary options . The Candlestick Charting can be used by any person who is also a layman in binary trading and make a fresh start, a start which most of us look forward to. Traders can make good use of the modern charting, which also has some of the best tools of technical analysis. They can also make use of some mathematical tools like the moving averages or stochastic .

Candlestick Charting is a way to success

For a large number of people who are surfing the internet is looking for information, but there are a number of traders who have spent a number of years trying to learn the insides of the candlestick patterns. This is the most advantageous analysis as few secrets like a risk stabilizing system, multi indicator system, a price indicator for supply and demand as well as a profit trade technology . Most of the trading signals which are indicated by these are proven to be 80% -100% accurate . Not every trading software provides its using with the software which can be used for candlestick analysis. Traders can also opt for charting software which can be used to track the unit which he is trading on.

Why use software to trade in binary option trading?

Though it is said by one and all that the trading in binary options is much different from other platforms, it does not require a buy and sell. All one needs to trade in binary options is to predict the price movement of a particular equity. Hence the help of well known software can indeed be very help full in making such predictions.

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Important Risk Note: Trading binary options can generate significant benefits but also involves a risk of partial or full funds loss and should be considered by initial investors. Le aconsejamos que lea nuestros términos y condiciones y la página de responsabilidad antes de realizar cualquier inversión. Los clientes deben ser conscientes de su responsabilidad individual sobre la ganancia de capital en su país de residencia. USA REGULATION NOTICE: Most Binary Options Companies are not regulated within the United States. Estas compañías no están supervisadas, conectadas o afiliadas a ninguna de las agencias reguladoras como la Comisión de Comercio de Futuros de Mercancías (CFTC), la Asociación Nacional de Futuros (NFA), la SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) o la FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority). Risk Disclosure: BestBinaryOptionBrokers. net does not accept any liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on the information contained within this website; Esto incluye material educativo, cotizaciones de precios y gráficos y análisis. Tenga en cuenta los riesgos asociados con el comercio de los mercados financieros; Nunca invierta más dinero del que puede arriesgarse a perder. Los riesgos involucrados en el comercio de opciones binarias son altos y pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversionistas. BestBinaryOptionBrokers. net doesn’t retain responsibility for any trading losses you might face as a result of using the data hosted on this site. Los datos y las cotizaciones contenidas en este sitio web no son proporcionados por los intercambios, sino más bien por los creadores de mercado. Así que los precios pueden ser diferentes de los precios de cambio y pueden no ser exactos a los precios de comercio en tiempo real. Se suministran como una guía para el comercio y no para fines comerciales. The FTC Required Affiliate Disclosure: BestBinaryOptionBrokers. net is a professional review site that receives compensation from the companies whose products we review. We test each product thoroughly and give high marks to only the very best. We are independently owned and the opinions expressed here are our own.

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If you wish to take your trading to the next level then you will have to be able to read and analyse charts to make precise decisions on which direction to go either Up/Down and also the time frame that you will need to select to be in the profit range till the expiry time is over, you must have noticed on your broker that you do not get much tools to help you in making your predictions, on the broker graphs you will just see the basic price rate and the trends and that's about it so the broker graphs are very limited and do not offer much for us to draw our analysis on.

Investors need to be fully equipped to take on the markets and so our arsenal as got to be stacked with all the indicators, strategies, technical analysis tools plus we got to include money management and risk reduction techniques this is just how it is if you want to trade successfully, many of us have come across a signal service that did not deliver results advertised and we ended up losing our account balance, so to free our selves from ever wanting a another signal service provider we got to become our own signal service and there is no better way to do than to learn advance chart reading now let me get into the heart of the topic by listing out the Top 4 Charting Systems in Binary Options .

1.MT4 - Metatrader4 is the most famous charting system of Binary Options and Forex and also is the system that am currently using, it has large indicator list with tutorial guides for basic chart set-ups and also very easy to navigate plus you can upload your own indicators to the system.

2. ThinkorSwim - Growing in popularity and a lot more advanced than MT4 is the think or swim, this chart system is used by more seasoned traders and allows you to monitor multiple charts at once plus has a much larger indicator list with more technical analysis tools, to get access you will have to register a paper money account.

3. FreeStockCharts - If you love to trade stocks then this charting system is for you does not have much on commodities though but still a great choice for beginners.

4. Investing - Last but not least we have investing. com/ been around for quite a while and has every chart you will ever need for Forex , Stocks , Indices and C o mmodities also you can get up to date news release that will let you know the state of the markets.

Now that we have the charting systems listed let us get into the candlestick chart set up and how to analyse them correctly and what each of them represents, below is a video of a quick candle stick chart set up.

What are Candlesticks?

First created by the Japanese is a style of financial chart used to describe price movements of a security, derivative or currency, for Binary Options we are focusing on mostly the currencies, the candlestick patterns are a form of technical analysis that can be used in all time frames, these patterns gives a clear picture of the market turning points and when used correctly they can decrease the market risk exposure.

There are three main parts of a candlestick and they are the upper shadow, real body and lower shadow:

Upper Shadow - The vertical line between the high of the day and close (bullish candle) or open (bearish candle)

Real Body - The difference between the open and the close it is the coloured portion of the candlestick

Lower Shadow - The vertical line between the low of the day and the open (bullish candle) or close (bearish candle)

Chart Colour Insights

Green Body – Up trend, Bullish movement.

Red Body – Down trend, Bearish movement.

In the next topic I will illustrating different candlestick patterns for you all so that you can identify them on your graphs to look for possible set-ups, I hope you all enjoyed my first article on charts and indicators.

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Heikin Ashi Candlestick Indicator

Heikin Ashi Candlestick Indicator

Technical Heikin Ashi Candlestick Indicator Strategy

Heikin Ashi candlesticks can be an extremely helpful tool when performing technical analysis for binary options trades. Although they appear similar to any other candlesticks within a chart, the calculations that are applied are not the same. Conventional candlesticks are a bit limiting because they only reveal opening/closing and high/low prices. Heikin Ashi candles are different in that they are marked on technical charts in relation to the past price movement. Their primary function is that of providing traders with a clear picture of how an asset price is moving.

Market noise often leads to losses, as too much clutter within charts can cause traders to overlook opportunities out of fear that the asset price may reverse direction. Heikin Ashi candles help to filter out this noise, making it easier to get to the root of price action. In doing so, trends will be easier to identify at an early point, as will the potential for an upcoming reversal. Basic use will include taking a Call trade when a bullish candle closes, or a Put trade when a bearish candle closes. Simple enough, but there is a bit more to consider.

Calculation averages are used, so Heikin Ashi is somewhat of a lagging indicator. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as some lag can prevent early exit from the market. These candles clearly display movement, allowing traders to push emotions aside and enter into a trade based upon facts and data rather than feelings. So long as the candles continue to remain a specific color, (more on this below) trader can rest assured that the price is headed in the indicated direction and can trade accordingly.

The calculations performed by this indicator will be done for you when using a high quality technical chart. If you wish to use this binary options strategy, you’ll have to select a charting package that offers the Heikin Ashi indicator. Although each technical chart will vary in its use, it should be possible to select this indicator and have the associated price chart load with just a click or two. There are plenty of free charting packages available online, some of which can be used from a web browser, and some of which will need to be downloaded and installed on your computer.

Now, more on the color of these candles. Each trade decision will be based upon the color of the candles. Blue will go along with a Call signal, while red will go along with a Put signal. While the colors remain, it will be possible to trade along with the trend for a period of time. Once the color changes, it may then be possible to trade along with the reversal. This is one of the hallmarks of a great binary options strategy – the ability to use it to trade on more than one type of price action.

This Heikin Ashi strategy will be even more effective if another form of verification is used. For example, support and resistance lines which can show when an asset is being overbought or oversold. Keep in mind that when traditional candlesticks are not showing a clear direction, Heikin Ashi candlesticks may do so. No binary options trade should be based upon a single indicator, so do take the time to validate market entry by viewing various other indicators.

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Binary options and Forex trading carries a high level of risk and may result in partial loss or of your entire investment. You should be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to participate in this kind of negotiation. Keep in mind that this type of business is not suitable for all people. Never invest money that you cannot afford to lose. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.

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Most binary option traders use Japanese candlestick charts for technical analysis. Some choose to trade using tick charts but in most cases it’s the 300 year-old candlestick chart system that is still in use today. The closes thing to the actual price is the price data itself and the candlestick chart represents current price data and its direct supply and demand dynamics which translates into investors’ mind-set. The candlestick formations illustrated below are especially helpful in trading binary options because they signal an upcoming correction or a change of trend .

This is another strategy for trading the Call/Put binary options contract, and involves the use of the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo indicator. As discussed in a previous strategy, this indicator consists of several components, each of which can be used in different ways to create different trade strategies. We have described a strategy using the Kumo. For the strategy we shall describe here, we shall use the Tenkan line and Kijun line in what is called the TK Cross.

A price channel is formed when a trend line connecting the highs and another trend line connecting the lows of candlestick price action can be seen to be parallel to each other. Price will stay within these boundaries until such a time when the price breaks either of the two trend lines as a result of strong market forces.

Channels can be formed in an uptrend or downtrend to give rising and falling channels respectively. They may also be formed when the market is sideways. The focus of this strategy is to catch the breakout move when it occurs, and use it to initiate a BUY/SELL or CALL/PUT trades, depending on whether American-style or European-style binary options are traded.

If you, like me, trade binary options using the industry standard Meta Trader 4 platform then this post is for you. Especially if you’re looking for an indicator that will help you expand your trading experience and provide valid signals that you could trade on and make profit. La mayoría de los comerciantes pro le dirá que sólo mire a volumen y PA (precio de acción) con vista de velas. Estoy de acuerdo en que este método es eficaz, pero por desgracia sólo funciona para los comerciantes muy experimentados. Aquí me gustaría presentar LIBRE y muy poderosos indicadores para el comercio de opciones binarias. Seguramente estos indicadores serán disfrutados por principiantes, así como, los comerciantes avanzados que utilizan la plataforma MT4 para el análisis técnico.

Understanding Candlestick Chart Patterns

Learn the basics of candles

During the course of this article you’ll learn the answers to so vital questions beginners to binary options trading should know to improve their analytical skills. Éstas incluyen:

What are candlesticks?

Why are they used in binary options trading?

How can I use candlestick charts in my technical analysis?

So let’s dive straight in with the first answer for beginner traders who want to learn more.

What are candlesticks?

Candlesticks are a type of stock price activity indicator that helps you quickly judge the state of the market prices and in which direction the prices are likely to go.

By understanding how the formation of the body of a candlestick looks along with it’s wicks you can make a quick analysis of how the prices are likely to move in the near future.

Candlestick charting lets you know how the prices are moving and what they are likely to be rather than the environmental or economic factors affecting why the prices are, which is better dealt with in fundamental analysis.

Note: A bearish candle is where opening price ends up below the close price and a bullish candle is where the opening price ends up above the close price

Why use candlestick charts with binary options?

As the fundamentals of binary options trading is to predict the direction in which the future asset prices will go, candlesticks can help with this by looking at the formation of them.

Helping to forecast price predictions helps us to know when to make that all important PUT or Call and is the difference to landing in the money or out of it when trading.

So now you know what they are and how they can help you, let’s understand how they can be used and what specific candlestick patterns to look out for on the charts.

Identifying candlestick chart patterns

The formation of the candlesticks real body can tell you how strong the buying or selling pressure on the option is. A longer body coincides with more volatility and heightened pressure on a sell or buy. Where as a shorter body corresponds to greater consolidation and less potential for movement.

The longer the red or filled body the higher the pressure on a selling, whereas the opposite is true for green or empty candlestick bodies where the pressure is greater on buying.

Candlestick shadows, the upper and lower divide

When looking at candlestick formations if you notice that there is a long lower shadow and a short upper shadow above the body this represents that initially sellers were more dominant during the start of the interval however then buyers managed to drive the prices back up before the close.

On the opposite side of that a long upper shadow and a short lower shadow shows that buyers drove the prices up from open and were more dominant. Then at the end of the interval sellers managed to drive the prices downwards quickly before the close.

If you notice that there is equality between the length of the upper and lower shadow along with a short consolidated body, you can gain insight into the fact that neither sellers or buyers were dominant in their trading. These types of sticks are often called spinning tops and if they appear within the right trend on a chart they can represent the potential for change either bullish or bearish .

Bullish and bearish engulfing candles

A bullish engulfing pattern is where the body of a red/filled candle is engulfed within the open and close of the next green or empty candle. These show that there could be a great chance for change from a downward trend to an upward trend. At this point it likely that a CALL option would prevail.

The opposite can be said for a bearish engulfing pattern. Where a green candles body is engulfed by the open and close of the next red candle body. This shows the sentiment for a greater chance at a reversal of the current upward trend and the start of a downward trend. When this occurs then a PUT option would be best.

These are some of the basic patterns of candlestick charts, with more including the hammer and hanging man, tweezers and doji.

You will be able to find this form of analytic tool within most technical analysis sections of the each binary options brokers trading platform. However even though most get their information straight from the source there might be delays, which could affect your decisions. Therefore it can be best to look at dedicated charting platforms for instant up to the minute/second data.

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Using Candlestick Patterns to Trade Effectively

Using Candlestick Patterns to Trade Effectively 5.00 / 5 (100.00%) 1 vote

Out of the many possible candlestick patterns that are used to carry out technical analysis by traders, only a handful are actually useful. In this article, we look at a few of these patterns. It is important to remember that for these patterns to actually be useful to you, you need to have an understanding of what they mean. The patterns are also most effective in identifying trends when combined with other indicators. For example, if you spot a particular pattern on a daily chart, compare it to the hourly chart. If both charts indicate the same thing, then the chances of a reversal are higher and you can take a position with more confidence. A candlestick pattern can appear after a rally (bullish) or following a pullback (bearish).

Interpreting Candlestick Charts

The true value of candlestick charts to the binary options trader is as a tool to spot trend reversals and to identify optimal entry and exit points for trades. However, to use the charts as part of a trading strategy, you must first understand the candle’s anatomy. The elements of the candle contain information that is used to indicate open, close, highest and lowest prices for a given trading period. The end of the bottom wick indicates the lowest price while the height of the upper wick shows the highest trading price during the time period.

Length of the Candlestick

The length of the body explains the difference between the opening and closing prices of the period, with different colors indicating whether the price rose or dropped during the session. Studying the length of the candlestick also provides traders with vital data on the potential direction prices may take. A short candle body is a sign that the market is consolidating and that price movement is restricted. Conversely, if the candle has a long body, there is stronger pressure to buy and sell. If the wicks are long, it suggests a highly volatile market.

Spotting Price Reversals

Candlestick patterns are used to spot reversals in asset prices, which is a key element in creating trading strategies. The most common reversal indicators are the hanging man and hammer candlestick patterns. During periods that prices show a strong downtrend, a hammer formation could signal the probability of bullish trading opportunities and a chance to place new Call options. Conversely, traders can be on the lookout for bearish trading conditions during a period of strong uptrend when they see a hanging man formation. This is because markets are failing after reaching an extreme high, which is indicated by a long upper wick. The appearance of a hanging man pattern is a potential turning point and provides traders with the opportunity to open Put trade positions.

It is clear from the examples above that candlestick patterns can be a very easy and effective way to determine price reversals. This information forms a critical component of any binary options trading strategy by helping traders establish a trading bias. Candlestick charts allow traders to make broad assessments of the conditions in the market at a quick glance.

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Forex Candlestick Definition

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What is forex candlestick chart?

There are 3 basic kinds of charts:

1. Line chart 2. Bar Chart 3. Candlestick Chart The kind of chart we are interested in is the Candlestick chart. It’s the easiest to read and the nicest to look at. It’s the most user friendly and this is the one 90% of Forex traders use.

Forex Candlesticks are the individual boxes you see (Real Body or Body). Some of them have a thin line protruding from the top and/or the bottom (Wicks or Shadows). You can see that there are 2 different colors, red and blue. Originally, there were only white and black, but with modern technology, we are able to color them as we like. Each candlestick tells a story.

There are 4 components of a Forex candlestick. 1. Open 2. High 3. Low 4. Close

The image above shows 2 candles, each a different color. Each Candle is composed of the same 4 elements with one exception, the red candle has the close lower than the open while the blue candle has the close higher than the open.

Each candle takes a period of time to build. This amount of time is reflected on the timeframe of the chart you are using. A 4 hour chart means that a candle takes 4 hours to create, a 15 minute chart means each candle takes 15 minutes to create. When a Forex Candlestick is built, it starts with the open level, this level remains exactly where it starts. Through the course of the creation of the candle, price will bounce up and down making a high and a low and then finally finish with the close. The close completes that candle and then a new candle starts with the open, almost always in the position of the close of the previous candle. A Forex Candlestick that closed higher than it opened is blue and a candle that closed lower than it opened is red. Traditionally, a bull candle was white and a bear candle was black.

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Renko Charts

In financial markets, some traders have to consider the time or volume of their trades, whereas some find it possible to trade based on the price changes alone. This concept is the very foundation of Renko charts, in which time and volume have no role, and only price action is considered. By this characteristic, Renko charts can be likened to Point and Figure charts and Three Line Break charts, but rather than using X - and O-columns. Renko uses price bricks that represent a fixed-price movement.

As mentioned above, Renko charts disregard time in its use. Instead, these charts only consider price movement, which makes them very challenging for some traders, most of whom are used to trading the five-minute. the fifteen-minute. the hourly, or the daily charts. However, because Renko charts have no time dimension, some traders find it to be stripped down and easy to analyze. From this feature, the first thing that can be noticed about Renko charts is their simplicity. The charts are very smooth, and the trends can be clearly delineated; their channels are also very clear. No noise appears to be affecting the charts, and this trait is where the power of the Renko comes in. These charts have many attributes that are very advantageous to those who build their strategies around them.

History and Characteristics of Renko Charts

The Renko chart is invented by Japanese traders. Legend has it that in Feudal Japan, an old bricklayer set colored bricks on top of plain ones by accident. From this incident stemmed the concept of the Renko, or Renga (literally bricks in Japanese). It was Steve Nison in the US, however, who actually popularized Renko Charts in his book, Beyond Candlesticks . Renko charts have been used for quite some time now, and people have traded quite successfully using the tool, despite the unfamiliarity and the discomfort that it brings with its simplicity.

In his book, Nison devotes an entire chapter to Renko charts. Renko candles are described look like small bricks or boxes. They have no upper or lower shadows, and the box size can be changed. A new box will appear on the chart only when a defined level of price change occurs. If the box size is set to a smaller value, then new boxes come faster. Conversely, if the size is set to a higher setting, then a larger price change is needed to produce a new box on the chart. An example of a Renko chart is shown below:

Calculation of Renko Charts

Because time, volume, and direction are disregarded, and because only the change or movement in price is considered, elements of the Renko chart must be simplified to a single price level. This price level is based on the closing price. A “box size” is specified to determine the minimum price change to affect any significance that will be displayed on the chart.

In drawing Renko boxes or “bricks”, the closing price for today is compared with the highest price and lowest price (blue and red) of the previous brick. On the one hand, if the closing price rises above the top of the previous brick by a value that is greater than or equal to the box size, then one or more blue bricks are drawn in the next column. On the other hand, if the closing price falls below the bottom of the previous brick by a value that is greater than or equal to the box size, then one or more red bricks are drawn in the next column. The height of all bricks drawn is always equal to the box size.

If the price moves up or down by more than the box-size. but the movement is not enough to cover two bricks, then only one brick is drawn. For example, a Renko chart with a box size of 2 and whose base price of 85 moved to 82 will produce one red brick based on the movement from 85 to 83. The rest of the move – from 83 to 82 – is not shown. The same rule applies when only a fraction of the box size is reached.

Adding and Using Renko Charts to MetaTrader

To add Renko Charts to MetaTrader, Renko files (including. ex4 and. mq4 or. mq5 files) need to be downloaded and extracted to the MetaTrader installation folder of your machine. For MetaTrader 5, the files can be downloaded here (http://www. mql5.com/en/code/1299 ). Afterward, MetaTrader is restarted, and the chart where the Renko bricks are to be applied is selected.

The following shows a snapshot of EUR/USD using Renko on MetaTrader 5:

As mentioned previously, a standard Renko chart is based on the closing price. To set up Renko, the timeframe and the box size are first selected. In the sample snapshot above, the EUR/USD adopts the 4-hour timeframe and a 30-point box size. The resulting Renko chart shows levels from 1 January 2017 to 31 January 2017 (1 month). The left portion of the image above shows the charting of the given timeframe, and the right portion shows the Renko chart.

Taking a closer look at the chart, we see that red horizontal lines represent the size of each brick according to the fall in price (30 points). The blue areas represent the dates with increasing price levels.

As seen after 1 January 2017, a candlestick closes at 1.3589 (marked with the alt-text ) below 1.3591, which is one of the previously defined price levels (red horizontal lines), thus creating a downward brick on the Renko chart.

After this period, the price becomes stagnant (not closing below 1.3561 or above 1.3651). On 10 January 2017, the candle opening at 20:00 (after the candlestick at 16:00 closes) closes at 1.3663, which is above the 1.3651 price mark. Afterward, the price again becomes stagnant until 20:00 of 14 January 2017 (after the candlestick that opened at 16:00 closes), when it overcomes the price range by creating a new brick that closes at 1.3684.

Then, a downtrend is witnessed where the price breaks through four range levels on the chart during its decline. At 12:00 of 23 January 2017, when the candlestick that opened at 08:00 closes, an upward breakthrough of the price range is seen, which in turn opens two bricks that close at 1.3639. The first brick is clearly visible, whereas the second one is pulled in a long vertical line (because of its simultaneous opening with the first brick).

Renko Charts and Binary Options

Binary options traders use Renko charts because they are easy to use and interpret. These charts are also different than a typical candlestick chart because they filter out all other variables besides price movement. Cancelled noise from the market means that a trader can clearly make his decision based on a major factor. Many applications use Renko charts, including binary options trading. Through Renko, basic support and resistance levels, breakouts, generating signals, and other indicators are discovered and applied for more profitable trades.

One strategy is to build around momentum, which means that the price moves in the trade direction, making it quite important for assessing the probability of risk. Renko systems can effectively find areas of high and low volatility and can let traders know when to make CALL and PUT options. Generally, in times of high market volatility that has a direct correlation with the direction of the price, a CALL option is made when the Renko shows a strong uptrend (more blue bricks). Conversely, a PUT option is made when the Renko continuously shows a strong downtrend (more red bricks). Make sure to test your strategies involving different timeframes and box sizes to obtain your most comfortable position.

Let Binarytrading. com provide you with more tips in the future. Stay tuned.

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Trading Candlestick Wicks

Finding the right trading strategy is one thing that can determine your daily results as a trader no matter which market you’re in. Some people will spend a lifetime searching for or creating a viable strategy and then not stick with it. This is why when you find something that has potential you should give it enough testing as possible; both backward and forward.

Candlestick charts have been around for many years. The patterns that form on the charts help a trader decide which way they want to take their trade. One popular style that we want to share with you is about trading based upon what you see on these charts. Wick Trading is what we like to call this particular method. The reason for this is because candlestick lengths and wicks tell stories. We use these stories to try and determine what the future outcome will be. Trades are determined based on the price action on the screen in front of you.

To break this down deeper we will use some images from a MetaTrader 4.0 chart. These charts can be found with most Forex brokers. Although you can trade these wicks on any currency pair with different variations, we will focus on the EURUSD. This currency pair is the most widely traded pair and allows for some of the best movements during the peak trading times.

There are multiple possible methods when seeking out a trading opportunity with these particular candles. We like to use five minute candles to help us find our trades. There are two major setups that become apparent once a candlestick wick has developed.

Let’s go over some of the rules first.

Try to stick with the overall current trend for that day or the current week. (Not critical, but it gives you a bit more momentum)

Should the price be at a whole number make sure you use that as the reversal point. We will go over this in more detail.

Don’t trade every wick you see.

Look for extreme moves with a lengthy wick before you enter the trade.

When we say enter a trade we mean a trade going the opposite way of the WICK.

Of course pictures tell us a lot more than words. What you see in the image below (Image 1) is a five minute chart of the EURUSD during the New York Session. This particular trade setup shows how price was consolidating just below the Pink line before it finally made a move through it. The important thing to recognize here is that this line is on the whole number of 1.3000. Whole numbers by themselves can have their own strategies, but for this particular wick trading strategy it makes our decision much clearer.

Big wick at whole number – Click para agrandar

As the price moves through this number you can know that resistance is going to be strong. The trend was moving slightly upward, but the overall market conditions weren’t super strong. Always look at the time you are trading and keep your eyes open for potential news release times, too. As the price makes its push you can see that the five minute candle had a large eight pip wick. For this method, we want to try and find wicks with seven pips or more. The story behind this wick is that people were acting as sellers going into the whole number and as a result, resistance was building. Price was pushed down hard and in this case people got trapped. They were trapped by the fast selling off of the Euro. Holders of this currency pair jumped on the bandwagon causing the price to drop nearly 50 pips in less than two hours. This makes for a perfect reversal pattern with several additional things working in your favor.

How Do You Know When to Enter?

This is something that will come with time. We look for one of two things for our entry.

We get in immediately after the wicked candle is closed while setting a stop above the wick or near the next area of support/resistance depending upon the direction. This will have to be individually determined for each trade.

The next way we like to trade wicks is to watch the candles’ price climb up this wick after it is developed. This could happen on the next candle or even many candles later. We’ll touch upon this again soon.

How Do You Know When to Exit?

This is probably the most difficult question to answer; it will depend based upon your risk tolerance. Sometimes it’s best to take your scalp and walk away. Other times you want to take some money off the table and let the rest run. This discretion will be up to you as an independent trader. We find it best to always put money in the bank and try to get bigger runs from the rest. If you were to trade 1 standard Lot you could claim .6 and let the rest run with a trailing stop. If you are a binary options trader, you will have a set time for this trade to finish. You are looking for it to close in your direction within the expiry time.

One other way we like to trade these long wicked candles is waiting for some sort of resolution after the fact. Knowing what happened in the past may predict similar results for the future. Not always of course, but if you see a nice wick formed in the early morning it may come back into play later in the day. This means price will have to climb the pole of the wick which carries a lot of resistance or support depending on the direction.

The second Image (Image 2) breaks down trading with a big wick later in the day. You will need to keep a pretty close eye on the market if you want to find trades like these. Notice how price formed a huge 5 minute wick of nearly 20 pips. It then dropped from this wick by around 20 pips depending on where you got in. Look how several hours later this wick was challenged. Here you can choose to let it ride to the top or jump on a shorter trade as the price is rising. The price broke this wick by only one pip. A stop several pips above the original wick would not have been hit.

Challenged wick – click image to enlarge

The price took a while, but it dropped by around 30 pips from the top of this wick. A nice solid trade in this position with a trailing stop could have made you some decent pips.

Obviously there is a lot more to it when it comes to trading candlestick wicks, but this gives you a basic idea of how you can be on the lookout for some different types of trades in the future. All currency pairs are different so be careful to size up these candles before trading them. If you are a GBPUSD trader you may want to wait for a 12 pip wick. This will all come down to the range of the pair you are trading, and is something that you will be able to refine as you keep gaining experience.

Important Notes: Not every wick should be traded. Make sure you have more than just the wick working for you. Also, keep an eye out for big moves during off peak times that form a wick. These wick reversals tend to retrace the most current move giving you the full length of that original move. You can scalp these trades or look for bigger moves. This will all depend on your individual risk tolerance. Not all wicks will hold, so make sure you have a reasonable stop in place for your protection.

Rich has been trading Forex and Binaryoptiontrading. com. since 2005. He provides a deeper look inside trading as a whole with his websites and YouTube channel. Trading 5 Minute Candles.

You can learn more through this video: Climbing the Wick for a Nice Binary Options Trade

Candlestick Charts

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first steps to technical-analysis freedom. What is a Candlestick Chart? Candlestick charts are the most popular method for a. and Stable Trends As you have now learned, Candlestick Charts may look confusing but once you understand their mechanism, they.

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whiskers to sense the movement of a mouse, so we use daily candlestick charts to track the movement of market price. It’s. Candlestick Charts vs. Bar Charts While western bar charts may be used to draw trend lines, candlestick charts allow you to.

Steven Sarnoff / 25 февраля 2017 г.

FUTURESTECHS ANNOUNCES AGGRESSIVE GROWTH PLANS 29/9/15 FuturesTechs, the award winning technical research company is pleased. speaker on their yearly Diploma Course, and is the Author of “ Candlestick Charts ”, published in 2009. FuturesTechs is FCA.

Clive Lambert / 29 сентября 2017 г.

Market Summary The stock market is reacting to the four "black swan" events since the year started (the heated Iran/Saudi. use the Heikin-Ashi format to display the Momentum Factor ETF. Heikin-Ashi candlestick charts are designed to filter out.

Gregory Clay / 11 января 2017 г.

Market Summary Feb. 11th was the 2017 low for the stock market. Since then easing concerns about slowing growth in China, as. Factor ETF. Heikin-Ashi candlestick charts are designed to filter out volatility in an effort to better capture the true.

Gregory Clay / 21 марта 2017 г.

Market Summary Last week we said “…the only positive S&P sector so far this year are Utility stocks. The biggest risk to. We prefer to use the Heikin-Ashi format to display the Momentum Factor ETF. Heikin-Ashi candlestick charts are designed to.

Gregory Clay / 7 февраля 2017 г.

I am not a data scientist or an expert in knowing how to build candlestick charts from historical stock prices. I am however. techniques and can create candlesticks charts on paper in no time. Will has a deep knowledge of the types of data that can be used.

Ian Khan PMP - Director Innovation Marketing Solgenia / 23 октября 2017 г.

good thing! In short… “The Double Bottom Reversal is a bullish reversal pattern typically found on bar charts . line charts and candlestick charts . As its name implies, the pattern is made up of two consecutive troughs that are roughly equal, with a.

Joe Cook / 18 марта 2017 г.

Given the recent calls for a long overdue pullback in the markets, I thought it would be worth investigating some alternative indicators, as clearly, the usual ones aren't working. So take your candlestick charts . moving averages and unemployment.

Nicholas Kunze / 4 июня 2017 г.

that now? The Japanese started using candlestick charts in the 18th century for rice trading. This monthly Japanese candlestick . reliable candlestick patterns. This pattern consists of two candles, the first month being June 2017 (fourth from the last.

J L Morin / 17 сентября 2017 г.

Candlestick Charts . I, like so many professional traders, like the aesthetics of them and most important I favor the story they. also be called an OHLC bar since that is what it shows and even though the candlestick shows the same information, its shape.

Tom Gentile / 25 ноября 2017 г.

geopolitics and supply and demand for commodities. He had little interest in charts . He developed a judgment based on experience. Japanese candlestick charts . which vividly depict the character of price movement, to reveal the human behavior that drives.

Steven Sarnoff / 22 апреля 2017 г.

important stuff follows. Chart Types The two most commonly used chart types in technical analyses are Candlestick Charts Point and Figure Charts Candlestick Charts These are similar to bar chart, in the way that they too have thin vertical lines.

Kunal Jethwani / 23 августа 2017 г.

By reviewing the Mexico's Energy Reform, some contract's business models will be highly dependable on the Oil Prices. typically found on bar charts . line charts and candlestick charts . As its name implies, the pattern is mad

Luis Olano / 9 июня 2017 г.

An often forgotten and very effective way to use Japanese candlestick charts . Heikin Ashi candles. Understanding this ancient method of candlestick  c

Stephen Hoad / 21 октября 2017 г.

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James Austin / 26 февраля 2017 г.

dominate by maintaining the upward trend. Historical background Candlestick charts are believed to be invented in the 18th. various factors on the formation of prices. The West discovered candlestick charts only in the beginning of 1990s. Steve.

Oliver Hill / 19 ноября 2017 г.

I'm not a fan of day trading at all, in fact, I'm a vocal critic. Most retail traders use a random platform and stare at candlestick charts to predic

Anurag Bhatia / 15 февраля 2017 г.

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Yusuf Alvi / 1 сентября 2017 г.

graphs are liked by some traders while the others enjoy Candlestick charts or bar graphs. Point graphs are mainly employed when. Candlestick charts and Bar Graphs are utilized. The Candlestick graph is gaining popularity among traders as it reveals a.

Surya Kumar / 11 марта 2017 г.

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Today we are going to analyse how to maximise our profit applying our binary options strategy using Metatrader4 and RSI Indicator (you can download it for free HERE)

How to setup our charts

We'll use a 5 minutes chart for our Intraday Trading on EURUSD.

First of all we need to add to our EURUSD chart the indicator we are going to use, in this case we will pick the RSI indicator . In order to maximize the results we can choose a 7 period RSI and we expand our bands!

Following these instructions we just applied the RSI to our MetaTrader4, the next step is to add the old classic Moving Average into our RSI.

In order to add the Moving Average we need to choose it from our Navigation section (on the left side of the screen), then we can click on it and we drug it till we reach our RSI chart.

At this point we pick a 9 period Movinag Average and we click on the Exponential Tab.

In order to add the Moving Average to the RSI it's really important thet you choose the "Apply to First Indicator's Data" tab!

Now we are ready to start our TRADING SECTION!

The Rules of RSI Binary Options Strategy

We can proceed using the following rules:

When the RSI gets below 20 we should look for a BUY signals

Wen the RSI gets over 80 we should look an exit of our trade as we are in a situation of OVERBOUGHT

When you can use this binary option strategy?

We think that the RSI binary options strategies is useful when you have a wide range of markets like in the evening time on main crosses like EURUSD. Our reades has confirmed this timing as best to trade with RSI Binary Strategy.

We can add more indicators as filter?

Yes! We have studied different charts templates and we have seen that you can improve your binary options profits if you use also Bollinger Bands as trading signals Filter. When prices are above the Up Bollinger Bands you can sell and when prices are under the Down Bollinger Bands

Rectangle patterns are the most significant ones in technical analysis. These represent a trend reversal in many cases. The rectangle form can occur even in some trend phases, in this case represents an accumulation model: investors, who had previously purchased in case of upward trend or sold in case of downward trend, are reaping their profits.


The market is hard and ruthless, all the securities that you see have to be purchased and the other way round, so, there's always someone who earns and always someone else who loses. A business cycle is formed by two phases:an upward bull phase and a downward bear phase. These two trends are separated from a Rectangle Pattern that establishes the limit.

But what is the meaning of this training? What happens in the market? The explanation is as simple as unexpected for people who aren't experts in trading. In this stage called distribution phase, big investors, called big fishes, make their profits obtained exploiting an ended bull phase, so, they sell their securities to investors who buy viewing the further increasing still excited by the bull phase. Small investors, or rather uninformed investors (almost all belong to this category) are the small fish and at this stage will lose a lot of money while sharks laugh behind them.

Once the distribution phase ends, it begins almost unexpectedly the bear phase, ie, the downward one. Securities purchased by small fish slowly lose value, the euphoria ends and begins in the tender heart of the small fish to prevail the hope that the price might turn back where it was before.

That doesn't happen, in fact, prices are pushed by sharks' sales, small fish must sell and collect losses or still hope until hope becomes anguish, until securities purchased with a lot of euphoria represent nothing more than a certain loss.

At that point, when media and newspapers still talk about crisis, starts a new distribution phase, and big fish, who can see beyond the horizon of small fish, buy again to earn a fortune in this new business cycle that begins with a wonderful bull phase.


There's an important technical principle that a lot of traders ignore, observing more often, the cycle could be not only provided, but also exploited. The principle is:

"More time is required to complete the model and more higher are the price fluctuations inside it, more likely the movement that results is considerable".

Entrust yourselves to price patterns, especially if we talk about rectangle pattern, which use a lot of time to be formed, in fact first of all, our purpose is identifying the business cycle and knowing where we are in a certain moment. Moreover, in the distribution phases, we have to avoid the same fate of small fish: in the market in order to win we have to be big fish or learn to follow their trail.

All traders try to use the right tools to be able to achieve very precise analysis techniques, in order to reduce their risk as much as possible and at the same time trying to maximize their profits .

Among the indicators used by traders surely we can include the Stochastic indicator . The Stochastic indicator has been developed by George Lane and it’s an indicator of momentum that graphically represents the closing price compared to maximum and minimum prices in a determined period . The stochastic indicator can assume a value between 0 and 100 depending on whether the trend is approaching, minimum or maximum. This indicator can be used in each time-frame including the weekly, daily and even intraday.

The graphical representation of the Stochastic is very simple and it’s possible to implement it through the various technical analysis software, which almost always include this indicator as tool available to the trader.

The stochastic is represented by two curves:

1) % K that graphically represents the maxima and minima.

2) %D which is calculated through the use of the exponential moving average % K with the purpose of avoiding false signals.

The first step for the calculation of the indicator is to calculate the Stochastic % K applying the following formula:

%K = (C – Ln/Hn - Ln) *100

C= closure price

Ln= Minimum determined period

Hn= Maximum period

n= number of selected days in order to apply the stochastic indicator.

The second step concern how to calculate %D which is obtained by smoothing the % K, usually using a three-day period.

%D= [sum period(C – Ln)/sum period(Hn-Ln)]*100

1- Oversold . or a market situation in which the indicator falls to below 20;

2- Overbought . for example a situation in which the indicator rises above 80.

In fact there are two different types of stochastic indicators that differ in their sensitivity to price changes:

1- Fast stochastic . which is represented by the two curves % K and % D plotted on the same graph and that is very sensitive to changes prices;

2- Slow Stochastics . which is obtained by calculating a moving average period % K. Through this change, it’s possible to eliminate false trading signals.

The practical use by the trader may not be immediate, that’s why you need a good workout and an additional evaluation with other indicators.

To get more information on the operation of the indicator stochastic and other technical analysis tools. our experts will be happy to provide you all the necessary information.

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Different Charts and Charting Techniques in Binary Options

Binary options trading is a lot different from other platforms; it does not require a buy and sell. All you need to trade in binary options is to predict the price movement of a particular asset. The help of well known software can be helpful in making your predictions.

Different Types of Charts for Binary Options Trading

When you start trading binary options, there are several types of charts you will see most often. Each type of binary options chart has advantages and disadvantages, and once you understand the differences you’ll likely find that one type appeals to you and your trading methods.

The tick chart is a line that shows every movement the price has made. Typically these charts only show a few minutes of data since the price is constantly moving. The price point at the far right is where the price is at now, while the data to left is where the price was at times prior.

The advantage of this type of chart is that it shows all the price movements over the last several minutes. The downside is that you can’t see any price data further back than that. Being able to see more data allows you to see if there is a trend pattern developing.

A line chart looks very similar to the one shown above; you’ll see a continuous line moving from left to right across the chart. Lines charts “summarize” the data, so you can see longer periods of time.

Typically you will see this type of chart when you click on an asset and choose an expiry time or date that is further out, like several hours or the end of the week. The line chart only reflects the closing price for each interval.

A candlestick chart is a style of financial chart used to describe price movements of a security. derivative. or currency. It is like a combination of line-chart and a bar-chart: each bar represents all four important pieces of information for that day: the open, the close, the high and the low. Candlestick charts are highly valuable for spotting reversals in trends and entry/exit points for new trades.

The candlesticks help us understand the opening price and the closing price of a unit. The color of the candlestick can be used to determine if the time period was a positive one or negative one. Red color indicates negative and the color green is used to indicate positive time period. This is a proven binary options strategy that works.

Candlestick Charting Techniques in Binary Options

Candlestick charting for binary options is a widely used tool that shows the different parameters of individual trades. A trader may say that candlesticks are more useful because he or she can get more details from this type of chart compared with a regular line trend. Many binary options traders have been successful with the use of candlestick charting.

Not everyone is lucky enough to make money with binary options. The Candlestick Charting can be used by any person who is a layman in binary trading and make a fresh start. Traders can make good use of the modern charting, which also has some of the best tools of technical analysis. They can also make use of some mathematical tools like the moving averages or stochastic indicators.


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Engulfing Candlestick in Binary Options Trading

Engulfing Candlesticks are extremely powerful and can be used in determining the price direction in a very short term trading period like that of 60 Seconds binary options trading. There are two types of Engulfing Candlesticks which are briefly discussed below.

Bullish Engulfing Candlesticks Pattern

When a bigger Hollow Candlestick succeeds a smaller Filled Candlestick (bigger measured in terms of the Real Body of the Candlestick and not the shadows), it is called Bullish Pattern Engulfing Candlestick. If you look at the image of a Bullish Pattern Engulfing Candlestick, you will see that the opening price of the second trade (Hollow Candlestick) is lower than the closing price of the previous trade (Filled Candlestick) and yet then, the closing price of the second trade (Hollow Candlestick) is higher than the opening price of the previous trade (Filled Candlestick). This implies that the buyers have become predominant and that there will be a change in the direction in which the price will move, i. e. the price of the underlying asset will now increase.

Also, if you notice that the opening price of the Hollow Candlestick is way below the closing price of the Filled Candlestick and still the Hollow Candlestick shows a closing price greater than the Filled Candlestick’s opening price, it will mean that the Bullish sentiment is very strong and that a price reversal or Bullish trend is imminent.

Bearish Engulfing Candlestick Pattern

Bearish Engulfing Candlestick Pattern is exactly opposite to the Bullish Engulfing Candlestick Pattern. When a bigger Filled Candlestick succeeds a smaller Hollow Candlestick (bigger measured in terms of the Real Body of the Candlestick and not the shadows), it is called Bearish Pattern Engulfing Candlestick. If you look at the image of a Bearish Pattern Engulfing Candlestick, you will see that the opening price of the second trade (Filled Candlestick) is above than the closing price of the previous trade (Hollow Candlestick) reflecting the continuity of the previous price pattern but then, the closing price of the second trade (Filled Candlestick) is lower than the opening price of the previous trader (Hollow Candlestick). This implies that the sellers have become predominant and that there will be a change in the direction in which the price will move, i. e. the price of the underlying asset will now decrease.

Also, if you notice that the opening price of the Filled Candlestick is way above the closing price of the Hollow Candlestick and still the Filled Candlestick shows a closing price lower than the Hollow Candlestick’s opening price, it will mean that the Bearish sentiment is very strong and that a price reversal or Bearish trend is imminent.

Using the Hammer and Doji Candlestick

Binary trading involves a lot of intra-day trading and with these 60 second options that brokers like TradeRush offer, binary option traders will need to analyze short term charts better. Even when doing extremely short term trades like 60 second binary options, it’s best not to rely only on 1, 2, 3 or 5 minute charts.

To trade binary options successfully in these short time frames, the 15 minute and 30 minute charts will be very useful as it allows options traders to see things that are not easily discernible on the shorter time framed charts. The thing that we like to see at XForexTrade on the 15 or 30 minute chart is the formation of a hammer or doji candlestick after a range break out or a consolidation.

In the case of the hammer formation, the security price moved from the break out zone to another level. Then there was a retracement which saw price fall to the consolidation zone. Binary option traders can make an entry here as the price is now hammered into the new trend direction. This is probably one of the most sure ways to make money. There is very little chance for price to return to the initial level as it got hammered away from it.

In the chart above, the “rat-tail” signals the opportunity to trade binary options.

The Doji Candlestick

At XForexTrade we are always giving you different ways to make money and what better way than the doji candlestick. The doji is easier to identify and trade on than the hammer and they both are similar in principle. Place the protective stop at the opposite end of the doji or hammer after the bar goes into a breakout.

Use the 20 period MA to identify entry and exit levels and remember to trade in unison with the trend that you recognize on the 15 minute chart. Don’t forget to follow all the steps that we outlined in a very useful post before doing live trading with these strategies. The good news is that we already have done this for you and we are giving the results we obtained and what works best.

These are just a couple of the breakout systems that we have developed at XForexTrade to trade binary options. These two methods are especially effective in currency binary trading and we have gotten in on numerous sustained breakouts and made money. They are the best indicators that I’ve seen during my entire time in binary trading. It would be nice to have MACD and other indicators to confirm the direction of the trend, but it’s not crucial.

We have a lot more technical analysis strategies along with our daily trading tips that teach you exactly how to make money fast. Stay connected to XForexTrade by signing up for our newsletter on the right.

Using the Hammer and Doji Candlestick. 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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Binary options trading momentum candlestick charts

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From a persistence perspective, the trader can start to quantify how serious a trend is, at what time it is weak and when it has reversed. Before trading with any of the brokers, clients should make sure they understand the risks and check if the broker is licensed and regulated. Hammer — A hammer pattern can emerge binary options broker uk athletics shop the price binary options trading momentum candlestick charts an asset has been declining. That google Docs don't work. FINALE The strategy does not seem to be very impressive. Works best on a 15 Minutes run-time. That's for the birds. I would say its a 80% success rate. The highs and lows are in essence outside the highs and lows of the previous day, giving the pattern the name outside day. The CCI is computed with the formula: "Price" is the asset's current price, "MA" is the moving average of the asset's price, and "D" is the normal deviation from that average. It is this predictable nature of ebb and flow that we as Price Action traders want to exploit. The double bottom pattern is made up of two consecutive troughs in price action that are roughly equal, with a moderate peak in-between.

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Candlestick Charts

Click to enlarge the image

Candlestick Charts – Offering Best Information about Forex Trading!

All traders in all financial markets continuously seek for propper tools to analyze the behaviour of the price of the financial assets in order to determine its direction and the right moment to open a position. Well, there are numbers of solution available through which people can get the right option for their market trading. One of the best solutions is the candlestick chart which is a special type of bar-chart through which investors can get more information about the price behaviour of any financial instrument like stocks, currency pairs or derivative for example.

In this case, this sort of chart is the combination of bar-chart and line chart and each is representing the range of price changes, so it offers the best of both types of charts. For this reason it is commonly used by technical analysts to identify price patterns in the charts.

A major advantage of the candlestick charts is that they are easy to read and interpret. So, these charts can be very useful for beginners traders in any financial market, including Forex. In this case, the trader can get more information about the price change, maximum and minimum prices reached, major and minor trend changes and other important data.

Each candlestick in the chart shows the following information: opening price, closing price, high price and low price over the predetermined period. The time span of each candle can also be adjusted to show any period of time that the trader wants. For example, it can show the longer time periods (long term trends) like weeks, months, and years as well shorter time periods (short term trends), like 4 hours, 1 hour, 30 minutes or even 1 minute.

Traditionally, if the candle is filled or colored, this means that the asset price closed at a lower price that opened. By contrast, if the candle has no color or is filled with a light color (green for example), this means that the asset price closed at a higher price that opened. See the following graphic example:

The advantages of the candlestick charts are the following:

Easy interpretation

The candIestick charts are ideal for beginners to start their chart analysis.

They are very easy to use.

A candlestick chart is an excellent tool to identify key points where the financial asset´s price can change its trend.

How to read a Japanese candlestick chart?

See the color of the body: The color of the candle body in any period of time, indicates whether the price has risen (High) or down (Low). In other words, if the difference between the opening and closing is positive or negative. Most online trading platforms allow to configure the colors of the bodies of the candles. However, the most popular colors are white/green for bullish candles and black/red for bearish candles, so most traders use these colors. Therefore, if a 5-minute chart, a candle is green, it means that in this period the closing price is higher than the opening, hence the price has risen.

Review the length of the candle: The length of the candle tells us how much difference there was between the closing price and opening. If the difference was very strong, that tells us that the market in that period was bullish (if the candle is green) or bearish (if the candle is red). This helps us determine whether the market is moved or is quiet. If opening a graphic look great candles is a good time to trade. If instead they are all small-bodied candles, means the market is stagnant and we should think twice before trading. Recall that the gain of the Trader is in the market movement.

Study the tails of the candlestick: Always consider the tails that occur in the candlestick, both above and below the body. The tails represent the most extreme prices of the period. The top line represents the highest price reached during that period, while the tail at the bottom represents the lowest price that was reached during the same period.

Thus, how can be used the candlestick charts for improving the trading performance?

Candlestick chart is the great tool to identify the market direction and can be very useful to analyze the price action . Also it can be used to determine the exact moment to enter the market or as importantly, when you need to exit the trades. Precisely the best way to maximize the profits is to enter and exit the market in the right moment. The Candlestick chart is one of the most market analysis method which allows the trader to determine how other traders feel about the market.

Trading with candlestick patterns

About Japanese Candlestick Charts

Candlestick Charts – Explicación

This article briefly de scribes what are Japanese candlestick charts. I will tell you about its origin, and what are its main advantages. Reading candlestick chart will give you a better understanding before starting to use this useful, and very essential tool.

About two centuries before the first chart analysts appeared in America, the Japanese rice traders started to use candlestick charts. The Japanese charts have rows of candles with two wicks. One on the end of each side, instead of regular bars.

Today you can use them in almost any trading platform. That, in addition to the familiar line chart and also bar charts. However most pro traders use candlesticks as it provides them with more data. The other type of charts mainly used for specific strategies.

When you look at candlestick charts you can see the “body” of the candles. This body of each candle reflects the distance between the opening price, and the closing price. In case that the closing price is higher than the opening price, the body of the candle will be marked in green (originally it was white). In the opposite scenario, the body of the candle will be red (originally it was black). The tip of the upper wick shows us the highest price of the trading day. On the other hand, the bottom of the lower wick shows us the lowest price of the trading day.

According to Steve Nison. the author of the famous “Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques”, The Japanese consider highs and lows in the candlestick charts as relatively unimportant. However, they do focus on the connection between the opening and closing prices. Mainly on patterns which include several candles.

Maybe the most important advantage of candlestick charts is that it focuses on the ongoing struggle between amateurs who usually control openings, and professionals who control closing times. Unfortunately, most candlestick charts analysts fail to use many trading tools of the modern western analysts. They tend to ignore the trading volume, and have no trend-lines or other useful technical indicators. These gaps are being sometimes filled by some modem analyst methods.

If you want to trade better you must understand candlestick charts. This is one of the basic technical analysis tools. Once you know how to read them, combine it with some other indicators for further confirmation. That way you’ll increase the odds to identify critical momentum’s changes. Continue with Understanding Candlestick Patterns .

If you have specific questions let me know. You can comment or contact me directly. Also don’t forget to subscribe to my site and get all new articles directly to your mail. Thank you for reading and see you later on the next article!

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New Candlestick Charts Indicator for Metatrader

By Raul Canessa C.

This is an indicator for candlestick charts designed for Metatrader 4 which is based on the recognition of various types of patterns commonly used by many traders to open and close positions in the market. As you know, the Japanese candles usually form easily recognizable chart patterns which are indicative of possible future price behavior in the form of drops, rises, continuation of the current trend and trend changes. Logically, these patterns do not have a 100% percent reliable, but in some cases this is quite high.

Logically, these patterns are not 100% reliable so sometimes produce false signals, but are usually quite accurate with The problem is that it takes hours of practice and dedication analyzing price charts to detect these patterns, therefore only the most experienced traders effectively dominates its use to open and close positions in the market. That's where this indicator is useful because it identifies 10 major patterns both in bullish and bearish trends and other minor patterns that often occur with some regularity. The result is that the trader can take advantaje of any interesting opportunity such as a possible trend change indicated by one of these chart patterns

Unlike other similar indicators it incorporates a greater number of patterns that can be recognized easily. In this case it can be used in conjunction with a 60-period EMA, which serves to indicate the prevailing trend of the market.

As you can see in the image above patterns are identified by initials of their names in English. So the trader should investigate which initials correspond to the usual chart patterns. The indicator identifies chart patterns throughout the time period under study for which it presents many opportunities for the trader if he has enouch patience to wait for signals.

This indicator called Candle-Star-C can be downloaded via the following link:

-Candlestick Charts Indicator for Metatrader Candle-Star-C

More free indicators for Metatrader

Candlestick Signals For Binary Option Social Trading

If you’ve been looking for a magic bullet to help you trade binary options this it. When I learned about them I felt as if I had found the secret I was looking for, like the wool had been pulled from my eyes. Price action jumped off the screen, I could see support and resistance with only a glance and my other technical tools, which up until then were nothing more than barely understood theories, clicked into place. I’m not here to tell you that using candlesticks is going to make you a millionaire overnight but I will say that a study of them and their principles can boost your overall success.

Candlesticks are the #1 tool for binary traders and I’ll tell you why; they turn trading into a game. That being said, trading is not a game, we’re talking about real money and real risk. What I mean is that candlestick charts animate market action to a level that is very much like a video game. The bulls are one color, the bears are another; their interactions displayed on a chart like a real-time x-ray of price action. Compared to other forms of charts, and in particular those crappy little ones provided by most brokers, there is no comparison. Candlestick charts are the only way to go.

What Is Candlestick Charting

Candlestick charts date back to the days of feudal Japan. In those times rice was like money, more valuable than gold. Rice was traded on the open market and even used as payment for samurai and others. Eventually rice farmers began to sell futures on their crop, that is, they sold next year’s crop at a price decided today. The price of next years crop changed from day to day along with supply/demand and to track this what we now call Candlestick Charting was born.

The feature that makes them so different from all other forms of charts is the 3 dimensional representation. The closest thing to them are O-H-L-C (open, high, low, close) charts which are drawn as skinny lines. The candlesticks expand on that by creating a rectangle around the open and closing prices, with wicks extending out to the high and low of the period.

Many dozens of signals are formed by the candles. Some of them, like harami’s or engulfing patterns, have equivalents in other forms of charting; a harami is basically an “inside day”. The signals all have names that sound like Kung Fu moves; harami, doji, dragonfly, piercing pattern, hanging man, cloud reversal and three black crows to name few. When mastered, these patterns give very powerful short term signals and confirmations for longer term signals.

Candlestick Signals For Binary Options

I’m sure by now it is easy to see just how useful Japanese candlesticks can be. There are many sources of information on the internet but I suggest social traders get a book and learn to read candlestick signals on their own. There are many books on the subject, a few I can recommend are “The Candlestick Course” by Steve Nison and “Candlestick Charting Explained” by Gregory L. Morris. Morris gives a fantastic and in depth introduction to candle charts, signals and application. Nison, the man responsible for bringing this technique to the west, goes beyond the basics and provides an in depth course into the application of candle signals in every day trading.

Like all means of technical analysis the candles are cold, no pun intended. They signals, bullish and bearish, can occur in the market randomly based on day to day, or moment to moment, fluctuations in sentiment. The signals are best used in conjunction with other tools in order to establish trends, support, resistance and the proper perspective for reading each signals. One man’s Harami is another man’s Spinning Top.

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Candlestick Trading Strategies - Binary Options Trading Signals

Candlestick Trading Strategies - Binary Options Trading Signals Description:

An Introduction to Japanese Candlestick Technical Analysis Introduction As a form of technical analysis, a Japanese chart and candlestick pattern analysis can

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Related to Candlestick Trading Strategies - Binary Options Trading Signals:

Mastering Candlestick Charts 1

Table of Contents Introduction Beyond the Basics Candlestick Hype Candle Benefits Thoughts and Candle Language Candle Basics Individual Candles Two-Bar Patterns

Technical Stock Market and Stock Analysis

bar, candlestick, Point & Figure and Renko charts. You’ll review annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily and intra-day time segments. You are introduced to the


Candlestick charts can also be drawn more colorfully by using the classical Japanese candlestick chart colors of red and black. Red can be

Candlestick Charts

Candlestick Charts The most commonly used tool of the technical analyst is the bar chart. This familiar representation of price action generally consists of a

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Trade Binary Options with MT4 Chart

Why we should trade LION Binary Options with MT4 Chart Your Login ID and password of Binary Options can also access our MT4 Platform!!

If you also use the MT4 platform when you trade LION Binary Options (open two platforms), you will be able to improve your skills to understand the market trends and make better predictions. It is a very important tool for anybody who tradesBinary Options and wants to have more control over his/her trades.

Here we will explain very easily how to login and use the MT4.

Click in this button to download the MT4:

After downloading and installing the program, you have to login into MT4. To do that, you only have to type in your accountВґs ID and password like in the window below. After that, select our broker in the "Server" box as the image below.

Here is the MT4 main screen. Now we are going to explain which are the most important elements you need to know:

1. Main menu

All the functions and commands that are executables in the Platform are found in the Main Menu.

File: Open a chart, mnage a chart offline, storing data, profiles and printing.

View: Management of interface language and command toolbars are grouped here.

Insert: Technical Indicators and other studies and objects can be utilised here.

Charts: Commands managing charts, technical indicators, imposed objects and grids.

Tools: Create a new Order, manage history data, set global variables and access MetaQuotes Language Editor.

Window: Creation of new windows with management and arrangements of charts.

Help: user Guide and information.

2. Market Watch

The Market Watch window displays instruments and their prices sent from the server. Right-clicking on this window allows you to open charts.

3. Period

By selecting the period of the chart, you can determinate the period of a candle or bar depending on the chart. For example. if you make click in M30 button, each candelstick represent the price action of 30 minutes time. Metatrader 4 supports the following periods. 1 minute. 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour. 4 hours, 1 day, 1 week and 1 month. To select the chart period is necessary to use the toolbar below

4. Chart Candlestick

There are different ways of showing the price action of the charts. We recommend you to use the CANDLESTICK way. You only have to make click in that button in this chart.

5. Chart

In this window you will see all the evolution of the prices of any currency in real time.

The Indicators are algorithms that analyze different market variables so that you can predict what is going to happen. They are not always 100% accurate. but they can help you to create your own strategy to gain more profits.

As you can see in the following image, you only have to click on " Insert" in the menu barto display a list of all available Indicators. To select any Indicator you just need to click on the corresponding field. After selecting an Indicator they will be automatically displayed in the chart.

As well we have explained before, if you use the MT4 platform while operating binary options, you can create your own strategies that will allow you to make better predictions and consequently gain more profits.

In this part we want to show you a very simple strategy for Binary Options.

First, open the Lion Binary Options online platform and select the currency pair you want to trade. After that, go to the MT4 platform and open the same currency candlestick chart twice.

- Set one of the chart to M1 (1 minute) - Set the other chart to M5 ( 5 minutes)

Finally, you only have to take a look at the candlesticks. If the M1 and MT5 chart candlesticks are going LOW (as you can see in the image), itВґs time to open a LOW position in Binary Options. On the other side, if the tendency of the M1 and M5 chart candlesticks is going HIGH, it is time to open a HIGH position in Binary Options.

Here is the reason why you'd better open MT4 platform when you trade LION Binary Options. LION Binary Options platform has been developed as simple as possible with essential functions and fast order execution. You will see more market movement with massive indicators on MT4 chart that we allow our customers to access our MT4 platform with same login ID and password of Binary Options account.

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