Saturday 28 October 2017

Opciones Binarias Y Juegos De Azar

¿Son las opciones binarias el juego?

No, la gente asume automáticamente eso, porque es un nuevo instrumento financiero. Debemos recordar que a lo largo de la historia, cualquier forma de inversión fue considerada al principio. Incluso hoy en día, una gran parte de la población cree que Wall Street, corredores, acciones, todo es sólo una apuesta. Y en cierto sentido, tienen razón, pero si lo miramos de esa manera, todo en la vida es una apuesta. Incluso mientras usted está leyendo esto hay una posibilidad estadística ligera que un relámpago puede golpearle.

Ahora en una nota más seria. El juego está intentando predecir el resultado de un acontecimiento futuro basado en apuestas ciegas, o pura suerte. No tienes manera de decir que la bola caerá en el rojo o negro o verde (p. s roulette es 49% 49% 2% debido a la verde, por lo que la casa siempre gana, nunca jugar nunca)

Mientras que el comercio utiliza muchas herramientas diferentes que le ayudan a tomar una decisión informada con un riesgo calculado. Opciones binarias, al igual que las divisas, acciones, futuros, etc utiliza los mismos principios de análisis técnicos y fundamentales. Así que si usted cree que invertir en el sentido más amplio no es el juego. Bien en el comercio binario los mismos principios se aplican, sólo el instrumento difiere.

En cualquier tipo de inversión, el 90% de los comerciantes pierden dinero, porque lo amenazan como los juegos de azar. En opciones binarias, su tipo de la culpa de los corredores, porque lo anuncian como un casino en línea. La única similitud que tienen las opciones binarias con los juegos de azar es que los corredores ganan dinero con las operaciones que pierden, pero por otro lado no cobran ninguna comisión de retiro y no tienen spreads (como forex).

Echa un vistazo a algunos foros de opciones binarias, encontrarás una vasta red de comerciantes que te indicará la dirección correcta. Las opciones binarias son un negocio serio, es un instrumento financiero muy arriesgado (como todos ellos) y sin una educación adecuada, la práctica y la paciencia, cualquiera puede soplar su cuenta al igual que en un casino, (incluso más rápido con el 30 / 60 segundos opciones)

¿El juego tiene algo en común con las opciones binarias de comercio?

Última actualización el 4 de enero de 2017 por Michael Hodges

Trading, juegos de azar, opciones binarias Tra-mbling?

Desafortunadamente, o afortunadamente, las opciones binarias tienen mucho en común con el juego. Ése es porqué las opciones binarias consiguen tanto flak del mundo de la inversión dominante. La cosa es, cada vez que apunta el dedo a otra persona que tiene tres dedos apuntando hacia atrás en usted. Los comerciantes pueden apostar en acciones, bonos y materias primas. El juego, como la belleza, está en el ojo del espectador. Todo se reduce a cómo se acerca a su comercio, lo que impulsa a comercio, cómo tomar sus decisiones y si son capaces de dormir por la noche. La diferencia entre el juego y el comercio no tiene nada que ver con el vehículo. Una persona desesperada puede hacer un arriesgado como el infierno apostar en la dirección del mercado utilizando acciones, opciones, futuros o forex con la misma facilidad que puede mediante el uso de opciones binarias. Lo que los medios de comunicación no le dicen es que cuando usted negocia con Opciones Binarias, sus pérdidas potenciales son mucho menos que si estuviera apostando en un margen mínimo de $ 25,000 para negociar futuros.

¿Cómo se relaciona el juego con el comercio?

Antes de comenzar a explicar por qué las opciones binarias son y no son juegos de azar, vamos a cavar un poco más en lo que es el juego, y cómo se relaciona con la inversión, el comercio y la especulación. Por definición, el juego es la apuesta de dinero en un evento de resultado incierto con fines de ganancia material. Para que se produzca el juego, deben cumplirse tres condiciones. En primer lugar, debe haber alguna consideración, es decir, el dinero que pones. En segundo lugar, debe haber alguna forma de oportunidad involucrada, IE el lanzamiento de los dados, el giro de una tarjeta o la dirección del movimiento del mercado. En tercer lugar, debe haber alguna recompensa o premio dado, de lo contrario no tiene sentido en la actividad. Para extender esta definición al juego, el juego es el juego permitido por la ley. La palabra clave en esta definición creo que es incierta, la apuesta es en un evento con un resultado incierto. Hay cierta incertidumbre con opciones binarias por lo que tienen que en común.

Pasando a invertir, la definición aquí es un artículo o activo adquirido con la intención de hacer riqueza o crear ingresos. Cuando usted invierte realmente está comprando algo como una acción que paga un dividendo, bienes o inventario para la venta futura o una fábrica donde se produce algo de valor. En el sentido financiero, las inversiones incluyen acciones, bonos, fondos mutuos y otros activos tangibles que proporcionan ingresos o tienen una expectativa razonable de apreciación como bienes raíces. La clave es que una inversión tiene valor tangible, inherente, mientras que una apuesta no tiene ningún valor. Las opciones binarias no son un activo en el sentido de invertir. Cuando compra una posición binaria no gana ningún valor inherente, no controla el activo subyacente, por lo que binario también tiene eso en común con el juego.

El comercio es el intercambio real de dinero para activos o posiciones. Esto puede ser para bonos, oro, petróleo, acciones, índices o opciones binarias. Cuando usted da el dinero para una posición, o acepta el dinero para una posición, usted está negociando. Todo el que participa en el mercado es un comerciante. Un inversor hace un comercio cuando compra acciones de acciones XYZ. Un especulador hace un comercio cuando corta aceite o compra una opción de compra en el Dow Jones Industrial Average. La gran diferencia entre los dos es las expectativas. El inversionista sabe que tomará tiempo para que su inversión pague apagado y es el pagan apagado con el tiempo que él está buscando. El especulador está buscando un dólar más rápido y saldrá de una posición si no se mueve lo suficientemente rápido Cuando usted hace un comercio binario que está poniendo dinero para una posición, esta posición puede ser una especulación a corto o largo plazo, pero es No una inversión. En este caso las opciones binarias son como el comercio, pero al mismo tiempo también, como el juego, porque un jugador también "comercio" de dinero a cambio de su "posición".

Especular es donde las líneas entre el comercio, las opciones binarias y el juego se confunden realmente. La especulación es el acto de negociar o de invertir en el mercado de tal manera que parezca ser juego. Los especuladores utilizan vehículos de inversión derivados como las opciones para tratar de obtener grandes ganancias y limitar las pérdidas. Esto puede ser tan simple como abrir una posición con una pérdida de parada ajustada o tan complicado como en profundidad un par de análisis fundamental y técnico con técnicas de gestión de dinero de sonido. También puede ser muy arriesgado, o muy seguro, todo depende de cómo se enfoque. Un jugador no puede hacer ningún análisis de su mercado. Usted puede decir que él podría contar tarjetas o utilizar alguna otra probabilidad matemática, pero las casas de juego fruncir el ceño en eso. Nunca he oído hablar de ningún comerciante, inversor o especulador conseguir sus dedos rotos para contar una media móvil o de comercio en una ruptura de apoyo. Así pues, en términos de opciones binarias, un especulador utilizará análisis para hacer un comercio mientras que el jugador apenas hará un comercio.

¿Cómo son las opciones binarias como el juego

Opciones binarias es como jugar en un par de maneras. Es, sin embargo, también una forma de comercio que se puede utilizar para especular los mercados, que no es el juego. Al igual que los juegos de azar que están poniendo su dinero en un evento de azar. Al igual que los juegos de azar que está haciendo esto con el fin de obtener un pago y como el juego no está creando riqueza, meramente beneficiarse de un resultado. Al igual que los juegos de azar, las opciones binarias se pueden abordar con riesgo y sin un plan. También puede ser abordado como una especulación mediante el análisis y la gestión. La gerencia es la llave a las opciones binarias que acertan que negocian y que especulan y viene en un par de formas.

¿Qué necesita para administrar el riesgo? Volviendo a la definición de juego y la palabra incierta. La incertidumbre crea riesgo para usted como comerciante. Las mejores operaciones y los comerciantes no están apostando por eventos de resultado incierto. Están especulando sobre la dirección del movimiento del mercado utilizando años de experiencia, análisis científico y matemáticamente derivados, así como una comprensión de la mecánica del mercado, los negocios y la economía. Esto es un grito lejos de un drogadicto de juego que intenta a Martingale mismo fuera de un agujero en la vuelta de una rueda de la ruleta o de la vuelta de una tarjeta en la tabla de la veintiuna. La administración de riesgos tampoco está apostando a toda su cuenta, ni a una gran parte de su cuenta, en una sola operación. Sólo el apostador más alto apostaría toda su estaca, o una porción lo bastante grande de su estaca para acabar con ellos, en un solo comercio.

Al final no es lo que el juego tiene en común con las opciones binarias, pero lo que las opciones binarias tienen en común con el juego. O mejor dicho, cómo las Opciones Binarias, como cualquier otro vehículo comercial especulativo, pueden usarse para jugar. Si lo he dicho una vez, lo he dicho cien veces, todo se reduce a su enfoque. Si usted está negociando al azar en los marcos estupendos del cortocircuito sin usar el análisis técnico o fundamental y hacer comercios del tamaño variable, después usted es probablemente un jugador, o por lo menos el juego. Si usted está tomando decisiones informadas basadas en técnicas de análisis de sonido y la gestión de sus pérdidas, entonces sólo podría ser un especulador de mercado.

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Opciones binarias. ¿Juego o instrumento financiero?

De Dukascopy

Actualmente, las opciones binarias son ampliamente reconocidas como una de las maneras más accesibles de introducirse en los mercados financieros. El ritmo de penetración en el segmento minorista ha sido realmente abrumador durante los últimos 5-7 años, sin embargo, aunque este tipo de instrumentos ha experimentado un notable cambio de percepción tanto en los inversores como en las mentes de los participantes en el mercado, Sobre la esencia de ese instrumento. Intentemos explicar y contestar a nosotros mismos lo que realmente son binarios y cuales son sus puntos fuertes.

Emergencia de la industria. Después de Fx en el camino a la regulación

La alta popularidad llegó a un costo de reputación inicial para la nueva clase de activos. Una de las razones de los binarios rápidamente ganando popularidad fue la falta de marco regulatorio y los estándares de la industria, lo que aseguró una ventaja estratégica sobre divisas, los derivados de otros mercados más complejos a los ojos de los brokers emergentes. La eficiencia del esfuerzo de lanzar una correduría binaria atrajo a un gran número de participantes del mercado subcapitalizados que diluyen la imagen del servicio, llevando a la percepción incorrecta de las opciones binarias que son más como juegos de azar y una estafa en lugar de comercio.

Los sitios [corredores de opción binaria] apelar al mismo tipo de personas que juegan póquer en línea. Pero de alguna manera tienen un aura de ser más respetable porque se representan a sí mismos como ofreciendo una forma de invertir. No te engañes. Estos son sitios de juego, pura y simple. Es probablemente sólo una cuestión de tiempo antes de que los reguladores se muevan en ellos.

Gordon Pape, "No juegue en opciones binarias" (Forbes), 27/07/2010

Desafortunadamente, el paralelismo del juego fue ampliamente explotado en campañas promocionales dirigidas por participantes del mercado. El equilibrio en el borde de dos definiciones que enfrentan (el juego contra el instrumento que negocia) ha levantado discusiones numerosas dentro de la comunidad que negocia y experto, ambos lados que tienen a sus partidarios. Poco a poco, este debate fomentó un punto de vista, que personalmente considero más razonable, que cuestionaba primordialmente no la esencia de los binarios, sino sobre todo la idoneidad de cualquier clase de activos para un individuo o estrategia en particular. Puesto que uno de los significados de apostar está tomando la acción arriesgada en la esperanza de un resultado deseado o apostar algo en una contingencia, casi cualquier instrumento financiero puede ser considerado como objeto del juego si se aborda sin prudencia apropiada.

A juzgar por esta definición, mucho de lo que hacemos en la vida cotidiana es el juego. Las opciones binarias son juegos de azar como otros instrumentos financieros tangibles o intangibles.

"¿Son opciones binarias una forma de juego?" (FinanceMagnates), 30/07/2017

De hecho, la apertura de una posición Fx sobrealargado con una micro-cuenta, la apertura de una posición de CFD apalancada sin stop-loss en un stock el comerciante no tiene un conocimiento profundo sobre, entrar en un derivado, mientras que la construcción de una cobertura real no parece obtener ninguna Más allá del juego en la percepción común de ese concepto. Es posible que haya comprendido que el rasgo común de los tres últimos ejemplos es una mala gestión del riesgo.

Seamos sinceros, cualquier actividad de inversión es el juego. Los capitalistas de riesgo también juegan cuando invierten en nuevas empresas, no hay garantía de que la compañía va a sobrevivir y mucho menos florecer.

"¿Son opciones binarias una forma de juego?" (FinanceMagnates), 30/07/2017

La mala gestión del riesgo suele originarse bien de la intención de especular con alto riesgo o de la inadecuación del instrumento al cliente particular, que a su vez proviene de la falta de regulación en la evaluación de los clientes, la información y la educación general. Y aquí otra vez volvemos al problema inicial con binarios - la falta de regulación.

Afortunadamente, ya estamos viendo una retracción de esta tendencia hacia una supervisión reguladora más cercana, los participantes renombrados del mercado financiero que abrazan la oferta binaria en su gama de productos y los comerciantes que explotan las cualidades fuertes originales de contactos binarios en sus estrategias comerciales. Chipre CySEC fue el primer guardián en iniciar oficialmente la regulación de los corredores de opciones binarias en 2012, mientras que muchas otras jurisdicciones de la UE siguieron viendo los binarios como un "juego de azar" y dirigieron a los solicitantes hacia sus organismos reguladores de juegos de azar locales.

Las cosas comenzaron a cambiar rápidamente en 2017. El año comenzó con una decisión histórica del tribunal de Rotterdam (Source) sobre el caso OptieClub, en el que el organismo regulador financiero (AMF) de Holanda se vio obligado a emitir la primera licencia a un corredor de opciones binarias. El perro guardián había rechazado la solicitud antes de caer en la definición de producto de los mercados financieros bajo las regulaciones de MiFID y dirigió el corredor a la comisión de juego holandesa. Las noticias similares vienen del Reino Unido donde el Tesoro de Su Majestad emitió un documento de consulta considerando la regulación de opciones binarias como productos financieros.

El Gobierno del Reino Unido está consultando sobre propuestas para tratar las opciones binarias como un producto financiero en lugar de un juego de azar.

Esto significaría que las opciones binarias serían reguladas por nosotros, la FCA, de acuerdo con la práctica en la mayor parte de la UE, y ya no estarían reguladas por la Comisión de Juego.

Tanto la decisión del tribunal holandés como la iniciativa del Reino Unido son indicios de un cambio de paradigma inminente que podría abrir las puertas para la legitimación de los corredores binarios que buscan conseguir una regulación sólida en el mercado de la UE.

Esencialmente, la industria de opciones binarias está siguiendo el mismo camino que los mercados de Forex comenzaron hace 15 años: comenzando como un mercado especulativo recién emergente dominado por participantes no regulados, baja confianza del cliente y imagen ambigua, Fx se convirtió en una industria bien establecida, supervisada Por las autoridades financieras en prácticamente todos los países desarrollados; Ahora se ofrece en la gama de productos de numerosos bancos comerciales. Binarios están haciendo el mismo viaje hacia la regulación y la transparencia y parecen estar haciéndolo más rápido que Forex en el pasado.

En Dukascopy hemos estado sintiendo el cambio de actitud a las opciones binarias especialmente fuerte como nuestra decisión de entrar en el mercado binario hace 2 años se estaba tomando en medio de las reservas informadas sobre la idoneidad de este servicio a un corredor bien establecido y de buena reputación. Por el contrario, vimos una ventaja competitiva clara en el hecho de que el comercio binario será ofrecido por un banco suizo-regulado vía las plataformas propietarias. Creemos que esto debería contribuir a la diversificación del mercado, reforzar la seguridad de los comerciantes y ofrecer una alternativa a las soluciones estándar, mejorando en última instancia la confianza del cliente en todo el segmento del mercado.

Los binarios como instrumento financiero simple pero seguro y útil

La simplicidad, la sencillez y la transparencia se consideran los rasgos inherentes clave de binarios. Ausencia de comisiones, resultado binario (es decir, sólo existe 2 resultados), lo que implica la posibilidad de capitalizar con un máximo de pagos sobre los movimientos mínimos del mercado; Los montos de contrato tan bajos como 1 USD y los plazos de tiempo disponibles, a veces menos de un minuto.

A pesar de las dudas de ser proclamado especulativo, las opciones binarias deben ser defendidas como poseedor de todas las características de un instrumento financiero que puede ser utilizado para realizar objetivos de inversión.

Los binarios tienen una atracción particular para los inversores cuyas estrategias implican el comercio con noticias económicas. El comercio de noticias es una actividad de inversión sofisticada que, al menos, implica lo siguiente:

Saber cuándo hay noticias y en qué países;

Ser capaz de llevar a cabo análisis técnicos y fundamentales para evaluar el impacto de las noticias;

Elegir un par de divisas / parejas que se espera sean impactadas;

• Pronosticar la duración necesaria de una opción (por ejemplo, 5 minutos o una hora) para evitar la volatilidad intermedia de ruido antes y después de que las noticias salgan;

Colocar correctamente y cuidadosamente una orden pendiente y describirla.

La volatilidad del ruido (picos de volatilidad) es un problema real para los operadores de noticias que pueden ser tratados con éxito usando binarios. He aquí un ejemplo de la vida real que demuestra el impacto de la volatilidad:

Ejemplo 1 . Tasa de Oferta Mínima del BCE (Acto 0,50%, 0,50%, 0,75% previo)

Fecha y hora: 02/05/2017 11:45 GMT

El BCE ha reducido el tipo de interés base en un 0,25%, lo que provocó una presión a la baja sobre el EUR / USD. Sin embargo, un comerciante que correctamente interpretó la noticia podría encontrar una volatilidad de ruido que podría haber resultado en pérdidas provisionales en una posición spot. La opción binaria sería más preferible en esta situación.

Ejemplo 2: Tipo mínimo de oferta del BCE (acto 0,50%, 0,50%, 0,75% previo)

Fecha y hora: 02/05/2017 11:45 GMT

Las solicitudes de desempleo salieron significativamente por debajo de lo esperado. Sin embargo, el inversionista que predijo correctamente y pronosticó un movimiento descendente de USD / JPY se enfrentaría a una sorpresa desagradable cuando el par subió 50 pips más. Después del repunte inesperado, el par disminuyó como se esperaba. Un inversionista con posición spot FX corto podría haber sido cerrado en el margen de corte o voluntariamente cerró la posición perdedora. La opción binaria ayudaría otra vez al comerciante a pasar el punto y ganar en el pronóstico correcto.

Los binarios también cuentan con un conjunto de importantes cualidades relacionadas con la gestión de riesgos de negociación / ejecución. La primera es la independencia de la profundidad del mercado, lo que significa ausencia técnica de deslizamientos. En segundo lugar, el beneficio máximo predefinido y, lo que es más importante, la pérdida máxima hacen imposible perder más que la cantidad del contrato. Esto último también implica la imposibilidad de conducir la cuenta en la equidad negativa incluso bajo condiciones de fuerza mayor del mercado como ésas observadas durante el CHF se elevan el 15 de enero de 2017 después de la decisión sorpresa del Banco Nacional suizo de abandonar el piso EUR / CHF.

Con todas las características anteriores, las opciones binarias están dando otro paso importante para hacer que los mercados sean más accesibles para un comerciante minorista, comparable a los instrumentos de divisas que entran en el comercio electrónico en plataformas de venta al público hace dos décadas.

Agregar un toque único a binarios en Dukascopy

Al ser un grupo bancario con una considerable experiencia en desarrollo de TI, Dukascopy emprendió el desarrollo de un servicio binario interno y plataformas de comercio (Web, iOS y Android), lo que garantizó una considerable flexibilidad y libertad en comparación con el enfoque común de entrar en una etiqueta blanca Con uno de los principales proveedores de plataformas, un enfoque que se había convertido en estándar en ese momento.

Al ver los binarios como una nueva área para nosotros, fuimos a un comienzo conservador con la oferta de los clásicos pero más extendidos binarios Up / Down en pares de divisas. Nuestra flexibilidad nos permitió ofrecer características que eran y siguen siendo únicas en el mercado incluso para ese tipo de opciones binarias básicas: pagos fijos con un nivel predeterminado del 90%. Que sigue siendo uno de los más altos del mercado, las duraciones de la opción personalizada de 1-60 minutos con un minuto de discreción. Para lograr la transparencia total del feed de precios, utilizamos el flujo SWFX (Mercado Forex de Suiza), es decir, la misma fuente de cotización que las plataformas de comercio de Fx / CFD de Dukascopy. Otra característica valiosa altamente apreciada por los comerciantes técnicos son las cartas completamente funcionales con más de 180 indicadores y objetos de dibujo disponibles en la plataforma Web Binaria.

Después de que el servicio fue lanzado con éxito para los clientes de Dukascopy Group, los binarios se hicieron disponibles como un módulo aparte en el programa de asociación Dukascopy White-Label.

Este año ampliamos la gama de instrumentos con Opciones de Acciones Diarias dando acceso a una sesión de negociación de más de 1500 acciones de todo el mundo y Binarios de Pares en combinaciones de acciones / índices. A diferencia del enfoque convencional de ofrecer un conjunto fijo corto de combinaciones de pares, nuestros comerciantes pueden construir sus propias composiciones.

Muchas actualizaciones y nuevas características ahora están en la tubería. Esto incluye una mayor integración de nuestros productos, permitiendo la creación automática de nuevas subcuentas comerciales y mejoras en la plataforma. Para armonizar las ofertas disponibles para los clientes Fx / CFD y los operadores binarios, ahora estamos trabajando en el lanzamiento de un programa de bonos de capital para las cuentas binarias. Por último, los nuevos tipos de instrumentos binarios, incluidos los binarios táctiles y sus variaciones, están en camino. Una vez más, al igual que con las opciones Up / Down, tenemos la intención de continuar repitiendo los instrumentos convencionales al tiempo que nos esforzamos por agregar un elemento único a nuestro servicio.

Todas las características únicas mencionadas de nuestras opciones binarias están completamente disponibles para los clientes minoristas gracias a Dukascopy Europe. Las cuentas de opciones binarias con Dukascopy Europe están disponibles para tamaños de contrato desde 1 USD y un depósito inicial de 100 USD. Te invito a que tengas tu propia experiencia de trading binario con nosotros en www. dukascopy. eu

Opciones de juego y opciones binarias Guía del comerciante de día

Estos son los dos pecados originales de Internet, y ahora es el momento de arreglarlos Walter Isaacson Участник Influenciador

Hablé con más de 200 chicas para mi nuevo libro - y esto es lo que dijeron sobre lo que le gusta ser una niña de 13 años en las redes sociales hoy Nancy Jo Sales

Pare el brainstorming y empiece a correr con Jake Knapp

Cómo responder a "¿Cuál es su salario actual?" Liz Ryan Equipo Influencer

Cómo manejar relaciones de trabajo que empujan sus botones Daniel Goleman Участник Influenciador

Cómo lanzar una idea como Mark Cuban y Reid Hoffman Adam Grant Участник Influenciador

Explorando la plataforma bancaria como plataforma (BaaP) Pascal Bouvier, CFA

Principales tendencias tecnológicas que impulsan las startups y el capital de riesgo Sramana Mitra Участник Influenciador

FlyDubai Crash: ¿Fatiga piloto? Fabrizio Poli

#UltraMusicFestival: Por qué las marcas necesitan producir experiencias en tiempo real integradas Geoffrey Colon

POLITICO Playbook: TRUMP DOMINGO TALLY: Sanders es segunda - PRIMERA FAMILIA sale mañana por 3 días en Cuba Mike Allen

Opciones de juego y binario

Opciones binarias han tomado el mundo financiero por la tormenta, ofreciendo un sistema de comercio electrónico que permite a cualquier inversor participar en los mercados financieros con bajos montos de inversión y de riesgo limitado.

Las opciones binarias son transparentes: son opciones de tarifa fija de F. R.O. Cuando se realiza un comercio, el inversionista conoce todos los detalles (cuando el comercio se cerrará y cuál será el pago). Esto es lo que establece opciones binarias aparte de cualquier otra forma de comercio de opciones. Ser crea F. R.O es una importante herramienta de gestión de riesgos que sólo está disponible para los inversores que negocian opciones binarias, ya que toda la información sobre la opción se revela desde el inicio del comercio.

Sin embargo, cuando usted invierte en una opción que está haciendo una apuesta. Simplemente sucede que lo que usted está apostando es en qué dirección el activo subyacente se moverá al final del tiempo de vencimiento. Así que las opciones binarias son una forma de juego; Sin embargo, con las regulaciones financieras, los Corredores Opcionales Binarios no se preocupan por estar asociados con la industria del juego.

Ahora que estamos siendo completamente honestos con nosotros mismos acerca de nuestras inversiones / apuestas, vamos a hablar de cómo podemos hacer algún dinero de comercio de opciones binarias. Como comerciante de día no le importa si un activo sube o baja. Recuerde que usted no posee el activo, usted está apostando solamente en la dirección futura que se moverá adentro, hacia arriba o hacia abajo. Si el activo cae y usted predijo que lo haría, entonces usted es un ganador.

Los inversionistas de la opción binaria deben predecir con exactitud el movimiento del valor del activo y si la predicción es correcta, incluso por un solo punto de pip único, entonces el inversor recibirá el pago predeterminado.

Lo que aprecio sobre las opciones binarias es la transparencia. Cuando pongo el dinero en un comercio que sé exactamente lo que mi pago será. En este sentido, las opciones binarias son más similares a una apuesta deportiva o un juego de mesa que una inversión de opción tradicional, porque cuando hago una apuesta en cualquier otra forma de juego como el póker, blackjack o una apuesta deportiva, sé exactamente lo que El pago será si tengo un boleto ganador.

Con las opciones tradicionales, el inversor no tiene idea de cuál será el posible resultado de la inversión, mientras que una opción binaria le indica exactamente cuáles son los pagos. Las tierras de comercio 'En el dinero' o no.

Con opciones binarias no hay sorpresas.

Las opciones tradicionales son arriesgadas porque si usted compra acciones de una empresa o un bien básico y los tanques de activos, su dinero puede estar perdido o atado durante un largo período de tiempo. Esto significa que usted está invirtiendo ciego, ya que los parámetros del comercio son irrestrictos y no tienen fronteras. La recompensa por ganar un Binary Option Trade se indica cuando se realiza la inversión. En situaciones en las que la inversión se cierra 'En el dinero' en el momento de vencimiento, el comerciante recibirá el valor que ofrece la plataforma como ROI, retorno de la inversión. One-Touch Trading puede proporcionar tasas de pago superiores al 600%, mientras que las transacciones convencionales de Call / Put tienen tasas de pago superiores al 89%. Si bien la posibilidad de compensar los beneficios es demasiado real, también lo es la posibilidad de perder su dinero. Simplemente no hay manera de garantizar la forma en que cualquier opción se llevará a cabo, especialmente las opciones a corto plazo como 60 Second Trading.

Las opciones binarias nunca deben considerarse un método para hacerse rico rápidamente. El proceso es más que predecir hacia arriba o hacia abajo. Usted debe participar en el análisis coherente del mercado - Suscríbase al Boletín de DayTraderGuide.

Teniendo en cuenta la naturaleza de las inversiones de la Opción Binaria, se plantea la pregunta "¿Es el proceso de negociación un proceso de inversión o es un proceso de juego?" Bueno, todo se trata de la actitud que posees. Cualquier persona que no entiende las limitaciones del proceso y se aventura en él con la idea de opciones comerciales binarias como un esquema rápido conseguir rico será decepcionado, como te aseguro que puedes perder dinero negociando opciones binarias tan rápido como puedas eso. Es por eso que necesita hacer uso de estrategias de gestión de dinero, como la Regla de Gestión de Riesgos del 8%. Para ayudarle.

James Peterson es escritor del personal para la guía del comerciante del día de Birmingham, Inglaterra. Está en el proceso de escribir un libro sobre el surgimiento de opciones binarias en los mercados financieros. James tiene más de 25 años de experiencia previa trabajando como comerciante de materias primas en la U. K. James tiene una maestría de LSE, London School of Economics, y enseña finanzas en el nivel universitario.

Opciones binarias trading vs Gambling

Opciones binarias y apuestas

Hay muchos artículos que circulan en Internet en estos días que tienden a igualar. Tales artículos tienden a degradar el 'comerciante' y reemplazar la palabra con 'comerciante' con 'jugador', todo en un esfuerzo para desalentar el comercio de opciones binarias. Mientras que el propósito de tales artículos es desconocido los curiosos sobre las opciones binarias que negocian encontraría definitivamente el artículo que los desalienta de negociar. ¿Así es las opciones binarias realmente sólo juego o son tales clase de artículos engañosos?

Inversión = Especulación = Riesgos

¿Alguna vez has encontrado un portal de finanzas o un sitio web que hable de acciones o de otros mercados financieros? Lo más probable es que haya encontrado la revelación de cuán arriesgado es invertir y que la inversión financiera no es adecuada para todos. Tales tipos de revelaciones son requeridos por la ley y se ven a menudo incluso en algunos sitios web de buena reputación.

La verdad sobre la inversión es que no es más que juegos de azar a gran escala. Sin embargo, no hay muchos artículos que se escriben sobre tales inversiones ... Bonos, acciones o incluso bienes raíces. El hecho es que las inversiones financieras son riesgosas y de alguna manera es una apuesta. Las posibilidades de obtener ganancias en una inversión son siempre de 50 a 50, de la misma forma en que usted lanza una moneda para las cabezas o las colas. Entonces, ¿esto no equivale por definición al juego? ¿Y qué tan diferentes son las opciones binarias de lo anterior, donde la especulación para un aumento o descenso de precios se basa en el tiempo que el contrato expira?

El negocio de la especulación financiera es enorme. En otras palabras, es comúnmente referido como el comercio especulativo que irónicamente es empleado por algunos bien conocidos bancos establecidos mundialmente. Las opciones binarias, como sabemos, son un derivado del valor subyacente. Aunque puede ser diferente en la forma en que se negocian, el objetivo básico de las opciones binarias y divisas o incluso las existencias es el mismo. Comprar a un precio bajo y vender a un precio alto. Con opciones binarias, es un poco diferente como un comerciante apuesta en la dirección del precio dentro de la duración del tiempo de expiración del contrato. Esto nos lleva a la pregunta ... por lo que no son los grandes bancos de juego también?

Un elemento que es común a lo anterior es el riesgo. El juego es arriesgado y la inversión financiera también. Sin embargo, los riesgos se manejan mejor cuando están más calculados. Por ejemplo, se considera una inversión que vale la pena arriesgar una pequeña cantidad con la esperanza de duplicar o incluso triplicar la cantidad de inversión. Este enfoque se conoce como tomar un riesgo calculado. Trading no es diferente a tomar riesgos calculados. Por ejemplo, uno de los artículos mencionados anteriormente, hablamos de cómo beneficiarse de las noticias de comercio y los contratos de opciones binarias a corto plazo. Este tipo de estrategia nos da un riesgo calculado. Lo que significa que un comerciante invierte una cantidad en la esperanza de obtener un beneficio basado en un tema subyacente común que se desarrolla en el mercado día tras día.

¿Cuándo el comercio se convierte en juego?

El comercio se convierte en juego cuando el comerciante comienza a comerciar sobre las emociones y la sensación intestinal. La avaricia y el miedo gobiernan las emociones aquí y es fácil conseguir atraído en tal tipo de comercio. Lamentablemente, la mayoría de los comerciantes tienden a caer en esta trampa, por lo que ha llevado a tantos críticos que llaman a opciones binarias o el comercio en su conjunto como el juego y nada más.

Un jugador comerciaría simplemente basado en la sensación del intestino o ser engullido por emociones y comenzará a intercambiar opciones de la LLAMADA y PONGA por ejemplo sin la razón verdadera porqué.

Un comerciante por otro lado, investiga, calcula el riesgo y asegura s que el comercio que hacen devuelve más que la cantidad que ellos arriesgan.

Una vez que un comerciante entiende esta filosofía básica, el comercio ya no se convierte en juego.

Binary Options Trading Signals: Is This Just Gambling?

I was fortunate to have parents who schooled me on the lessons of investing from a young age, so I thought deepening my knowledge by writing about binary options could have some potentially valuable benefits (and yeah, it definitely did). I am by no means a broker and possess no formal training, but after researching binary options and having a surprisingly short chat with Mom and Pops, I came to the very obvious conclusion that legitimizing trading signals for binary options is impossible. The options, and the signals, are nothing more than gambling… but they sure seem way less fun than poker. If you’re interested in binary options, at least let me educate you on the reality of what they are, how they work and how these so called ‘investment platforms’ turn a profit. If your parents skipped over these lessons, learn how to invest from a pro.

Binary options are sometimes referred to as “all or nothing” options for the following reason: the payoff is either a fixed amount (it can also be an asset) or nothing at all. There can only be two results, thus the name “binary.” The options are easy to understand, which further heightens their appeal to DIY investors. Knowledge of stocks’ movements and magnitudes is not required. All you need is a hunch.

The fulcrum of binary options is their timeframe. You are betting against the clock; this can be 30 seconds or the close of trading. Ultimately, they are European-style options, meaning they are cash-settled (who doesn’t like the sound of that?) and cannot be exercised prior to the expiration date.


Let’s take a closer look at the payout structure. Binary options can be bought in both directions, meaning you can buy a Call (or “Up”) option, or a Put (or “Down”) option. In other words, you can bet on stocks to rise or fall (there’s more to it than that, but that’s the general idea). The payout, of course, is relative to the risk; the bigger the risk, the bigger reward, just like in most types of gambling (I suppose getting lucky at the slots would be an exception).

Veamos un ejemplo. Mental math is crucial for DIY investing, so even if you opt out of binaries like a smart investor, it would still be wise to learn the secrets of quick math. Imagine company XXX is trading at $10 a share as of 12:00 p. m. with a binary payout of $20. If, at the future maturity date (say, 1:00 p. m.), the stock is trading at or above $10 (meaning you would have finished in the money), then you receive $20 (a 100% profit). But if the stock is trading below $10 at 1:00 p. m. then you finish out of the money, and you lose everything (a 100% loss).

When a Loss isn’t a Loss

Sometimes you do not lose everything . but even in these cases the majority of the investment is lost. You might invest $100, finish out of the money, and receive $20 back (80% loss). This is where binary option platforms employ rhetoric to make this sound not only less terrible, but actually ideal . The popular phrase is “controlled risk to reward ratio.” Like I said earlier, the payout is pre-determined, so platforms use this to their advantage by saying the amount you can lose is predetermined and thus limited. By contrast, they say, traditional options are not defined and therefore the losses can be infinite. While technically true, the possibility of, say, Google stock crashing 80% in one second is unthinkable. It’s best not to think of pre-determined payouts in numbers, i. e. “Hey, I can only lose eighty bucks.” Think of it in terms of percentages: “I can lose 80%.” Because most people aren’t going to make one trade; they’re going to make hundreds, thousands, and with a consistently steep risk, it’s easy for them to quickly be in over their heads.

Maybe You Want to Listen to Forbes?

Gordon Pape of Forbes wrote what is probably the most quoted article (on the internet, at least) on the subject of binary options. The fifteenth paragraph pretty much sums it up:

Nadie, no importa lo bien informado, puede predecir consistentemente lo que una acción o mercancía va a hacer en un corto período de tiempo. Will Apple (APPL) shares go up or down in the next 10 minutes? Unless there has just been some major announcement from the company, there is no way to even guess at that .

And, just to complement Mr. Pape’s opinion, here is a highlighted except from the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s official investor alert on binary options:

Gran parte del mercado de opciones binarias opera a través de plataformas de negociación basadas en Internet que no están necesariamente cumpliendo con los requisitos reguladores aplicables de los Estados Unidos y pueden estar participando en actividades ilegales.

Of course, illegal activity abounds when it comes to the stock market and the government, so there’s definitely some hypocrisy involved. But our last item of interest concerns these Internet platforms. Your average stockbroker collects a percentage of your investments every year; a generous broker might only collect 1%, but the average is closer to 3-5%, and hedge fund managers are famous for collecting 20% or more. Of course, if they lose you money, they in turn lose money, not to mention your business (in which case they lose everything). So there’s some incentive there. But these binary options platforms operate like casinos; they don’t lose if you lose; they win. They are in effect “the house,” and in the long run, the house always wins.

Haunted House

One of these “fairer” websites offers $64 for every successful trade you make of $100. If you lose, you get back $22. That doesn’t look like such a bad spread. But let’s assume 50/50 odds over the course of 1,000 bets; you win 500, you lose 500. Your winnings are going to be $32,000, and your losses are going to be $39,000. That’s if you guess right half the time, but as Gordon Pape notes, “there is no way to even guess…” Just to break even you would have to guess right 55% of the time, which would put your winnings at $35,200 and your losses at $35,100. Do the math. This is gambling, my friends. Some people get lucky, and some people can make a living playing poker, but the vast majority of gamblers only manage to make the owners of casinos some of the richest people in the world. So don’t be a sucker. Attain financial security the smart way.

Gambling and Binary Options

Binary Options have taken the financial world by storm, offering a system of e-trading that lets any investor participate in the financial markets with low investment amounts and limited risk.

Binary Options are transparent: they are F. R.O’s, Fixed Rate Options. When a trade is made the investor knows all details (when the trade will close and what the payout will be). This is what sets binary options apart from every other form of option trading. Being creates F. R.O’s is a major risk management tool that is only available for investors trading binary options, since all the information about the option is disclosed from the beginning of the trade.

Nonetheless, when you invest in an option you are making a ‘bet’. It just happens that what you’re betting on is which direction the underlying asset will move by the end of the expiry time. So Binary Options are a form of gambling; however, with financial regulations, Binary Option Brokers don’t care to be associated with the gaming industry.

Now that we are being completely honest with ourselves about our investments/bets, let’s talk about how we can make some money trading Binary Options. As a day trader you don’t care if an asset rises or falls. Remember you do not own the asset, you are only betting on the future direction that it will move in, either up or down. If the asset falls and you predicted it would, then you’re a winner.

Binary Option investors must accurately predict the movement of the asset’s value and if the prediction is correct, even by a just one single pip point, then the investor will receive the predetermined payoff.

What I appreciate about binary options is the transparency. When I put money down on a trade I know exactly what my payout will be. In this sense, Binary Options are more similar to a sports bet or a table game than a traditional option investment, because when I place a bet on any other form of gambling such as poker, blackjack or a sports bet, I know precisely what the payout will be if I have a winning ticket.

With traditional options the investor has no idea what the possible outcome of the investment will be, while a Binary Option tells you exactly what the payouts are. The trade lands ‘In the Money’ or not.

With Binary Options there are no surprises.

Traditional Options are risky because if you purchase shares of a company or a commodity and the asset tanks, your money may be lost or tied up for a long period of time. This means that you’re investing blind, since the parameters of the trade are unrestricted and have no boundaries. The payoff for winning a Binary Option Trade is stated when the investment is made. In situations where the investment closes ‘In the Money’ at the expiration time, the trader will receive the value that the platform offered as a ROI, return on investment . One-Touch Trading may provide payout rates over 600%, while standard Call/Put Trades have payout rates over 89%. While the possibility of netting profits is all-too-real, so is the chance of losing your money. There simply is no way of guaranteeing how any option will perform, especially short term options such as 60 Second Trading .

Binary Options should never be considered a method to get rich quick. The process is more than just predicting Up or Down. You must be involved in consistent analysis of the market – Subscribe to DayTraderGuide’s Newsletter.

Considering the nature of the Binary Option investments, it begs the question “Is the trading process an investing process or is it a gambling process?” Well, it’s all about the attitude you possess. Anyone who does not understand the limitations of the process and ventures into it with the idea of trading binary options as a get rich quick scheme will be disappointed, as I assure you that you can lose money trading Binary Options just as quickly as you can make it. That is why you need to make use of money management strategies, such as the 8% Risk Management Rule . to assist you.

Automated Income App: Gambling With Binary Options

What Is It?

This is a type of software that is supposed to help you trade binary options.

Short Review:

Despite giving the impression that this app will make you a millionaire quickly and easily, for free, this is far from the truth. It costs $200-$250 to start an account with United Options, and this is an extremely high risk stock trading strategy that takes LOTS of research and study to do it properly.

Don’t fall for the advertising trick of showing you fast cars and boobs. (screenshot taken from main advertising video)

Before You Buy:

The sales video should be completely ignored. The guy in the video is a hired voice actor, and Bryan Miller is NOT real. The product owners are actually Tim Atkinson and Zack Meftah, which are notorious guru scammers – yes, exactly the kind that “Bryan Miller” hates so much. A few months ago they came out with a product called Make Money with Meghan that was equally scammy, and also sold through a made-up personality.

Gambling with Binary Options

You may or may not have heard of binary options. To tell you the truth, I’m not 100% clear on what they are, because it’s pretty complicated. I do a bit of stock investing, but this is beyond my level – by a long shot.

If you would like to know more about what binary options is, check out the Wikipedia page. It’s a legit look at some of the theory and math of this type of stock trading.

Systems like Automated Income App are often sold as get-rich-quick schemes. I did a review on another place called Cedar Finance Binary Options. which was designed very similarly to this product.

The idea is that you guess which way a stock is going to go: Up or Down. You click a button to make your guess. You bet a certain amount of money, and if you are right, you make some money. If you are wrong, you lose the money you put on the table.

Does that sound a lot like gambling? Yeah, it is.

What I liked:

There isn’t much to like about this product, I have no problem calling this one a scam.

What I didn’t Like:

There’s plenty to not like about Automated Income App, the product, as well as binary options trading in this type of arena.

Advertisements like the one you saw on the main site of AIA are designed to take advantage of you. They tell you an amazing story of rags to riches, they use certain types of language to make you feel like it’s a real person talking to you. They even tell you how much they hate scammers, and out of the goodness of their heart, will show you the road to financial freedom.

In fact, it’s the exact opposite.

As far as binary options goes, please realize that this is high risk stock trading at best, and just plain gambling by some standards. You can absolutely lose every penny you invest in a matter of seconds.

If you are actually interested in binary options, there may be some companies worth going with, but they are out of the scope of this review, and beyond my own understanding. There are binary options review sites that can give you a better idea of which ones are legit (that links goes to a website I THINK is honest. Please do your own research) and which ones aren’t.

Remember this from the main video? Why would they say this if the product is CLEARLY about trading binary options?

There are fake review sites that may recommend certain services because they get paid a commission for each dollar you spend, which is likely the case of Automated Income App. Although they can market the app as being free, you still have to fund your account.

It’s important to check out specific trading sites before you sign up because there is a lot of talk about some companies actually rigging the software to make you lose more than you win, and some that don’t pay you, even if you do win money. You might think that this would be regulated by the SEC, but if the company is a fly-by-night website running out of Malaysia or The Cayman Islands, you are out of luck.

Final Review

If you are looking to make money on the internet, binary options is not a good place to start. It’s high risk and expensive. Plus, with Tim and Zack’s track record, I would hesitate to get involved in anything they promote.

What Now?

The appeal of easy money is obvious. It can be hard to turn down an “opportunity” to magically turn your life around, stop being poor and overworked, and start being rich and successful.

Don’t forget that successful people have worked hard to get where they are today . It took me over 1 year to turn a profit from a website, and it was definitely not my first try (at that time I owned over 30 failed websites). I learned at Wealthy Affiliate. and this training program is currently my #1 rated product.

Now, I teach people how to build websites and earn money from them. Building the sites is easy, even for newbies, but the hard part is writing content for the site. I explain more of the process in my 5 Day Email Course on Internet Marketing .

What's up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoy this post. My name is Nathaniell and I'm the owner of One More Cup of Coffee. I started my first online business in 2010 promoting computer software and now I help newbies start their own businesses. Sign up for my #1 recommended training course and learn how to start your business for FREE!

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September 25, 2017 at 8:44 pm

Hey You ve gotta be honest. Your Reviews. you do not buy the systems and try to follow along and make it work. Just define it as sales hype and call it a scam. They all cannot be scams. professionals in the binary trade all use software. which is the best and most accurate is the question. Why don’t you do just that. Find the best for people. In any other type of online money making system seems like the same. You don’t buy it or try it. How is that an honest review. Just recommend the one that works for you, that’s cool. You bought it, worked it and give your honest review.

September 25, 2017 at 11:51 pm

Phuleeze bro. “Automated Income”. If there really was an app that guaranteed results they would not be giving it away for free. Sure, binary traders use software but it’s no the magic button that these guys claim it is. People have to work their but off and use human decisions to actually profit. Are the apps and software I review scams? Yes, because I can smell a scam a mile off. If someone says I’ll give you a million dollar trading system if you give me $20 would you do it? If you are smart, no.

January 1, 2017 at 7:38 pm

Even the people reviewing binary options trading really know very little about this pure crap. First of all, which is the most important point to accept as FACT. All binary brokers are shady to outright crooked. Bonus deposits are even scammier than the bonuses offered by sports betting sites. In fact, there are sports betting sites that are far more reputable than all of the binary brokers combined. It is not stock trading whatsoever through a reputable broker. Binary option itself is not the problem believe it or not. Since SEC legalized it quite a while ago. The problem is the brokers. No reputable brokers with the exception of nadex actually rout your orders to the actual market. All the brokers are operating a ponzi scheme using inhouse traders money as a pool like a bookie would. Winners get 70-80% or their bets and losers lose it all. Matching bonuses prevent traders from withdrawing any money until they meet the matching bonus deposit requirements that could be anywhere from 50 times to 100 times your initial deposit. Further you must meet minimum trade requirements. There are plenty of traders making money with binary options and options trading but broker is the problem since none of them currently are regulated and routs your orders to the actual market.

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I started my own business on the internet in 2010 because I wanted to start every day with a relaxing cup of coffee instead of going to a regular 9-5 job. With One More Cup of Coffee I hope to help other people learn online business and achieve their own goals. I review products, create tutorials, and blog about my successes & failures. This is a newbie-friendly, guru-free zone! . [more]

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Is Binary Options Trading Gambling?

The questions of the legitimacy and whether or not binary options trading is considered gambling has been asked time and time again, even at the regulatory level. While currently most binary options brokers find regulation at financial regulatory bodies (CySEC and the FSC for example), this does not serve to answer the underlying question. The short answer to this question is, yes, binary options ARE gamling. However, before you start choosing between 28 black and 12 red, let me elaborate:

First, let’s take a look at the definition of “gamble” as defined by the Oxford Dictionary: Gamble: To do something that involves risks that might result in loss of money or failure, hoping to get money or achieve success

So Is All Investing Gambling?

According to this definition, many things we do in daily life can be considered gambling. Sp, what does a stock trader or investment banker do when compiling a portfolio? He risks a some of money with the hopes of an outcome that is not necessarily guaranteed. That, by definition, is gambling. How about Forex? The same story. Let’s digress into another field: real estate. People buy land and houses with the hope that the property value will eventually rise so they can sell it for a profit, or at the least break even. If you don’t think there’s any risk involved in that, then I think 2008 (USA) would disagree with you. Be that as it may, real estate was at that time considered to be a relatively “safe” investment before that crash. Not many people would refer to real estate investment as gambling, but by definition that’s exactly what it is, and history proves it.

In all honesty, any investment activity can be considered gambling. Venture capitalists also gamble when they invest into start-ups, where they know that there is absolutely no guarantee that any of the companies they invest in will survive let alone be profitable. Anyone offering guaranteed earnings or profit are usually those that you need to be most careful of, especially if they guarantee what they’re offering to be risk-free.

As a smart investor/gambler, what you need to do is implement risk management. You will always have risks. The higher the payouts the riskier the investment. This is especially true with binary options trading. Any binary options vehicle offering payouts above 100% are much higher risk than any other binaries. That said, with binary options, the risk is always fixed. Since you don’t trade on margin or use leverage, you will never lose more than you initial investment in that trade.

Binary options can be considered gambling very much like all other financial instruments. This is not necessarily a bad thing. People gamble their entire lives. The important thing is to know what your risk is and what your odds are. When you need to risk more and what makes it worthwhile.

Broker Reviews

Binary Option Robot Info Do Not Weep, Make Money While You Sleep!

Some people may have shunned away from engaging in binary options trades for fear that it is entirely gambling. The work of arguing whether binary options are gambling has been a difficult one ever since it came into being. However, we are going to clarify the matter in this article.

We can confidently say that in their honest motives, binary options trades are not gambling if you engage in proper trading practices that involve logical and reasonable judgments gaining knowledge and experience in the market. Binary options have regularities that you can exploit to make profits. We can call these regularities chart patterns, and they exist around the world. Apart from binary options traders, forex traders and investment banks’ employees who operate the trading desks have these chart patterns. Chart analysis is a legitimate tool that helps in analyzing the market and forecast future price movements. We do not imply that any simple strategy is all you need and that you will not experience any risk in your trading experience.

You have to do your homework before to becoming a true master in the industry. On the other hand, gambling entails a lot of luck and guessing. In casino games, players depend on the settings of the system. In sports betting, you are dependent on many variables that dictate the results of the match. Additionally, not all matches give excellent returns, while there is significant uncertainty in higher-grossing matches. Poker involves extensive skills and requires players to depend on a different set of individual and non-structured rules they established. It does not involve clear and objective criteria.

Playing at Casino Versus Trading Binary Options

Trading in binary options is not equal to playing casino games. Betting on a roulette versus taking positions in markets are two things that are not the same. In casino games, a player receives a return as per the likelihood of an event. The games pose great disadvantages to the trader. The house has the edge, and it always tend to win.

Binary Options Vs Gambling

Comparing binary options trades with sports betting

There are some several similarities between the two, especially after the introduction of live game betting through the internet. In trading binary options, a trader can take positions that stock will rise or fall in price. In sports betting, for example when placing a bet between two teams, you may bet that team A will win with two or more goals against team B. if the team A wins with more two or more goals, you walk away with the betting prize. If the team does not win by those goals, you lose. Hence, both sports betting and binary options are similar because they both involve only two outcomes that are similar to a yes or no choice.

When it comes to football, professionals study the performance of both teams before the match kicks off. They also go through any available historical data that holds significance to the game. A trader that knows something that many others in the betting do not know stands in a great position to use the information in winning the game. It is important to act quickly by betting before the information becomes general knowledge.

Binary Options vs Sport Betting

Estimating the future

No one can make an accurate prediction of the future. As much as people can speculate and attempt to predict the future based on the feel, knowledge and experience, they can never know all the variables. The reason binary options are more profitable and interesting than sports betting are that a trader plays the market. You can get a great market that will enable you to gain an edge. On the other hand, winning punters cannot bet at bookmakers. Sometimes, they only have to bet reduced amounts as the bookmakers’ way of chasing them away.

When it comes to placing binary options trades, it does not typically involve betting against the house. It depends on the level of market liquidity. The brokers are simply transacting your positions by trading with others. When two traders enter into trades in such a way that one places a call while the other plays a put, the broker does not have any risk.

Comparing Binary Options with Poker

Most poker players consider it a game that needs many skills. However, most governments have labeled it as equal to gambling. There are several similarities between gambling and poker. A poker player who possesses a lot of skills in the game has an edge over a new beginner who has just dipped his toes in the game. In the same vein, a skilled binary options trader stands in a better position than a novice trader does in making trades that can bring great profits. However, in the short run, an unskilled trader or poker player can make just as profitable moves as an experienced one. Sometimes, the beginner can garner in more profit than the proficient player or trader in the short run. It is difficult to argue that a skilled trader who has knowledge about different strategies will not bring a positive change in the returns. However, short-term luck cannot help you gain prowess and resilience in the long-term.

In binary options and poker, you do not necessarily play against the house on a large scale. You only surrender a small fee to the house when it comes to trading binary options. Naturally, the brokers need to pay the staff members, meet regulations and pay marketing agencies.

Patterns analysis

When playing poker, you need to be very active in analyzing betting patterns of people when betting, doing an opponent check, raising or folding in certain situations. When a trader begins picking up a pattern, he stands in a better position to heighten his profits. Always remember you will make mistakes regardless of your level of prowess. Another thing to remember is that traders in both stock market and poker can get emotional and make irrational decisions. They may hang on to an execution that looked promising some few minutes ago or keep shares since their relationship with the company is personal rather than pure profit making. On the other hand, a trader can have the knowledge or possess a secret strategy that may help him gain an edge. You never know for sure. That is the fun of it all.

Binary Options requires Learning

You need to take some times and invest your efforts in learning about the best strategies in trading binary options. You need to know all there is to learn about the fundamental and technical analysis when it comes to trading bi8nary options. Indicator tools and basic chart patterns are essential for consistent profit making in the industry.

Why have many people compared Binary options with gambling in some quarters?

The market for binary options is where a person can make a profit or loss depending on the asset finishing in one of two possible outcomes. The fact that the outcomes are all, or none entices some people to take risks by guessing the direction of trades or use maximum risk in trading. Hence, some people tend to compare binary options trading with gambling due to this fact.

We can say that some traders may turn binary options trades into gambling. We can do this after looking into some factors that lead to this conclusion. To gamble means to attempt to achieve a result based on pure luck or chance. In its purest motives, binary options trade is not an exercising in gambling. However, if you engage in bad practices in the market, then you are engaging in sheer gambling and not trading. You do not want to be this person. Here is how to reduce binary options trading into sheer gambling:

Trading Run Bets

There are some platforms that offer run bets that may have different variations. One of these platforms is the Betonmarkets, which offers four versions of run bets. The first run bets version on the platform promises traders a return that doubles the trade amount if they make a correct prediction of the trade ending after five ticks. Another version promises ten times the invested amount if the asset’s price finishes on a particular digit from 0-9 after five ticks. A third trade promises a 10% return if you can predict that after five ticks, price’s last digit will not be the chosen digit.

A close examination of the run bets will show to you that the trades are pure gambling that may lead to you losing great amounts of money. For example, consider a variation that promises a payout of ten times the invested trade amount for a result that can only be correct 1 out of 10 times. It implies that the odds of failure in the trade are 90%. Why would you decide to place a trade where the odds of failure are against you like heavy stacks? We can say that this is pure gambling.

Don’t Take Huge Risks.

Trading the 60 Seconds Option

This type of trade promises a return to you if you can predict accurately whether the asset will finish higher or lower than the current price in one minute. In pure trading, it is impossible to analyze an asset’s behavior accurately within sixty seconds. Hence, any trader trading the option is engaging in pure gambling on the trade’s outcome.

We also need to know that some brokers manipulate the asset’s prices so that the sixty-second play finishes either out of the money or at the breakeven point. You may encounter an occasion where a trade is heading to a breakeven point judging on the asset’s pricing on other platforms. However, a scrupulous broker may tip the asset’s movement into the loss territory in the very last second. This is similar to the stop hunting practices that many forex market brokers have been engaging into con the unsuspecting traders. If you are trading a type of an option whose outcome is not transparent in most of the time, then what you are doing is gambling.

The High Yield Options

The High Yield Boundary and High Yield Touch bets are some of the trades that fall into this category. These bets promise large amounts of returns for correct predictions. However, here is the question: why would the broker want to give your up to 500% of your trade amount as if the excess money cannot do anything else for them? The truth of the matter is that brokers are aware that such trades’ conditions will never favor you. Hence, they use the returns to tempt greedy people into parting with their money. Any broker that seemingly claims to be a charity organization is out to con you your hard-earned money.

Sixty Second Trading

Trading without analysis

Trading without analyzing the market and assets is the worst trading practice that constitutes gambling. Most brokers fail to provide technical indicators, charts, trading news sections and other important things that are vital for analyzing markets to ensure trading is informed. Traders will then have to rely on the basic tick charts that most platforms provide. Based on the tick information that appear on these platforms, most traders end up making hunch trades. If you want to be a proficient trader in binary options, you need to download or view interactive charts and apply them in analyzing the market. Otherwise, you will be doing sheer guesswork that leads to gambling.

As we have seen above, there are things and actions that present binary options as some sort of gambling actions and not as a pure trading venture. If brokers eliminate such actions and things that forces traders to gamble, the binary options trades will be pure trading ventures. In short, traders need to avoid trading the ultra-short expiry speculative trades such as 60 seconds, run bets and high yield options. Another thing is that traders need to conduct a maximum analysis of the trades before placing them to ensure their trading experience is profitable. If the broker does not provide a chance for extensive analysis, look for one that does it. You do not want to get out of binary options simply because a broker failed you.

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Binary options, Gambling, and the Future of Betting with Bitcoin

BitcoinGG in Uncategorized published on 10, September 2017

Let’s make a bet, just between you and I. Within two years you will be able to wager on anything, instantly, in the comfort of your own home, or right on that smart-phone wherever you are. The gambling world will become effortless, frictionless, and unstoppable. This isn’t Satoshi dice. It’s a new world where gambling is integrated into every type of game, every service, every message. Where betting is absolutely pervasive.

You see, we bet every day. Life is a series of chances, we bet on our jobs, we bet on each other, and we bet on our own abilities. Ultimately we take stakes in outcomes, and if all goes right we reap the rewards. The stock market is probably the most efficient gambling machine created in the history of the world, bubbling with esoteric contracts, and derivative instruments. All of which are fancy ways of betting on future outcomes. This is the main foundation of brands like Stockbet. Trader sounds a lot more respectable than Gambler in some circles, but the overlap in skills and motivation is undeniable.

Somewhere along the line the binary option was born, an exotic contract designed to be integrated into more complex arrangements. That makes it sound complicated, but it’s really very simple. A binary option is a true or false bet on a future occurrence in a specified time frame. Most Bitcoin binary options trading sites operate this. Brands like BTCLevels and Anyoption. as well as binary options Beast Options broker, are just a couple of examples. The Yankees are going to win today’s game. Russia is going to withdraw from Ukraine within 2 weeks. Fancy prancer will get second place in the race. The thing is, almost anything can be composed into a binary option. It is without any sugar coating an unregulated bet that you can programmatically structure. If you buy the option and the event occurs you are in the money, and if it doesn’t you’re in the red.

We already have betting platforms that take Bitcoin. but the binary option will transform the network into the platform. Just like StorJ promises to create a new distributed storage network, next-generation blockchain tech and front end clients will offer access to real-time betting in a fully decentralized and unregulated way. Technology like Counterparty which offers peer-to-peer bets is changing the way we build software, and opening up new possibilities. Adoption is limited, but as the user experience improves we can expect to see it integrated into specific games and applications. The fundamental building blocks of this new gambling-tech are being put into place as I write this.

Alternative digital currency networks such as Ethereum promise to push gambling tech even further. Creating systems that for all intents and purposes are self-sustaining and completely unstoppable. The service itself will live on the network, taking bets, and distributing winnings. Independent from any entity or government, and continually taking wagers from people and devices on a variety of subjects and events. This type of technology and the myriad possibilities it creates is right around the corner. Given how closely trading and gambling are related, how long until the mechanics of the stock market are perfectly mirrored?

I give it two years. We have the know-how. The motivation exists, and the possibilities are endless. Real time distributed, crowd-sourced betting is here to stay and that technology is going to filter into all aspects of our digital lives. Care to bet otherwise?

Is Binary Options Gambling?

It has been speculated that there is a link between binary options and gambling due to the similarities in their executions. With gambling, you should be making a calculated guess so that you attain a particular result. What you want at the end of the gamble is for your guess to be correct so that you ‘win your bet’ and receive a pay-out. The same principle applies in binary options trading, where you make a calculated guess about the movement of an asset in the future. If you are correct about this movement then you will benefit but if you make the wrong call, then you will lose your investment.

Despite these similarities, binary options trading and gambling are not the same thing. Here are the main differences: –

The odds when trading in binary options are not fixed. They are very much dependant on what is happening within the market on a daily basis, and it is from this information that you choose how high or how low your binary options trade is going to go. With gambling, you are dealing with fixed odds as you are limited to making a choice based on cards or numbers for example.

When you choose binary options trading, you are always aware of what the odds are, and therefore, you can say that you can play these odds so that they are consistently in your favour. This makes it easier for you to forecast a possible win. However, when you gambling, the odds are consistently against you as the intention is to do what is necessary so that you do not get a pay-out.

The types of assets when trading binary options and gambling are quite different. With binary options, your assets include commodities, indices, stocks and forex. All these are active within financial markets around the globe. With gambling, you are dealing with casinos and sports betting, which do not have any real standing in financial markets.

With both binary options trading and gambling (particularly sports betting) it is possible to be in the money or out of the money. This is because for both, before you choose to trade, you gather information that will increase the possibility of making a successful trade. You are able to do this legally which is not the case with other types of gambling.

The level of skill that you have will affect the way that you trade binary options or the way that you gamble. With binary options however, traders of different levels of skills are given access to the same opportunities, and they can trade on the same platforms. The difference is that they have the freedom to decide how much they are willing to deposit into their accounts and the amount that they are willing to put into each trade. With gambling, this is not the case. Where poker players are looking to make wagers, they will be divided into different groups based on their level of skill and it will only be possible to interact with others who have the same skill levels. Furthermore, there may be a cap placed on how much can be wagered, and the gap between the minimum and the maximum amount is much narrower when you are gambling, than when you are trading binary options.

When planning your strategy for binary options trading . you can refer to historical data and charts to identify patters that will help you make better investment decisions moving forward. With gambling, it is close to impossible to do the same, as gambling involves some strategy, though for the most part, it is based on luck.

Binary options traders are protected on leading trading sites because these sites are regulated. There are some gambling sites that are regulated to ensure that high-quality standards are maintained, though this regulation does not offer the same support that is given to binary options traders.

Another key difference between binary options trading and gambling is the way that they are recognised by governments. When you benefit from binary options trading, you are considered to have secured earnings which are taxable. However, when you gamble and make a return, this is considered to be winnings, and many times is not taxed.

I agree that government does not consider binary options as gambling and the money we earn from it is all taxable, but still looking at the changes and the way we earn or lose the money here, it is gambling.

Thanks for this! I have been trying to explain this to my wife for a year. I was not sure why she thought it was like gambling, however there is risk, but now I can use the differences that you posted here in my argument.


A person who does Binary Options or is planning to do it has maybe asked himself: Is Binary Options gambling? Even the online search results also portray the same picture in front of you and then you ask yourself, “Have I made the right decision?” Possibly you have some friends who have lost a big amount of money in Binary Options and according to them Binary Options is not much different from going to casino for testing your predictions.

A million dollar question moves up that “Is Binary Options really a gambling?” Well the answer is not so straight because it is not a complete Yes or complete No in this regard. It depends on your perception of trading. Some traders play a complete gamble by depending on their luck for the profit or loss. There are some traders as well who always act as per the market patterns for reducing the amount of risk involved and for earning profits and they consider Binary Options as their business. Below are the 5 ways for recognizing addictive and risky behaviour of gambling.

Endeavouring to gain back things at any cost

Anyone can stick in this pattern of gambling. Anger, confusion and depression are natural when you lose a trade. In such situation feeling of revenge increases and takes place in the mind set. You want to come out of the loss as fast as you can. Therefore, you start trading without concerning about your rules and you get in to such trades that don’t match your criteria. Then, you also don’t care about the amount of money invested. When you lose one more trade then your will for taking revenge gets more powerful. This may lead to a very serious problem. It can be possible that you lose everything and you may find yourself unable to find a way for coming out of it.

If you are not in normal frame of mind then you shouldn’t do trading at that time. You just need a break to gain back the momentum and analyze the reason why you lost the trade. When you will find a reason then you will not make the similar mistake further. You should always remember that market is not an awake body, so how you can take revenge from it? Market doesn’t care you win or lose. Always take decision with calm mind because that will be productive for you. Never take any decision with an angry head.

Using the money that is needed for other requirements

This is the second sign that clearly displays your addiction. If you are depositing the money in your Binary account that you should spend for taking care for necessities, buying groceries, paying bills, and for any other requirements that it clearly indicates your addiction. You have no need to disobey your other priorities and obligations in order to carry on Binary Options. You will lose the balance of your life once you start depositing money in your Binary Options account that is for the completion of other obligations. If you have a family then it should come first rather than your Binary Options account. You shouldn’t transfer money from your saving account to your trading account in order to counteract losses of trading. It will not help you for the purpose by any mean. If needed, then change the way of your trading because it can help you in minimizing the losses further. You can transfer additional money to your trading account once after meeting your quota of saving and paying all the bills.

Betting licentious amount of money in trading

It can be quite devastating for you. You need to set some rules for trading because it will give you certain and precise direction to move on. For better results you should go for the best trades and should invest them on consistent basis because it can be quite productive for you along with minimal amount of risk involved.

Demolition of your trading rules

Violating trading rules can’t be profitable for you by any mean. These are the rules for scheduling and other aspects of trading system. These rules are completely helpful in making you precise and act as per a certain plan. You invite disorder when you break any of these rules. This will lead to increase in your losses by all means. You need to work within your rules otherwise you will not become able to achieve desired goals.

Avoid talking with responsibility partners and family members related to trading

It clearly displays that you are in a deep problem. You are completely responsible to those people who depend on you and they deserve the first place in your life than trading. If you don’t have a family hen you may have a friend, fellow trader or a mentor who likes to see you grow and always focus on the right way for achieving the goals. If you are not giving the right answer or hiding something form your accountability partner or family then remember that you are not doing the right thing. You should tell them where the money is going and how you are dealing with your trading related affairs.

Remember that there will always be possibility of losing money in trading even if you consider trading like business. You can’t get hundred percent of winning-rate by any mean. Though, risk recognition may reduce the amount of losses as it will give you a realistic viewpoint and also helps you in achieving your goals ethically. Though, there is a bit of gambling but it is not wrong. There is always the abundance of unpredictability when you invest your money in a new business. Binary Options doesn’t encourage addictive behaviour or other similar mistakes but you should always be at extra attentive mode regarding changes in your behaviour, and try to stay away from the trap of gambling. Always recognize the risk and act accordingly and then you will be on the path of constant success. Do you have any tips for the beginners or any story you want to share? Please tell us in the comments.

Gambling and Binary Options Trading

Gambling and Binary Options Trading 5.00 / 5 (100.00%) 1 vote

Because it is easy to see the similarities between gambling and binary options trading, many consumers approach this investment vehicle with caution. The widespread use of gambling terminology when trading binary options further highlights the connection. Several distinct correlations demonstrate why many people see the similarities, and the correlations also explain why some investors are eager to trade binary options despite the resemblance to gambling.

Yes/No Trade and Sports Betting

Gambling and Binary Options Trading

In its simplest form, binary options represent a choice between yes and no with regard to a question of price. A trader essentially bets on whether a price is going up or going down. The trader will further wager that the price will reach a certain level by the end of the trading period.

This is markedly similar to some examples of sports betting. A person might gamble on whether a particular team will win, and the person might further bet that the score will reach a certain level by the end of the designated sporting period. There are some pieces of information a person can gather to further their odds of making a correct wager in either case, but the nature of both sports and binary options is such that the result is often a matter of chance.

Registered Exchanges and Casinos

Another correlation between gambling and binary options trading may be made with registered exchanges and casinos. With a registered exchange, traders bet on the price direction of assets in a regulated environment. This provides a measure of protection for the companies and the traders. Similar conditions exist in casinos. Players place their bets in a controlled environment that operates under at least some form of regulation. Investors need to exercise caution, however, when choosing a trading platform. They should check the SEC about the platform to be certain of its registration status.

Unregulated Trading Platforms and Bookies

Traders who wish to make use of unregulated trading platforms do so at their own risk. The same is the case for people who place wagers with a bookie. With an unregulated trading platform, investors have little legal protection if they have a complaint or discover they are victims of fraud. Investors might take that risk for a number of reasons. One common purpose is for the anonymity and tax benefits offered by offshore trading platforms under certain foreign jurisdictions. Similarly, casual bookmakers are unlikely to report revenue earned by their clients.

When consumers who are exploring investment vehicles ask if trading binary options is a form of gambling, the answer is yes. The extent to which there are similarities between gambling and binary options trading, however, depends on the nature of the trading in which the investor engages. Some methods and platforms for executing trades more closely resemble traditional investing. Other methods and platforms more closely resemble an outing at a racetrack or a casino. Whichever end of the spectrum an investor finds a trade, it is certain to involve a gamble of some kind.

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Opciones binarias & # 8211; Trading or Gambling?

Due to the increasing number of binary options trading sites. it is now paramount for potential traders to become curious about what these sites can offer. Many online ads tout systems for guaranteed benefits, making it easier for scammers who are more interested in benefiting from traders rather to help site users to reap the fruits of honest investment.

Is binary options trading or gambling?

Binary options trading is very similar to gambling in many ways and as a result, some may see the binary trading options as gambling. So, what is?

In this article, we will review the binary options trading and discuss why trade of this type of financial instrument should be seen as investment rather than gamble.

What is binary options trading?

A binary option is predetermined fixed payment, financial instrument with limited risk allowing an investor to speculate on whether the value of a stock, currency pair, index or commodity will rise or fall at the end of a particular period.

In order to fully understand the features of this financial instrument, let’s take a binary option issued by the euro-dollar exchange rates (EUR/USD) as an example. In this case, let’s say that this binary option offers a payout of 80% and has a shelf life of one hour after its execution. If the buyer takes the position that the exchange rate will be above its current rate, invests $100 and executes the trade, he or she is essentially saying ‘I think the rate of EUR / USD will rise in value in the time of one hour.”

If at the end of the hour, the exchange rate is above its pre-execution rate, the option ends in-the-money (ITM) and pays a return of $180, resulting in a gain of $80 ($180 payment – investment of $100).

If the exchange rate at maturity is lower than its pre-execution rate, the option ends out of money and investment of $ 100 is lost (note: some binary brokers offer off-the-money payments to 15% of the amount invested).

In short, a binary option contract is an instrument of all or nothing based on the financial value of various types of underlying assets offered to buyers. It’s of two possibilities:

Payment if successful or

No payment if unsuccessful

Binary Options Trading vs. Betting

Since the value of a binary option is based solely on the value of the underlying financial asset to which it was issued, there are several ways to invest in binary options based on market analysis and studies that can be performed on the underlying asset. Thus, the binary options trading is the possibility of basing one’s decision on a large body of financial data before performing an operation and therefore differs from gambling.

In order to be clearer on how binary options trading differ from gambling. take the example of a binary option issued in the value of gold.

If financial markets begin to experience severe volatility after an unusual event, it might increase the spread of fear and uncertainty among investors. Previous experience has shown that this often leads to a profound increase in demand for gold as investors liquidate their financial holdings “unstable” in favor of more stable investments “such as gold. This increased demand usually results in increasing the price of an ounce of gold, since we know that based on the law supply and demand, the greater the demand for a product, the greater the probability that the product price will rise. As such, during a period of high market volatility. it may be profitable to speculate that the value of gold will increase by investing in gold binary option.

Gambling does not offer the possibility of using the above logic and gambling involves a bet based on the uncertain outcome of any event. Binary options allow for an analysis regarding the potential strength or weakness of a financial asset and so allow more of an edge in determining future results.

Technical Analysis is a legitimate tool to analyze the market and predict future price movements. This does not mean that there is no risk involved in any single strategy. There is a lot of work that each trader has to do before he can become a true master of the market. On the other hand, gambling involves a lot of luck.

Admittedly binary options are high risk, high yield financial instruments. Therefore you may be at risk and the chance of profitability of binary options trading may resemble those related to gambling. However, binary options trading is no different from many other forms of speculation in financial markets, such as Forex or Stock trading.


Is binary options like gambling?

By Petar Nola - September 30, 2012 11:15 am

You can argue about whether binary options are a lottery for an infinite time. However, if we compare binary options trading with playing the lottery, you will notice some differences that will help us to determine that binary options don’t belong to the category of gambling. Of course, binary options have elements of luck but it is not entirely random.

Let’s compare binary options with playing the lottery. The lottery is always about being lucky and we do not make our choices based on information and no calculations are made to influence our decisions. When trading binary options, we can also make transactions at random, and thus we will be playing the lottery, but the difference is that binary options can still make informed trades and don’t count on luck.

People who argue that the binary options are a continuous luck or lottery are fundamentally wrong. As a rule, such statements accrue those people who have lost their deposit by inexperience and think that it was not their fault. They have the impression that you can make money in binary options only if you’re lucky. Let’s look around, there are people in the world who make a living from binary options trading and this is their main job, as in this case, we can’t say that they are lucky, because luck can’t be ever lasting.

In this job you should not confide in luck, but on your professional knowledge. In turn, in order to gain this knowledge, you need to learn the basics of the investment market, explore the main approaches in the prediction of the binary options and know the basics of market analysis.

If you do not know enough, then you can be sure that your trading account does not survive more than two months. So, if you decide to make money in binary options, before opening an account you have to focus on educating yourself. Everyone decides for himself what is binary options. For some it is a lottery but for others it is a profession.

Firstly, the most important things must be confirmed that binary option is not gambling.

It’s a little ridiculous that I have been asked so many times with only one question: “Binary options is gambling, isn’t it?” To the uninitiated and the uninformed, it’s quite easy to understand why they have such question. To them, trading in binary option is making money on the direction of assets, which is only up or down, no difference than as 50/50 or Black or White. It’s a serious misunderstanding. One must know that gambling completely depends on fortune, while binary options is not. Instead of investing emotionally, you have stopped gambling by applying even the slightest amount of knowledge on the markets to your trade. If you treat binary options trading like gambling, it’s no doubt that your trade would only result in the loss of funds before you know it.

Think about standing in front of the roulette table. Each number and color has a statistical probability. You have a for example, a 31.5% chance of landing on 1 to 12 or 47% chance of black or red. While the odds for successful investments with binary options are not that such simplicity.

Binary options trading is an investment based on various skills. For example, the skills of reading the market or the skills of judging how an asset will react to a high impact news event are really necessary. You have to work hard to accumulate your knowledge as well as experiences to have such skills. That’s clearly different from gambling.

In addition, set of odds on whether or not you will win your trade is not available. There are many factors will ultimately determine the success of your investments. So once you treat a binary options trade as a 50% chance, without doubt that your hard earn money will lose with no caveat.

To become a pro, any traders need an instructor that educate them before trading and help them undergo a lot of bad situations in the market. Instead of leaving their trades to fate, they use the knowledge and experiences they have to decide correctly to win the game. This is another difference between binary options trading and gambling. It also explains why games of skills such as poker are legal while gambling is against the law.

In Islamism, because of religious implication and its similarity to gambling, people are not allowed to make their investments. To avoid breaking the laws of God, there are some simple ways could be taken. As long as your trade is not involve with assets that are banks, insurance companies, car companies whose income is made from interest, food providers or alcohol or tobacco producers, your trade is allowed.

Finally, binary options is not gambling. Once you treat it as serious as other kinds of financial trading, it will be profitable and the results is definitely deserved for what you’ve spent. Opportunity knocks but once, therefore, don’t waste it.

Choose for yourself a best binary options brokers to start Binary Options trading now!

Mensaje de navegación

Binary options: investing or gambling

W e love binary options, they are fascinating, fun and potentially profitable in both the long and short term. However we do find it a bit disingenuous that proponents of binary option (usually binary option brokers or broker’s affiliates with an interest and a bias) present them as a solid investment to be traded with professional institutions that take a commission % like financial services companies. They call the customer service agents “financial advisers” or “trading experts” and refer to depositing into your account as “investing”.

In fact when you use binary options you are not “trading” anything you are wagering and the brokers are as much like bookmakers as they are investment houses. They do not take a commission like investment brokers do, they get your money if you lose and lose money if you win like bookmakers do although they do not restrict or close the accounts of long term winners.

But we disagree even more with the way binary options are presented by opponents, (usually working in the traditional financial sectors with an interest and a bias) that binary options are a form of irresponsible gambling with no skill involved offered to suckers by dishonest operators.

Both of these characterisations are inaccurate and the truth is happily in between. “Trading” binary options is more like what we think of as betting than investing but they can be really good bets with positive expectation for long term profits. These are new wagering markets and are full of inefficiency’s just waiting for a smart customers to take advantage of them but it does require research, patients and skill, not at all like games of chance such as roulette or craps.

We know that some of what city of London and Wall Street traders and stock brokers do is more like “gambling” than “investing” and we know there are professional sports bettors and poker players who take a systematic, data based, businesslike approach and make long term profits which makes their “gambling” more like “investing”.

Don’t get hung up on whether binary options trading is investing or wagering, they are all ways of taking an opinion about an unknowable future event and placing a monetary consideration on it with the possibility of profit or loss. Just ask are they enjoyable and can I make a profit? The answer for us and many of you is yes and yes! Join up to FortuneJack and read around the rest of this website to make it happen!

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1 Comment

Angela April 1, 2017 Reply

If it seems too good to be true, then it probably is. I’d avoid it. It’s great that you are asikng about risks. There are a lot of high risks in the investment community If you invest in common stocks, you can’t lose more than you invest. You need to have some goals; i. e, 3% per year? 5% per year? 10 %. The bigger the return that you are aiming for, the higher the risk. You also need to have a Time Horizon For how many years will you be investing? There’s also another fact of life: The less you spend, the more you save. the more you save, the more you have available for investing. For many years I invested in blue chip common stocks (NOT PENNY STOCKS). I seldom knew when to sell, so I didn’t sell very often. Besides, there are capital gains taxes to be paid. It usually takes years to get that money back via new investments.

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Is Binary Options Gambling?

Binary options were originally constructed to be as simple to understand and implement as possible. However, some of key attributes that they now exhibit as a result of these stipulations have caused numerous professional traders to categorize them as a type of gambling. Is this assessment valid? To acquire a rational answer, let us study the intricacies of binary options in more depth.

The Focal Point of the Gambling Debate

The primary aspect, which is the main center of this gambling deliberation, is that there are only two potential eventualities whenever you trade binary options. Either you will succeed and close ‘in-the-money’ or fail and finish ‘out-of-the-money’. To attain the former outcome, you will have to successfully forecast in which direction, i. e. downwards or upwards, the price of your chosen asset will progress by the end of a specified time period.

This is the foundation of the debate because many experts evaluate this type of decision processing to be the equivalent of playing a casino game, such as roulette, during which you need to select either red or black. In an identical way to losing or winning depending on which of the two colors the roulette ball finishes on, your success at binary options trading is reliant on you successfully forecasting whether price will climb or decline.

Consequently, many authorities regard binary options trading as just another gambling pursuit used by pundits attempting to acquire fast profits. Enhancing this viewpoint even further is the fact that the Inland Revenue departments of many countries do not also classify binary option trading as a proper financial investment and, as such, do not tax it.

In addition, your decision processing could scarcely be any easier when trading binary options as you are required to just choose if price will advance either downwards or upwards. You are not even required to undertake any serious due diligence on your selected assets in order to attain success.

Why Binary Options is not Gambling

In contrast, other revered analysts are prompt to dismiss this gambling verdict. They have adopted this viewpoint because you must specifically acquire a win-to-loss ratio between 55% and 60% in order to just breakeven over any specified period of time. This is because you will only receive payouts between 70% and 85% when your positions close ‘in-the-money’ compared to losing between 85% and 100% when ‘out-of-the-money’.

This vitally important feature implies that utilizing a continuous gambling approach to your binary option trading will only produce a sequence of sizeable losses over the long-term. As this approach is doomed to fail, professional traders recommend that you should learn how to deploy advanced strategies and methodologies in order to pull the odds back into your favor with the intent of securing worthwhile profits consistently.

Why you should Learn to Trade like an Expert

What are the benefits of developing a professional mindset. To answer this question, you need to study the following list that identifies the main attributes that traders experience once they have successfully accomplished this task:

1. They maintain an open mind to their trading activities as opposed to being dogmatic.

2. They will learn from the trading experiences of others but never mimic.

3. They know how to trade with the trend as a natural course of action.

4. They will view winning and losing as central components of their trading strategies .

5. They enjoy binary options trading because it does not cause them any stressful emotions.

6. They are in complete control of their trading and do think that it is haunting them.

7. They know when to seek new education to improve or augment their skills.

8. They have a well-developed understanding of risk and money management concepts. As such, they never worry about their equity because they know it is well protected.

9. They possess an in-depth appreciation of leverage and always ensure that they never overtrade.

10. They know how to tweak and calibrate their binary options trading strategies so that they can enjoy the immediate benefits every time they perform such tasks.

As you must acknowledge, achieving the mental nirvana described in the last list is definitely a target worth working for because an expert’s mindset is a place of profitability, tranquility and harmony.

Developing a Powerful Trading Psychology

Many professional traders instruct that your trading psychology will strongly affect your capability of trading binary options successfully. Consequently, you must prepare yourself for the task ahead by enhancing your mentality so that you can readily deal with all the pressures and stress that the financial markets can generate. You can prepare yourself better for the battles ahead if you simulate live-trading as closely as possible from the outset.

For instance, there is no point just using a demo account unless you trade the exact strategy you intend to use when you start real trading. Otherwise, you will be practically wasting your time because you will not be subjecting yourself to the emotions and stress that will affect you psychologically when you go live. In particular, you must develop your psychology during these early stages so that you can trade with the levels of discipline, dedication and persistence that are necessary to guarantee success. You will then be able to study trading situations more objectively and produce improved quality trading decisions.

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Can binary options trading be compared to gambling?

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Are binary Options Considered Gambling?

Traders around the world are taking interest in binary options. With a high profit potential and lower risk than traditional investments, this newer market appeals to a broad range of traders looking to add diversity to their portfolios. While it has done nothing to dampen traders’ enthusiasm towards binary options, some critics often state that this type of trading is akin to gambling. Are binary options really considered gambling? Keep reading to find out.

What is the definition of gambling?

Gambling is defined as risking money for an outcome based entirely or partly on chance. As such, it is possible that many traders, including binary options ones, do gamble with their money. This is particularly true for those who trade with no concrete plan, no trading education, and no strategy for risk and money management.

Traders who gamble typically execute trades blindly, with very little or no regard for how markets actually work. This strategy is usually doomed to fail.

Why are binary options different?

In most countries, binary options are considered earnings and not winnings (associated with gambling), and are taxable under most jurisdictions. The reason why money earned from this type of trading activity is called earnings relates to the level of skill required to execute profitable trades.

Unlike gambling, trading binary options successfully requires hard work; traders need to know how to conduct research, use financial tools made available by their broker, and learn how to make informed decisions. Mastering the ability to maintain a reasonable balance between risks and profit potential is also an important part of the process.

Binary options are not about gambling, but rather about learning incessantly and developing proper strategies. Any great trader will tell you that being successful in this market does not mean focusing solely on profits; along the way, you may experience loss (significant or not) of capital, but what matters in the end is your progress. The fact that you are depending on your skill level and knowledge of the industry, rather than luck or chance, is what makes binary options all about trading and not gambling.

Overall, your level of involvement and commitment to binary options is what determines whether what you practice is gambling or trading. Trading is much like a business: you create a plan by researching, testing, and finally executing it. You re-assess on a regular basis and make adjustments as needed.

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Tagged with is binary options gambling

Wednesday, November 6th, 2017 by Tim Lanoue

When it comes to trading online with binary options it is essential for one to have a solid trading strategy set in stone before any serious trading occurs. Many people may feel like trading binary options is like gambling that would be seen at a casino but they are severely mistaken. Trading binary options is no black jack and if you want to become a successful trader then you need to have a smart binary options strategy. Below I am going to give you four rules that should be followed when developing your trading strategy to help better increase your success rate as a trader.

Binary Options Strategy Rule #1

Research a trading strategy and stick with it. Don’t pick one out only to change it a week later, you need to have patience with any trading strategy and make sure you do a large amount of practice trades. These practice trades can be done on demo accounts or done by paper trading. Ideally, you want no less than 500 practice trades before you start to use real money to know that your strategy is fundamentally sound.

Binary Options Strategy Rule #2

Perhaps one of the most important rules would be to follow a strict money management portfolio. Never risk funds that you do not have in your account or that could severely deplete your account. Take the safe route and only trade 3% to 7% of your account on a trade, never more than 10%.

Binary Options Strategy Rule #3

Do not force or chase trades in the hope to make a few quick bucks. It seems like everyone today is always looking for a way to make a quick buck but trading online with binary options is not one of those ways, you need to play it safe and use your money wisely. So do not force a trade if you think that an asset will go a certain way and do not chase a trade if you have lost it in the hopes to gain your lost money back.

Binary Options Strategy Rule #4

Never give up or get discouraged. No one ever said trading online with binary options would be easy. It can be an extremely difficult job or hobby to fulfill that requires many hours of research and most importantly experience. Each day you have to ask yourself, how can I become a better trader today or what can I do to help improve my success rate as a trader. Stay hungry and things will work out for you in the end.

Binary Options Tips – 5 Things you can’t do without! by Michael Freeman

Trading binary options is no walk in the park but if you have a sound trading strategy then your chances of succeeding increase exponentially. If you follow these four rules and implement them in your trading strategy then you can bet you are on the right path to become a better trader. Before you start trading also checkout the latest video on “Binary Options Tips – 5 Things you can’t do without!” posted on Youtube! Check it out and make sure you can meet the basic requirements for day trading.

Binary Options Resources:

Saturday, September 21st, 2017 by Tim Lanoue

For many of you who may have researched binary options you may have come across an article written by Forbes magazine instructing readers to stay away from the trading industry and invest their money elsewhere. Despite Forbes typically high standards and well researched standards practiced by their editors, Forbes article titled “ Don’t Gamble on Binary Options” was poorly looked into providing readers with false information while also being greatly contradicting. Providing hungry readers with no fundamental background information clouds these readers ability to make an accurate and positive description of what binary options are all about. The aim of today’s articles is to point out the ill-advised comments and expose how Forbes contradicts this article providing readers with a more composed view.

The beginning argument used by Forbes is that binary options appeals to those people who gamble online. They claim that binary options have disguised themselves to appear invisible with the gambling industry which is a claim that cannot be proven. To be honest, if you have met a professional trader they can concur with you that inexperienced traders are indeed “gamblers.” When one possesses no fundamental knowledge regarding binary options and choose to trade online to try and make money could be one of the most detrimental decisions one could make. However, educated and seasoned traders who know the ins-and-outs, know the assets they are trading and all the factors that can affect the value of an asset should not be classified as gamblers. In addition, there is a vital difference between gambling and trading that should not be forgotten. For example, when gambling the gambler has only two variables that reflect the outcome of your performance. Those two would be luck and the result of the dice roll; no one can make their own luck nor can they roll any number they please on demand which classifies gambling as gambling because nothing is known for certain except statistical probabilities. On the contrary, the great entity about binary options is that you don’t have to beat a pip spread or play with leverage. It without a doubt is the most rapidly expanding form of online trading available to all people who choose to yield it.

Forbes only argument they have is that binary options could end up becoming addicting, which is yet again another claim that cannot be backed up anytime soon. Not only do they offer feeble claims and arguments but they also present an underlying tone that gives the vibe of suspension which stirs readers away from binary options. In addition, the second dispute is about how plugged binary options in the trading market, which is true. The market runs every existent online trading realm, without the market there would be no trading. Due to the fact that binary options are dependent from the values in the market is no different than any other form of trading. Aside from it being obvious there is no valid argument that binary brokers make it impossible not to win.

Another true point not to be misinterpreted by the reader is that the average success rate needed to make money would be 54%. Many traders would criticize how such a percent could be feat, however, that is not a hard percent to beat. In fact, the success rate needed to make money online through binary options is considerably less than other forms of online trading. This is largely due to the fact that binary options trading do not possess spreads whereas in Forex they are. Also, payout structures in binary options are much more rewarding than those available in Forex and other forms of trading.

Lastly, he claims that binary options brokers are functioning in an entirely unregulated atmosphere. This comment may have been true many years back but many of the brokers now-a-days are regulated and fully licensed to serve as outputs for traders. The first licensed broker was established in 2012 and after that many brokers followed the pack and became regulated. Binary options has always received the brutal force of negative press from those commentators that prefer Forex or know little about the subject matter. However, the most contradicting yet interesting part of this article is that Forbes runs advertisements for binary options brokers, given that fact that this article opposes them.

$ 20 a $ 100 Corredores de depósito mínimo!

Binary Options as Gambling

Compared to other forms of trading, binary options are a recent introduction into the world of investment. As they were specially constructed to be easy-to-use, they quickly gained the attention of investors. However, some of their intrinsic features have caused many experts to classify them as just another form of gambling. Is this image warranted? To gain a rational answer to this query, a short introduction to the benefits of binary options is needed and will now be provided.

Binary options possess a predetermined payout and refund structure. You will therefore know exactly the size of your expected profits and rebates even before your positions are opened. Consequently, you will be able to assess your risk exposure per binary option with accuracy because this trading method presents you with an inherent and well-proven risk and money management strategy. No other investment type on the market today provides you with such facilities.

Binary options offer you the chance to initiate large trading positions in underlying assets using just a minimum cash layout. You also only need to concentrate on predicting just the direction in which price will advance and not the magnitude of its movements. Therefore, you will discover that trading binary options is far simply than other types of investment, such as trading stocks directly.

Using your broker’s state-of - the-art mobile and internet trading platforms, you will be able to respond rapidly to all new global and trading events by instigating new binary options immediately and with accuracy. This attribute implies that within just short time periods, you have the thrilling prospect to gain returns of 85% of your wager. Now, you must be getting excited!

Your binary options trading decisions could hardly be any more straightforward as you only have to choose in which direction the price of your underlying asset will move, i. e. either up or down. Therefore, you are not required to perform detailed due diligence or assess complex financial reports in order to predict the magnitude or size of price movements.

However, this last attribute produces a problem because investors just have to forecast whether price will climb or fall within a specified time period. Consequently, many analysts view binary options trading in a similar light as gambling on roulette when you bet on either red or black. In an identical way to when the roulette ball comes to rest, investors are either in-the-money or out-of-the-money at expiration when they trade binary options.

Hence, binary options have attained an image as a potential gambling source to instant riches. In fact, binary option trading does not even incur any taxation because the Inland Revenue even considers it to be a type of gambling. However, this is a very risky mentality to acquire because you need a win-to-loss ratio of almost 60% in order to just breakeven. Unfortunately, many beginners possess gambling instincts which they have assimilated from activities such as casino gambling. They mistakenly believe that they can easily relocate their gambling ways from those pursuits simply across to binary options.

Some even consider that binary option trading is an easier form of gambling as it does not involve complexities such as unforeseen events, etc. However, if you possess such a mentality then you must eliminate it quickly otherwise you will endure serious fiscal losses when trading binary options. This is because although they may seem to be a straightforward two-way wager, they do, in fact, harbor numerous intricacies.

In comparison, experts perform in-depth technical and fundamental analysis using state-of-the-art equipment in order to devise and test well-developed trading strategies. Professionals, who earn worthwhile incomes from trading binary options, view this activity as a serious business by always exerting total commitment and dedication.

You may well have been enticed by the gambling prospects of binary options trading as it presents the opportunities to acquire as much as 85% of your wager in a matter of minutes. However, you must realize that the probabilities over the long haul are definitely not in your favor. This is because you will only collect 75%-80% when in-the-money but will lose 85%-90% when out-of-the-money. This important feature of binary option trading means that gambling will only produce serious loses over an extensive length of time. In contrast, you really need professional strategies and techniques to guarantee that you can earn a worthwhile and reliable income on a consistent basis.

Sobre el Autor

Opciones binarias. Gambling or financial instrument?

Victor Yekimetsky on binary options

Binary options are nowadays widely recognized as one of the most accessible ways of getting introduced to financial markets. The pace of penetration in the retail segment has been truly overwhelming during the last 5-7 years, yet even though this type of instruments has undergone a noticeable shift of perception in both investors and market participants minds, we still see no finalized common opinion formed on the essence of that instrument. Let's try explaining and answering to ourselves what binaries actually are and that are their strong points.

Industry emergence. Following Fx on the way to regulation

The high popularity came at an initial reputational cost for the new asset class. One of the reasons for binaries rapidly gaining popularity was the lack of regulatory framework and industry standards, which ensured a strategic advantage over forex, derivatives other more complex markets in the eyes of emerging start-up brokers. The effort-efficiency of launching a binary brokerage attracted a vast number of undercapitalized market participants diluting the image of the service, leading to the incorrect perception of binary options being more like gambling and a scam rather than trading.

The sites [Binary option brokers] appeal to the same type of people who play poker online. But they somehow have an aura of being more respectable because they represent themselves as offering a form of investing. Don't kid yourself. These are gambling sites, pure and simple. It's probably just a matter of time before regulators move in on them.

Gordon Pape, "Don't Gamble on Binary Options" ( Forbes ), 27/07/2010

The gambling parallel was, unfortunately, widely exploited in promotional campaigns run by market participants. Balancing on the edge of two confronting definitions (gambling vs. trading instrument) has raised numerous discussions within the trading and expert community, both sides having their supporters. Gradually this debate fostered a view, which I personally find most reasonable, that primarily questioned not the essence of binaries, but mostly the suitability of any asset class to a particular individual or strategy. Since one of the meanings of gamble is taking risky action in the hope of a desired result or staking something on a contingency, pretty much any financial instrument may be considered as an object of gambling if approached without proper prudence.

Judging by this definition, a lot of what we do in daily life is gambling. Binary options are gambling much like other financial instruments, tangible or intangible.

"Are Binary Options a Form of Gambling?" ( FinanceMagnates ), 30/07/2017

Indeed, opening an overleveraged Fx position with a micro-account, opening a leveraged CFD position without stop-loss on a stock the trader does not have a profound knowledge about, going into a derivative while not building a real hedge does not seem getting any further from gambling in the common perception of that concept. You may have grasped that the common trait of the last 3 examples is poor risk management.

Let's be honest, any investment activity is gambling. Venture capitalists also gamble when they invest into start-ups, there is no guarantee that the company will survive let alone bloom.

"Are Binary Options a Form of Gambling?" ( FinanceMagnates ), 30/07/2017

Poor risk management usually originates either from the intended will to speculate with high risk or from the unsuitability of the instrument to the particular client, which in its turn comes from the lack of regulation in client assessment, informing and general education. And here again we return to the initial problem with binaries - the lack of regulation.

Fortunately, we already are seeing a retraction of this tendency towards a closer regulatory oversight, renowned financial market participants embracing the binary offer in their product range and traders exploiting the original strong qualities of binary contacts in their trading strategies. Cyprus CySEC was the first watchdog to officially start regulation of binary option brokers in 2012, while many of other EU jurisdictions kept viewing binaries as "game of chance" and directed requestors towards their local gambling regulatory bodies.

Things started changing fast in 2017. The year started with a landmark decision by Rotterdam court ( Source ) on the OptieClub case, where the Netherlands financial regulatory body (AMF) was forced to issue the first licence to a binary options broker. The watchdog had rejected the request earlier despite falling into the financial markets product definition under MiFID regulations and directed the broker to the Dutch Gambling commission. Similar news are coming from the UK where Her Majesty's Treasury issued a consultation paper considering regulating binary options as financial products.

The UK Government is consulting on proposals to treat binary options as a financial rather than a gambling product.

This would mean binary options would be regulated by us, the FCA, in line with practice across most of the EU, and no longer be regulated by the Gambling Commission.

Both the Dutch court decision and UK initiative are indications on an impending paradigm shift that might open the gates for legitimisation of binary brokers seeking to get solid regulation in the EU market.

Essentially, binary options industry is following the same path the Forex markets started 15 years ago: starting as a newly emerging speculative market dominated by non-regulated participants, low client confidence and ambiguous image retail, Fx turned into a well-established industry, overseen by financial authorities in virtually all developed countries; it is now offered in the product range of numerous commercial banks. Binaries are now making the same journey towards regulation and transparency and seem to be doing it faster than Forex did in the past.

At Dukascopy we have been feeling the shift of attitude to binary options especially strongly as our decision to enter the binary market 2 years ago was being taken amidst reported reservations regarding the suitability of this service to a well-established and reputable broker. On the contrary, we saw a clear competitive advantage in the fact that binary trading will be offered by a Swiss-regulated bank via proprietary platforms. We believed that this should contribute to the diversification of the market, reinforce traders' security and offer an alternative to standard solutions thus ultimately improving client confidence to the entire market segment.

Binaries as simple, yet secure and useful financial instrument

Simplicity, straightforwardness and transparency are considered to be the key inherent traits of binaries. Absence of commissions, binary result (i. e. there exists only 2 outcomes), which implies possibility of capitalizing with maximum payout on minimal market movements; contract amounts as low as 1 USD and available short timeframes, sometimes less than a minute.

Despite the doubts of being proclaimed speculative, binary options should be advocated as possessing all the characteristics of a financial instrument that can be used to realize investment goals.

Binaries have particular attraction for investors whose strategies involve trading on economic news. News trading is a sophisticated investment activity that at minimum implies the following:

Knowing when news are out and in what countries;

Being capable to carry out technical and fundamental analysis to assess the news impact;

Picking a currency pair/pairs that are expected to be impacted;

Forecasting the needed duration of an option (e. g. 5 minutes or an hour) to avoid the interim noise volatility before and after the news is out;

Correctly and carefully placing a pending order and describing it.

Noise volatility (volatility spikes) is a real problem for news traders that can be successfully dealt with using binaries. Here is a real-life example that demonstrates the impact of volatility:

Example 1 . ECB Minimum Bid Rate (act. 0.50%, exp. 0.50%, prev. 0.75%)

Date and Time: 02/05/2017 11:45 GMT

ECB has reduced the base interest rate by 0.25%, which elicited a downward pressure on the EUR/USD. However, a trader who correctly interpreted the news might come across a noise volatility that could have resulted in interim losses on a spot position. Binary option would be more preferable in this situation.

Example 2: ECB Minimum Bid Rate (act. 0.50%, exp. 0.50%, prev. 0.75%)

Date and Time: 02/05/2017 11:45 GMT

Unemployment claims came out significantly lower than expected. However, the investor who correctly predicted it and forecast downward movement of USD/JPY would face an unpleasant surprise when the pair hiked by 50+ pips. After the unexpected spike the pair abated as expected. An investor with short spot FX position could have been closed on margin cut or voluntarily closed the losing position. Binary option would again help the trader pass over the spike and gain on the correct forecast.

Binaries also feature a set of important qualities related to trading/execution risks management. First is the independence of market depth, which means technical absence of slippages. Second, predefined maximum profit and, most importantly, maximum loss make it impossible to lose more than the amount of the contract. The latter also implies impossibility of driving the account into negative equity even under market force majeure conditions like those observed during the CHF soar on January, 15th 2017 after the Swiss National Bank's surprise decision to abandon the EUR/CHF floor.

With all of the above features binary options are making another major step in turning markets more accessible to a retail trader, comparable to forex instruments going into electronic trading on retail platforms 2 decades ago.

Adding a unique touch to binaries in Dukascopy

Being a banking group with an considerable IT development expertise Dukascopy undertook the development of an in-house binary service and trading platforms (Web, iOS and Android), which ensured considerable flexibility and freedom compared to the common approach of going into a white-label with one of the major platform vendors, an approach that had become standard at that time.

Seeing binaries as a new area for us, we went for a conservative start with offering the classic yet most widespread Up/Down binaries on currency pairs. Our flexibility allowed us offering features that were and remain unique in the market even for that basic binary options type: fixed payouts with a default level of 90% . which still remains among the highest in the market, custom-set option durations of 1-60 minutes with 1 min discretion. To achieve total transparency of the price feed we are using the SWFX (Swiss Forex Marketplace) flux, i. e. the same quote source as Dukascopy's Fx/CFD trading platforms. Another valuable feature highly appreciated by technical traders are the fully-functional charts with over 180 indicators and drawing objects available in the Web Binary platform.

After the service was successfully launched for the clients of Dukascopy Group, binaries became available as a separate module in the Dukascopy White-Label partnership program.

This year we extended the instruments range with Daily Stock Options giving access to a session trading of over 1500 stocks from all over the world and Pair binaries on stock/index combinations. Unlike the conventional approach of offering a short fixed set of pair combinations, our traders can build their own compositions.

Many updates and new features are now in the pipeline. This includes further integration of our products, allowing automatic creation of new trading subaccounts and platform improvements. To harmonize the offerings available to Fx/CFD clients and binary traders we are now working on launching an equity bonus program for binary accounts. Finally, new binary instrument types, including the Touch binaries and their variations, are on the way. Again, as with Up/Down options, we intend to continue re-thinking conventional instruments while striving to add a unique element to our service.

All the above mentioned unique features of our binary options are fully available to the retail clients thanks to Dukascopy Europe. Binary options accounts with Dukascopy Europe are available for contract sizes from 1 USD and an initial deposit of 100 USD. I invite you to get your own experience of binary trading with us at www. dukascopy. eu

Binary options trading project lead

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ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, su nivel de experiencia y su tolerancia al riesgo. You could lose some or all of your initial investment; do not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

ADVISORY WARNING: FOREXLIVE™ provides references and links to selected blogs and other sources of economic and market information as an educational service to its clients and prospects and does not endorse the opinions or recommendations of the blogs or other sources of information. Clients and prospects are advised to carefully consider the opinions and analysis offered in the blogs or other information sources in the context of the client or prospect's individual analysis and decision making. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. Past performance is no guarantee of future results and FOREXLIVE™ specifically advises clients and prospects to carefully review all claims and representations made by advisors, bloggers, money managers and system vendors before investing any funds or opening an account with any Forex dealer. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE™ expressly disclaims any liability for any lost principal or profits without limitation which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

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Publicaciones recientes de Christian Landmark: Christian Landmark

Binary Options Trading – Is it Gambling?

The Binary Options Craze

The most recent craze in the trading world for a while now is with Binary Options, I see and hear about them all the time and am forever getting emails promoting them. The first thing that stood out to me when I looked in to them years ago was that, beyond trading, you had to assign a time to your trade. The next thing that stood out to me was that the risk:reward on them was absolutely terrible. Adding these extra elements to the already challenging job of trading makes Binary Options as close to gambling as you can get. In this article I want to help you understand all the pros and cons, then explain my Binary Options Strategy that is proving to be profitable regardless of these extra additions of time and bad risk:reward.

The Binary Options Attraction

Firstly I would like to address the attraction that Binary Options have for many newbies. When it comes to executing trades there is no question that Binary Options are the easy solution. The trading platforms that come with a Binary Options account provide you with 1-click actions to place trades and then they just expire after X minutes, or hours, and that’s it, very easy and not much to learn. This is much easier than learning the ins and outs of MetaTrader4, or NinjaTrader, and all the tools that you are going to use with them. This unfortunately makes people think that trading will be easy and makes it very easy to be a pure gambler. The reality is that no matter if you wanted to trade SpotFX or Binary Options you will still need to learn how to read price action. Don’t get all excited about how easy it is to execute trades before you learn how to pick them!

The Forex Trading Basics and Forex Trading Strategies sections of this website are still a must read for anyone wanting to attempt Binary Options. Knowledge is your weapon here so don’t try and fast track. Although the trading platforms of Binary Options trading are easier to learn and use than something like MetaTrader 4, I strongly believe that if you can’t trade SpotFX profitably then you probably can’t read price action very well and you will be just another Binary Options gambler about to lose his/her money.

The Binary Options Downfalls

When it comes to trading professionally you won’t find many traders that don’t implement a good risk:reward strategy in their plan. This brings us to our first problem with Binary options because most Binary Options brokers will only offer you a well below a 1:1 risk:reward, usually a 65-75% return. So if your risk is 100% of your investment, and when you win you only get 100% + 65-75% back, then you are clearly below 1:1 on the risk:reward scale. This fact was enough to originally turn me away completely but I have since found a Binary Options Broker that offers up to 100% returns, sometimes even more, sometimes less. All in all though it is a better average return than any other Binary Options Broker I have seen, visit them using the link just below.

The next problem with Binary Options is having to predict how long a trade will take. When trading SpotFX I don’t even care about how long the trade will take AND I can often get much better risk:reward than just 1:1. You can see how these first two problems with Binary Options start to make them more and more like gambling when compared to standard trading.

Binary Options Broker Offering up to 100% Returns Here

Where Binary Options Make Sense

As a professional trader of the Forex Market, without the limitations of assigning time to my trades and having to accept bad risk:reward, I can tell you that anything from the 5 minute chart up to the daily chart can be traded more effectively without Binary Options. Furthermore trading with a higher than 1:1 risk:reward is quite common and the better the risk:reward the lower your winning percentage can be to still be profitable. I mean, if you can predict a market move on the 5 minute chart or higher then you will often be presented with 1:2, 1:3 and even 1:4 risk:reward trades. This fact alone makes Binary Options a completely illogical way to do things. Now, the 5 minute chart will be pushing it for most people as it requires a high skill level, but even the best of traders will have a hard time trading any faster than that due to the spread which is usually 1-3 pips. This spread is non existent on Binary Options which makes its only use, in my eyes, to be for really fast trading. Unfortunately the faster you trade the more skill and experience is required so you are still not going to get any fast tracks here. Make sure you learn how to trade and read price action before you even consider Binary Options, it’s the smart thing to do.

A Simple Binary Options Strategy

A quick bit of my history to get this started; I used to play black jack at the casino in a very controlled methodical way and was very successful with it, I’m sure no one will agree with me that black jack is not gambling so let’s just call it gambling. We will also need to call Binary Options gambling though because my approach is not that different from what I did with black jack. With black jack you can use simple math by applying a martingale approach starting at the table minimum until you reach the table maximum. That will show you how many times in a row you need to lose in order to really lose, every time you win you reset back the table minimum and start again. It is that table minimum that you will always profit every time you win even if you win after losing 4 in a row.

For example, risk $5 = loss, risk $10 = loss, risk $20 = loss, risk $40 = loss, risk $80 = win. Total lost is $5+$10+$20+$40 = $75, total won = $80, profit = $5, and then you start again. Boring but simple.

The fact that the dealer must draw at 16, hold at 17, and show you his first card along with a little counting, gives you a way to put the odds in your favor and keeps the odds of losing too many in row very slim, this is your advantage. Casinos don’t like this though and they will kick you out if they see you doing it too many days in a row so be warned.

Now with Binary Options the same idea can be used on the math side and the advantage comes from your ability to read price action. If you don’t know how to trade yet or how to read price action then I suggest you learn or you will only be able to use the math and not the advantage. With the Binary Options Broker I am using I just select what payout I would like and that number has the risk and the return all included in it. If you use any other Binary Options Broker then they all seem to just have you put in how much you wish to risk so I will explain in that way for now. The math side of my Binary Options Strategy is to have an initial risk of $25, if lost it goes to $61, if lost it goes to $148, if lost it goes to $360, and if lost then it is game over for the day (This is like setting your own table minimum and maximum).

Since the returns with my current Binary Options Broker are always fluctuating the other part of the strategy is to make sure you only place trades when the returns are 70-100% in order to make this work. When using a Broker with a fixed return percentage then just make sure that number is 70% or higher. If the trades were all based on the worst case 70% minimum payouts then this is how it will all play out. $360+$148+$61+$25=$594 and that is your maximum risk per day. It is more common that the payouts are in the 90-95% range but we need to base everything on the worst case scenarios. Now, if it is possible to lose $594 on a losing day then you need to make sure you win around that same amount on a winning day. Without boring you with more math you need to win 30-35 trades per day to do that, sounds like too many but I have been doing this with 1-3 minute options and 30-35 trades is 3 focused hours. Now remember, you have to lose 4 in a row to lose and if you lose a day then you need to win a day to be around $0 again. This means that you need to win 4 days out of 5 each week for a profit of roughly $1782 per week, if you win 5 days out of 5 then you have a profit of roughly $2970, and it you win 3 days out of 5 then you will only have a profit of $594.

With the correct education on how to read price action you will find it quite hard to lose 4 in a row, I have not yet done so but I don’t assume that it won’t happen. Once you prove to yourself what you can do and have results to act upon you can move your numbers up a notch and use $61, $148, $360, $813. This would put a full losing day up to $1382. Your weekly salary winning 5 days out of 5 would now be $6910, winning 4 days out of 5 would now be $4146, and winning 3 days out of 5 would be $1382. The payouts are higher but the risk amount is also higher. Only you can decide where you want to start on this ladder.

The Numbers With and Without Return Included

As I mentioned above; most Binary Options Brokers just require you to input your risk on any given trade and so that is represented in the “Risk Size Only” column below. If you are using the Binary Options Broker that I recommend in this post then you will need to use the “Risk+Return Size” column. Furthermore when using this type of Broker you will need to make sure that you never take a trade with a below 70% return. Most of the time you will get an 80-95% return and this is all bonus money that lowers the “Wins Needed” fila.

Get a Binary Options Demo Account First!

Most Binary Options Brokers don’t even offer a demo account. That to me is unacceptable and a big red flag to their practice as a company, do these people really just expect you to put your hard earned money in and deal with any learning curve at a cost to you? You should have your own rule of “no demo account, no customer” when choosing your Binary Options Broker. My recommendation for your Binary Options Broker is just below.

Get a No Risk Binary Options Demo Account Here

Is Your Binary Options Broker Regulated?

As I dove deeper in to the world of Binary Options I found more scams than I could count, so many of these companies are not even regulated and scam reports are high. You owe it to yourself to make sure that the Binary Options Broker you choose is at least regulated and your funds are as safe as they can be. Once again I have my recommendation for a regulated Binary Options Broker that also offers a demo account just below.

Regulated Binary Options Broker Demo Account Here

In Closing

If I am able to see consistent profit with Binary Options for several months and have no issues withdrawing funds every week I will report further. This will probably result in a whole new section of this website to explain everything I have outlined here in extreme detail. Just remember that without the ability to read price action correctly you will be losing the amount of probability you can have in your favor. The Forex Trading Basics and Forex Trading Strategies sections of this website are still your start point if you want to minimize the gambling.

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Advertencia de alto riesgo: Forex, futuros y opciones de comercio tiene grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también grandes riesgos potenciales. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos de invertir en forex, futuros y opciones y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para negociar en estos mercados. El comercio de divisas implica un riesgo sustancial de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Por favor, no negocie con dinero prestado o dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. No asumiremos ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño, incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier pérdida de beneficio, que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso o dependencia de dicha información. Recuerde que el desempeño anterior de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.

online gambling. betting and binary options


Online Gambling, Betting and Binary Options

Thank you for visiting BetorOption, online gambling, betting and binary options. The aim of this site is to help you in the betting and online gambling market and to introduce you to Binary Options

Online betting has never been bigger and more popular than it is now. At betoroption. com we aim to showcase the latest betting offers from leading betting sites and bookmakers. We shall be reviewing some of the best known betting sites around and pointing out which ones to avoid. As well as sports betting we shall be reviewing online casinos and giving advice /strategies for some of the most popular games online.

Introducing Binary Options which is fast becoming one of the most exciting ways to boost your income online. Binary Options are not considered to be gambling as you can use technical analysis and strategies to determine the outcome. Unlike online gambling binary options is a short term form of trading and you know from the start what you are staking.

Betoroption shall be guiding new and existing traders in all aspects of binary options, from choosing a broker to trusted strategies.

In 2017 binary option brokers acquired full licencing and regulations in Europe. There are many brokers for traders to pick from, but we recommend only using fully licenced brokers with a good track record. We are here to help guide you to the most popular trusted brokers and to avoid the many unlicenced ones. Also to help you avoid the many scams out there, who are not regulated, licenced and offer get rich quick schemes and are more often than not, to good to be true. We shall form a blacklist of companies to avoid.

Please visit our review page to help you decide on which broker is best for you, showing minimum deposit, minimum trade cost, withdraw policies and customer care reputation.

What are Binary Options

Binary Options are rapidly becoming the fastest and easiest way to trade stocks.

Binary Options are basically a trade on whether a stock/asset will go up or down in a given time frame

You can trade – stocks – apple, Facebook, google. Currency – euro/USD, USD/jpy Commodities – oil, gold, silver. Índices & # 8211; dow, Nasdaq

Unlike trading the market, which can be very risky. you know exactly how much you are trading and what you could win

Returns range from 70 – 95%

Trade expiry times range from 60 seconds to several months

There are trading platforms available to assist with your trades, these are known as auto traders and signal services. There are a large amount of these services out there and we shall advise you on the ones to follow and the ones to avoid.

Binary option strategies are a very helpful way to predict the direction of the market. There are many strategies available on the web. We shall pick out some of the better ones which we have used ourselves with approx. 70 -80% success.

Thank you for visiting betoroptions. com and I hope we can help you enjoy and hopefully profit from your online gambling or binary options trading. We hope you find the information useful.

We appreciate and would be grateful of any comments and support you can give us.

Is Binary Options Gambling?

Is Binary Options Gambling? 5.00 / 5 (100.00%) 1 vote

The question whether binary options is a legit investing venture or just a gamble has been debated since the 2008 grand inception of this exciting form of online trading. The question has elicited different views with some backing options trading while others dismissing it as an advanced form of gambling. So, is binary options gambling?

Why options trading is referred to as gambling

When binary options was opened to the public market in 2008, they received mixed reactions in the financial world. Some concluded that options trading is nothing but a gamble. A large number base their allegations on the simplicity of options trading. They however lack solid proof to support their allegations and hence they remain to be solely unfounded allegations.

Why binary options is not a form of gambling

Fixed risks and payouts

In gambling, the player bets are exposed to uncertain risks which are subject to change during the game. The risks are not confined to the invested funds but they can sometimes affect funds that are not yet invested. The payouts are also not defined on gambling, but they are entirely determined by winning odds. In binary options, risk and reward are pre-defined and fixed before trade commencement. The risks are also confined to the invested funds and they do not affect funds in a trading account.

Pre-defined trading time frames

In gambling, the length of an event determines the incubation period of a bet. Some events don’t have scheduled end times and hence they can take a great deal of time. In binary options, trading is achieved in pre-determined time frames known as expiries. A trading position is automatically closed once the trading period expires. This can be as short as a few seconds, right up to a year.


In the gambling world, the outcomes of a bet are subject to different events. In most cases an event can have multiple probable outcomes. On the other hand, a binary options trade can only have two outcomes. A trade can either end in the money or out of the money. For out of the money trades, a trader is bound to lose the invested funds either in full or partially while they will receive the greed payout for in the money or successful trades.

Trading tools

Unlike with gambling, when trading options, a trader has access to a wide choice of facilitating trading tools, services and features that help increase chances of winning a trade. Some of the tools can be used to end a trade pre-maturely locking profits in the process. In gambling, a player has no betting tools at their disposal which can help them to more accurately predict the outcome of a bet.

Last word

So is binary options gambling? Well, binary options trading is in no way similar to gambling. As a matter of fact, it is a legit financial investment venture where a trader can capitalize on price movements of the underlying assets in a short space of time.

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We have researched and shortlisted the best books about trading that you can find on the market. If you are interested in binary options and online trading at all, our books will help you to break into the exotic options trading industry and maximize your profit. The collection Trading For Dummies is the ideal way to start trading – from understanding the essence of online trading to setting up successful binary option trading strategies.



Day Trading for Dummies

If you want a fast turnaround of profits when it comes to binary options trading, you might like to get into day trading. This is the practice of bidding with binary options and then making a good profit all within a single day. Buying and selling, or betting and claiming profit, all in a day.


Whether you’ve found this website a useful tool for helping you to break into the binary options trading industry, or whether you’re even somewhat confused by the whole ordeal, we value your feedback. Please drop us a message and we’ll endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible. Contáctenos

Why trading Binary Options isn’t gambling

As the popularity and growth of Binary Options has grown in the last few years, it has become common for doubters to claim that trading Binary Options is no different from high risk gambling and therefore should not be pursued by traders.

When engaging in Binary Options trading, the trader must decide on the outcome of a particular asset, and then place a trade based on their predicted outcome. For many this is a sign that engaging in Binary Options is equal to gambling and should be avoided, but what must be considered is that whilst there is risk involved in a Binary Options trade (albeit in any trade whether it be Stocks, Forex or Binary) there is a level of skill involved that every trader should be using to minimise the risk, and therefore remove the gambling element from their trading.

If you were to engage in a Casino game of Roulette or Blackjack then you have no way of knowing the outcome, this is true gambling, but with Binary Options Trading, using knowledge of the assets and a variety of different indicators, a trader can place trades with the outcome firmly in their favour.

If someone with no knowledge of trading Binary Options begins trading without first gaining an understanding of the particular assets and markets then they have a high risk of losing their money on the trades they make. В It’s important that traders take the time to understand how the markets work and have a good understanding on trading before engaging in live Binary Options Trading.

By taking the time to properly analyze and plan your trades effectively, Binary Options Trading becomes an easy and impressive way to make money from trading, removing the aspect of risk, and removing the ‘gambling’ aspect that many doubters claim that Binary Options trading has.

Binary Options Trading or Gambling

Nowadays, binary options brokers are popular due to their short investment offers and promises of high profit margin. These marketing tools attract types of people that are playing poker online, gambling at casinos or betting on sports. But binary options leave an impression of offering more than just a bet in hope for profit, they are perceived as real investing tools.

So What are Binary Options?

These options can be bought on different assets and more or less look like the real investment. People are severely generating from these “all or nothing options” with opportunities to earn between 60% and 450% per one trade with binary options. Most of the time, betting has two options it is either win or lose. Binary option market’s gain or lose depend on asset lasting in one of two possible situations. Also, in case ending price is the same as starting price investor is going to get his money back. Some traders are encouraged due to this all or none results and take risk by predicting trade scenarios. That is why in some ways, binary options and gambling are always associated in the minds of potential customers. The distinguishing factor between gambling and investing in case of binary options is the bet size. As gambling entirely depends on the luck or chance, while binary options involve analysis and market predictions in betting.

The value of these depends upon the financial assets for which is dispensed, there are many ways through which you can invest in binary option based on market analysis and complete research on the concerned assets. In this way, one can have substantial data to decide whether the particular binary option provide revenue or not thus making it different from betting or gambling. Betting deal the capability to enter into a bet without predicting the outcome of the event whereas binary option allow the investor to conduct proper research and analysis about the strength and weakness of the underlying asset and then allow to authorise control over its future outcome.

On the other hand the trouble with this digital option is that they turn their percentage rate so quickly that even the expert traders become unpredictable about the mechanism of its market. So you just have to mount an instant guess and a prolong research for this kind of prompt trading. Another shortcoming provides longer term contract with broker certainly of one year which means that you will not be able to buy or sell your shares as the market fluctuates.

Is Trading Binary Options Gambling?

It must be an agreed fact that binary options involves high risk and high return on financial instruments. But it is similar to other trading options such as future trading or vanilla option trading and thus should consider as a part trading investment. So, short answer to are binary options like gambling – yes, but they are not gambling!

Although these websites are making huge businesses, and by searching through Google you would get around 900k hits with promotions that procure maximum profit in an hour, binary options are still more gambling than trading. However, even gambling can be done professionally. Go only for trusted binary options brokers !

Why Trade Binary Options?

Binary Options Trading is certainly a great way to make money online. It requires less experience compared to forex trading, yet binary options trading also involves a significant degree of risk. Among the benefits of binary options, ease of access is the main one. Also binary options provide higher payouts within the lower timeframe. Another advantage of binary options trading is web platforms, no installation required. It is fun and exciting process, yet you need to have a decent binary options trading strategy - get one at Binary Options Hub.

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Best Binary Trading Platforms

Binary Brokers vs Platforms

Many traders mislead the definition of binary options brokers and binary options platforms, Binary Options Hub is here to make it clear. Binary Options Brokers are the ones that supply you with services like customer support, help with deposits and withdrawals, various client benefits and so on. Binary Options Brokers are servicing you. Binary Options Platforms are the trading software providers, most of the Binary Options Brokers have a third-party Binary Options Platform. In other words, a Binary Options Platform is simply an options trading platform.

Risk Warning

Binary Options trading is risky. Check our Binary Starter's Guide to avoid mistakes.

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Binary Options Trading Bonus

Most of the Binary Options Brokers offer countless binary options bonus promotions. Binary Options Hub is here to guide you and make sure you only settle for the trusted binary options brokers. While deposit bonus at binary brokers tends to be from 20% to 200%, there are a lot of binary options scams. Do not settle for any offer before you found it verified at Binary Options Hub. In addition to this, Binary Options Hub always recommends to settle for smaller deposit bonuses, as they are easier to withdraw. Only best binary bonuses here!


Binary Options Hub is a website dedicated to making binary options trading industry more transparent, honest and reliable. Our mission is to supply binary options traders with honest binary options reviews and also to provide a detailed reivew of the binary options trading platforms. Note that binary options trading involves a high level of risk itself and it is much risker when you trade with unregulated binary options brokers. Also there are a lot of binary options scams in this industry. Binary Options Hub is here to guide your through the available offers on the market and assure that you are always making a right choice when it comes to selecting the best binary options broker or top binary options trading platform. Trading binary options is quite fun and exciting process that may also result in financial gains, however it is also very risky. Please note that Binary Options Hub does not take any responsibility for your investment decisions. Binary Options Hub also recommends you to consult with an expert before engaging into binary options trading activity. Please read our full disclaimer and risk warning to understand the risks of binary options trading better. Do not deposit more than you are willing to risk.

Opciones binarias. Gambling or financial instrument?

From Dukascopy

Binary options are nowadays widely recognized as one of the most accessible ways of getting introduced to financial markets. The pace of penetration in the retail segment has been truly overwhelming during the last 5-7 years, yet even though this type of instruments has undergone a noticeable shift of perception in both investors and market participants minds, we still see no finalized common opinion formed on the essence of that instrument. Let's try explaining and answering to ourselves what binaries actually are and that are their strong points.

Industry emergence. Following Fx on the way to regulation

The high popularity came at an initial reputational cost for the new asset class. One of the reasons for binaries rapidly gaining popularity was the lack of regulatory framework and industry standards, which ensured a strategic advantage over forex, derivatives other more complex markets in the eyes of emerging start-up brokers. The effort-efficiency of launching a binary brokerage attracted a vast number of undercapitalized market participants diluting the image of the service, leading to the incorrect perception of binary options being more like gambling and a scam rather than trading.

The sites [Binary option brokers] appeal to the same type of people who play poker online. But they somehow have an aura of being more respectable because they represent themselves as offering a form of investing. Don't kid yourself. These are gambling sites, pure and simple. It's probably just a matter of time before regulators move in on them.

Gordon Pape, "Don't Gamble on Binary Options" ( Forbes ), 27/07/2010

The gambling parallel was, unfortunately, widely exploited in promotional campaigns run by market participants. Balancing on the edge of two confronting definitions (gambling vs. trading instrument) has raised numerous discussions within the trading and expert community, both sides having their supporters. Gradually this debate fostered a view, which I personally find most reasonable, that primarily questioned not the essence of binaries, but mostly the suitability of any asset class to a particular individual or strategy. Since one of the meanings of gamble is taking risky action in the hope of a desired result or staking something on a contingency, pretty much any financial instrument may be considered as an object of gambling if approached without proper prudence.

Judging by this definition, a lot of what we do in daily life is gambling. Binary options are gambling much like other financial instruments, tangible or intangible.

"Are Binary Options a Form of Gambling?" ( FinanceMagnates ), 30/07/2017

Indeed, opening an overleveraged Fx position with a micro-account, opening a leveraged CFD position without stop-loss on a stock the trader does not have a profound knowledge about, going into a derivative while not building a real hedge does not seem getting any further from gambling in the common perception of that concept. You may have grasped that the common trait of the last 3 examples is poor risk management.

Let's be honest, any investment activity is gambling. Venture capitalists also gamble when they invest into start-ups, there is no guarantee that the company will survive let alone bloom.

"Are Binary Options a Form of Gambling?" ( FinanceMagnates ), 30/07/2017

Poor risk management usually originates either from the intended will to speculate with high risk or from the unsuitability of the instrument to the particular client, which in its turn comes from the lack of regulation in client assessment, informing and general education. And here again we return to the initial problem with binaries - the lack of regulation.

Fortunately, we already are seeing a retraction of this tendency towards a closer regulatory oversight, renowned financial market participants embracing the binary offer in their product range and traders exploiting the original strong qualities of binary contacts in their trading strategies. Cyprus CySEC was the first watchdog to officially start regulation of binary option brokers in 2012, while many of other EU jurisdictions kept viewing binaries as "game of chance" and directed requestors towards their local gambling regulatory bodies.

Things started changing fast in 2017. The year started with a landmark decision by Rotterdam court (Source ) on the OptieClub case, where the Netherlands financial regulatory body (AMF) was forced to issue the first licence to a binary options broker. The watchdog had rejected the request earlier despite falling into the financial markets product definition under MiFID regulations and directed the broker to the Dutch Gambling commission. Similar news are coming from the UK where Her Majesty's Treasury issued a consultation paper considering regulating binary options as financial products.

The UK Government is consulting on proposals to treat binary options as a financial rather than a gambling product.

This would mean binary options would be regulated by us, the FCA, in line with practice across most of the EU, and no longer be regulated by the Gambling Commission.

Both the Dutch court decision and UK initiative are indications on an impending paradigm shift that might open the gates for legitimisation of binary brokers seeking to get solid regulation in the EU market.

Essentially, binary options industry is following the same path the Forex markets started 15 years ago: starting as a newly emerging speculative market dominated by non-regulated participants, low client confidence and ambiguous image retail, Fx turned into a well-established industry, overseen by financial authorities in virtually all developed countries; it is now offered in the product range of numerous commercial banks. Binaries are now making the same journey towards regulation and transparency and seem to be doing it faster than Forex did in the past.

At Dukascopy we have been feeling the shift of attitude to binary options especially strongly as our decision to enter the binary market 2 years ago was being taken amidst reported reservations regarding the suitability of this service to a well-established and reputable broker. On the contrary, we saw a clear competitive advantage in the fact that binary trading will be offered by a Swiss-regulated bank via proprietary platforms. We believed that this should contribute to the diversification of the market, reinforce traders' security and offer an alternative to standard solutions thus ultimately improving client confidence to the entire market segment.

Binaries as simple, yet secure and useful financial instrument

Simplicity, straightforwardness and transparency are considered to be the key inherent traits of binaries. Absence of commissions, binary result (i. e. there exists only 2 outcomes), which implies possibility of capitalizing with maximum payout on minimal market movements; contract amounts as low as 1 USD and available short timeframes, sometimes less than a minute.

Despite the doubts of being proclaimed speculative, binary options should be advocated as possessing all the characteristics of a financial instrument that can be used to realize investment goals.

Binaries have particular attraction for investors whose strategies involve trading on economic news. News trading is a sophisticated investment activity that at minimum implies the following:

Knowing when news are out and in what countries;

Being capable to carry out technical and fundamental analysis to assess the news impact;

Picking a currency pair/pairs that are expected to be impacted;

Forecasting the needed duration of an option (e. g. 5 minutes or an hour) to avoid the interim noise volatility before and after the news is out;

Correctly and carefully placing a pending order and describing it.

Noise volatility (volatility spikes) is a real problem for news traders that can be successfully dealt with using binaries. Here is a real-life example that demonstrates the impact of volatility:

Example 1 . ECB Minimum Bid Rate (act. 0.50%, exp. 0.50%, prev. 0.75%)

Date and Time: 02/05/2017 11:45 GMT

ECB has reduced the base interest rate by 0.25%, which elicited a downward pressure on the EUR/USD. However, a trader who correctly interpreted the news might come across a noise volatility that could have resulted in interim losses on a spot position. Binary option would be more preferable in this situation.

Example 2: ECB Minimum Bid Rate (act. 0.50%, exp. 0.50%, prev. 0.75%)

Date and Time: 02/05/2017 11:45 GMT

Unemployment claims came out significantly lower than expected. However, the investor who correctly predicted it and forecast downward movement of USD/JPY would face an unpleasant surprise when the pair hiked by 50+ pips. After the unexpected spike the pair abated as expected. An investor with short spot FX position could have been closed on margin cut or voluntarily closed the losing position. Binary option would again help the trader pass over the spike and gain on the correct forecast.

Binaries also feature a set of important qualities related to trading/execution risks management. First is the independence of market depth, which means technical absence of slippages. Second, predefined maximum profit and, most importantly, maximum loss make it impossible to lose more than the amount of the contract. The latter also implies impossibility of driving the account into negative equity even under market force majeure conditions like those observed during the CHF soar on January, 15th 2017 after the Swiss National Bank's surprise decision to abandon the EUR/CHF floor.

With all of the above features binary options are making another major step in turning markets more accessible to a retail trader, comparable to forex instruments going into electronic trading on retail platforms 2 decades ago.

Adding a unique touch to binaries in Dukascopy

Being a banking group with an considerable IT development expertise Dukascopy undertook the development of an in-house binary service and trading platforms (Web, iOS and Android), which ensured considerable flexibility and freedom compared to the common approach of going into a white-label with one of the major platform vendors, an approach that had become standard at that time.

Seeing binaries as a new area for us, we went for a conservative start with offering the classic yet most widespread Up/Down binaries on currency pairs. Our flexibility allowed us offering features that were and remain unique in the market even for that basic binary options type: fixed payouts with a default level of 90% . which still remains among the highest in the market, custom-set option durations of 1-60 minutes with 1 min discretion. To achieve total transparency of the price feed we are using the SWFX (Swiss Forex Marketplace) flux, i. e. the same quote source as Dukascopy's Fx/CFD trading platforms. Another valuable feature highly appreciated by technical traders are the fully-functional charts with over 180 indicators and drawing objects available in the Web Binary platform.

After the service was successfully launched for the clients of Dukascopy Group, binaries became available as a separate module in the Dukascopy White-Label partnership program.

This year we extended the instruments range with Daily Stock Options giving access to a session trading of over 1500 stocks from all over the world and Pair binaries on stock/index combinations. Unlike the conventional approach of offering a short fixed set of pair combinations, our traders can build their own compositions.

Many updates and new features are now in the pipeline. This includes further integration of our products, allowing automatic creation of new trading subaccounts and platform improvements. To harmonize the offerings available to Fx/CFD clients and binary traders we are now working on launching an equity bonus program for binary accounts. Finally, new binary instrument types, including the Touch binaries and their variations, are on the way. Again, as with Up/Down options, we intend to continue re-thinking conventional instruments while striving to add a unique element to our service.

All the above mentioned unique features of our binary options are fully available to the retail clients thanks to Dukascopy Europe. Binary options accounts with Dukascopy Europe are available for contract sizes from 1 USD and an initial deposit of 100 USD. I invite you to get your own experience of binary trading with us at www. dukascopy. eu

Binary options trading project lead

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ADVISORY WARNING: FOREXLIVE™ provides references and links to selected blogs and other sources of economic and market information as an educational service to its clients and prospects and does not endorse the opinions or recommendations of the blogs or other sources of information. Clients and prospects are advised to carefully consider the opinions and analysis offered in the blogs or other information sources in the context of the client or prospect's individual analysis and decision making. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. Past performance is no guarantee of future results and FOREXLIVE™ specifically advises clients and prospects to carefully review all claims and representations made by advisors, bloggers, money managers and system vendors before investing any funds or opening an account with any Forex dealer. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE™ expressly disclaims any liability for any lost principal or profits without limitation which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

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Binary option is not gambling halal

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Binary Options is not a Form of Gambling

Traders from countries around the world are divided on whether the binary options trade is a legal form of exchange or not. Binary options supporters say that the concept is similar to making an investment, while naysayers assert that it’s similar to gambling inside a casino.

Naysayers should use the term “gambling” loosely. After all, investing in stocks or mutual funds is by itself a form of gambling. Experienced investors can make an inference on price shifts but they can never be 100% sure all the time.

Some countries even went as far as banning binary option sites from being accessed by their citizens. Italy is one of the countries that did this under the order of the Public Prosecutor of Rome .

Why Binary Options is not a Form of Gambling

Before we go into the specifics on why Binary Options are not a form of gambling, here’s how this form of trading actually works: Out of all the forms of exchange, only binary options have a defined risk and return. It is the only kind of trade where people don’t experience huge amounts of loses since they’re in control of their position, and never surpass their initial deposit. Gold and silver investment site BullionVault explains that unlike standard options, binary options have paybacks depending on whether or not the predicted price shift of a market meets the pre-agreed condition. Binary options are quite easy to make use of since the profit only relies on rising and falling markets. And the best thing about this kind of trade is that binary options have no commission fees and complicated leverage issues.

In order to be an efficient trader of binary options, investors not only need to study the current market trends, but also the fundamental analysis of things. If not, then they will not be able to make an intelligent guess on where the prices will settle at the end of their contract. These reasons alone should be enough to declare that binary options aren’t a form of gambling. Investors need to keep themselves in the loop with financial news, and understand the charts of commodities in order to make money out of binary options.

If binary options would be deemed as a form of gambling, then every stock and mutual fund should also be labeled as such.


Páginas legales

BinaryOptionsPost. com ha tomado medidas razonables para garantizar la exactitud de la información en el sitio web, sin embargo, no lo garantiza. Los datos expuestos en este sitio web no necesariamente son siempre en tiempo real o completamente exactos; Esto incluye análisis de mercado, pronósticos, señales, cotizaciones de precios de activos y gráficos. Los lectores no deben tratar ninguna opinión expresada por los autores de BinaryOptionsPost. com como un incentivo específico para hacer un determinado comercio o seguir una estrategia en particular, sino sólo como una expresión de su opinión actual. Las opiniones expresadas en el foro son expresadas por miembros del foro y no necesariamente reflejan las opiniones de BinaryOptionsPost. com.

Los riesgos involucrados en el comercio de opciones binarias son altos y pueden no ser adecuados para todos los comerciantes. BinaryOptionsPost. com no se hace responsable de las pérdidas que los lectores puedan enfrentar como resultado del uso de la información presentada en este sitio web.

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Is Binary Options Trading Gambling?

Is Binary Options Trading Gambling?

Binary options trading is undoubtedly one of the most beneficial business options now-a-days and traders can secure good amount of profit by investing carefully in the trade. However, there are many people who think that investing money in binary trading is like playing a gamble and there is a chance of losing the whole investment if luck does not favor the trader. It is true that binary options is a business of extreme results, the trader can either gain a lot or he can lose everything, probably his whole investment. Is Binary Options Trading Gambling? To say in a straightforward way, it is not. None of its parts resemble gambling.

There is no room for whims and emotions in binary trading and traders have to exercise extreme caution while making a business decision. Over the last few years, there has been a huge change in binary business and with the introduction of online trading platforms, it has become a lot more easier and safer. That being said, it has not eliminated the risks involved in the business and so traders have to be extra careful while investing money in this trade. There are a large number of people who are faced with the question Is Binary Options Trading Gambling? To those who are confused regarding the nature of binary trading, it needs to be mentioned that binary trading and gambling has nothing in common.

The main concern of traders stems from the fact that the trade involves such a high level of risk and uncertainty it is almost impossible for traders to continue on a steady path of success. Traders have to speculate about the future price movements of underlying assets and so it is important for traders to be able to assess the market condition in a proper way so that, they can enhance their profit potential to a large extent. The fact that traders have to speculate about the price movement of the asset raises the question Is Binary Options Trading Gambling?

In gambling, one has to depend completely upon one’s own fate as far as earning money is concerned. Whereas, in binary trading, there is no room to push your luck. In fact, the traders have to keep themselves updated on the daily market news and analysis in order to take the right decision at the right time. Those who try to play a gamble with the trade can end up losing everything. Hence, traders have to exercise due caution while trading binary options in order to ensure the maximum possible profit. After this, there is no point in asking Is Binary Options Trading Gambling?

In binary trading business, traders have to be extra careful regarding their trade. It is purely business and hence should be conducted like one. It is to be kept in mind that binary trading offers a huge payout only if, traders are able to trade properly in the market implementing the right trading strategy at the right time.

Gambling Or Trading For Pure Profit?

What Kind of Trader Are You?

Most traders of binary options are either gamblers, professionals, or people on the path to becoming professionals. Some argue that even the professionals are gambling. Yes, there’s risk involved no matter what—so even professional traders are to some degree gambling at all times, but they’re taking calculated risks based off their expertise. Similar to the way professional poker players are not really gambling against the amateurs over the long term.

It’s possible to trade 60-second options and other types of binary options responsibly. What approach you should be taking largely depends on what type of trader you are. We’re hoping that if you’re reading this you are cautious and honest.

If you’re trying to steer clear of scams, then we’re guessing you want to actually make money—or at the very least, give yourself an honest shot at making money.

Then there are traders who gamble without a basis for their trading decisions; their risks are un-calculated.

The question is whether you’re in it for entertainment (gambling) or profit (professional trading). Both reasons are perfectly legitimate.

Once you figure that out and come up with an honest answer, you can see to money management and trading techniques.

Gambling On Binary Options

If you’re gambling for entertainment, the key to responsible trading is to acknowledge that you’re a gambler.

Because then you’ll acknowledge your risk and the likelihood of losing money, and you’ll see that binary trading is probably going to be an expense more often than not. This honesty will help you to set aside a responsible amount of money as your entertainment bankroll, and it will keep your motivations clear.

If you’re trading binary options for fun, then do so with the same kind of budget you’d use for a casino.

Trading Binary Options For Pure Profit

If you’re betting binary options for profit, the keys to responsible trading is to minimize your risk by calculating it, managing your money well, and planning your trades based off predictable indicators. I’ll repeat:

Calculate your risk and reward

Develop and follow sound money management policy

Plan and execute your trades based off of predictable indicators

You can use technical or fundamental analysis or price action or any other strategy that makes sense to you and can provide consistent returns.

You need to be able to prove the efficacy of the method on historical data by doing extensive testing before you can responsibly go live with real money. You should also demo trade (Banc De Binary is a binary options broker that offers demo accounts) with virtual money before you trade with your own money.

Reality Of Binary Options Somewhere Between Gambling & Investing

What you’ll discover when you’re learning and testing is that it’s not easy to make tons of money.

Even if you do learn how to make money with 60-second trades, it’s going to take you a lot longer than that to educate yourself, plan your trades, and manage your account. Anyone who tells you that you can consistently make money trading 60 second options by going with traders choice is scamming you out of your money in some fashion.

Acerca de

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Tenga en cuenta: Todo el contenido de este sitio web se basa en nuestras experiencias escritores y editores y no están destinados a acusar a cualquier corredor con asuntos ilegales. Las palabras Scam, blacklist, fraudes, hoax, sucks, etc se utilizan porque todo el contenido de este sitio web está escrito en un formato ficticio, entretenimiento, satírico y exagerado y por lo tanto a veces desconectado de la realidad. Todos los lectores deben juzgar personalmente todo el contenido y los corredores por sus propios méritos. Además, los comentarios de los visitantes no están moderados, salvo el evidente vínculo de spam. La gente miente. Utilice su discernimiento. Descargo de responsabilidad: Opciones binarias comerciales es extremadamente riesgoso y puede perder toda su inversión. Sólo depósito y el comercio con el dinero que puede permitirse el lujo de perder. Siempre consulte las leyes, jurisdicciones y autoridades locales antes de realizar cualquier acción en Internet. El contenido de este sitio web NO es asesoramiento financiero y por el uso de este sitio usted acepta mantenerse 100% inofensivo por cualquier pérdida.

How are binary options different to gambling?

A common misconception about binary options is that they resemble gambling. This misconception has arisen in large part due to the fast-paced nature of this kind of trading coupled with the fact that a lot of unsuccessful traders essentially guess the future outcome of a trade and do not take the time to develop of robust and repeatable strategy. In this article we examine how investors should conduct themselves in order to avoid techniques that resemble gambling.

Begin with a sound strategy

Traders who want to avoid investing in a way that resembles a casino should start by identifying a robust, repeatable strategy that they commit to following regardless of market conditions. People who just trade making guesses might as well play rules, but people who follow a carefully defined strategy find themselves in a much stronger position to make informed investment decisions.

As far as determining which strategy is right for you, it depends in large part on your skill-set and interests. Some investors prefer to pursue technical strategies, which involve analyzing historical price movements to make conjectures about the future price of an underlying asset. Many respectable and highly successful investors pursue such technical strategies. Other investors adopt a more fundamental approach, which involves analyzing a company (or other asset) fundamentals in order to spot deviations between the spot price of an asset and the fair value of that asset. Alternatively, some investors prefer to pursue a combination of technical and fundamentals-based approaches, alternating between the two as market conditions change.

Regardless of the strategy that you pursue, the first step to ensuring that your approach does not resemble gambling is to ensure that you are investing in accordance with a well-defined strategy, not merely making guesses about the future direction of an underlying asset’s price.

Trade longer-term options

Short-term options, such as those lasting 60 seconds before expiry, are a relatively recent innovation. While they suit some investors, they are not generally suitable for investors who seek to rely on their skill rather than blind luck. The short-term horizon is not very well accommodating of most conventional strategies, so investors who want to avoid trading in a way that resembles gambling are generally betteroff sticking to longer-term options. This is particularly the case when your strategy is one that involves a significant amount of fundamental analysis.

Follow market developments closely

Investors who want to avoid trading in a way that resembles gambling can follow-market developments in order to make more informed investment decisions. By reading the financial press and by subscribing to various analyst reports, investors can gain better insight into what is going on in the financial markets and can ensure that all of their investment decisions are shaped in part by the news that is having an effect on asset prices. For example, by staying on top of geo-political developments, investors can make more informed decisions when dealing with currencies and commodities, two asset classes which are highly exposed to changes in the geo-political context.

Trading does not resemble gambling unless you doing it in an uninformed way and rely purely on luck. By crafting a repeatable strategy, by focusing your efforts on longer-term contracts, and by following financial news sources in order to stay on top of the latest market developments, you can ensure that your decisions are underpinned by a robust decision-making framework rather than being based purely on guesswork.

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Gambling Vs Binary Options

Many investors that are not in the field of binary trading consider it nothing different than gambling because there are many rumors on the internet that it is a game of all or nothing. This reason behind is that they don’t have the knowledge about those factors in the binary trading industry that really matter. In many parts of the world where binary trading is not yet popular but the people have a little bit of hint about what it is. This knowledge should be boosted up by getting a deeper insight of the trading markets so that a clear differentiation can be done. Let us discuss the major points of difference in gambling vs. binary options .

Gambling is not legal because there are many factors related to it that the people take advantage of to make money. Gambling is all about fate and is conducted in casinos where people try to make fortunes in cards, roulettes and other things. Binary trading however is completely legal and it is a completely different concept. You don’t have to face losses if you study the trading market deeply and thoroughly so that you can plan some trading strategies to frame your trading for receiving higher profits.

Payout is the major point of difference when you are wondering about what is better in gambling vs. binary options . In gambling, you either lose or you gain huge profits and everything is completely dependent upon your luck. In binary trading, you can increase the chances of your win by taking some measures before you actually start to trade. The payouts in binary trading can reach up to 85% if you do the predictions correctly and the best part is, you can boost it up to 400% if you are aware about some trading strategies that can make it happen.

In gambling, you don’t get any type of assistance because no one can predict what is going to happen as the game is conducted on the spot and is free of all the influences. In binary trading, if you find yourself in the middle of intense pressure, then you can hire a binary broker or you can also have an account opened on an online trading platform.

So these were some major points of difference in binary options vs. gambling . I am sure that if you are reading this article, then you can figure out about the experience you can get if you trade in binary options.

is binary options gambling?

Binary options have been around since 2008 and have come a long way since they were first recognized by the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). Due to their risky and Ludacris nature many are asking themselves the same question: is binary options gambling?

Due to this questions popularity we’ll try to answer it in the next few lines. Binary options can be classified to more than one category, the answer depends on various factors such as the country of residence and the character of the person who you are talking to.

In order to help you understand what are binary options and if they are in fact gambling or a form of investment let’s go back to binaries early days. While we all know they first appeared in 2008, binary options had a previous life cycle in the 1970’s, then they were known as over the counter options and were traded in an old fashioned way but were based on the same principal of all or nothing options and were a legitimate financial form of investment.

Nowadays, binary options have developed and are now offered on advanced online platform offering high payouts in even shorter time intervals. The principal stayed the same you can either win or lose which does in fact resemble a form of gambling.

Binaries have become very popular in the past years and that’s exactly why many are still asking themselves is binary options gambling or investing. It all depends on a geographical region; binary options brokers were first approved as financial investment companies in the first quarter of 2017 and have been recognized and regulated in the European Union ever since.

This doesn’t mean that there are no unregulated brokers working in Europe, but does put an end to our question: “is binary options gambling”, in Europe they are now known as a form of investment. However if you’re asking this question while residing or visiting the US the answer will be different, US law has classified binary options as a form of online gaming and does not allow traders coming from the US to trade on foreign binary options brokers. This been said, the US government does in fact allow binary options trading on firms operating within the US so the question is binary options gambling in the US is unclear.

When looking into this questions we can identify two type casts of traders; the investors and the gamblers, the investor is most likely to look at binary options as a form of a financial investment which like any other investments has its risk and profit ratio and some trades might end in the money while other will fail. This type of trader will not jump into trading but will first analyze the market and adopt a proper binary options strategy which will take into consideration that in the long term he will end in the profit.

On the other hand we have the gamble; this type of trader is interested in making money and making it fast! He will treat binary options as a game of statistical chances and will place a bet rather than trade which means even if he has a binary options strategy it is gambling motivated, he does not take time to analyze the market rather than look into the odds of winning each trade (bet).

In other words when trying to define if binary options is gambling or trading although there are many factor to consider and not one right answer.


Is Binary Options Gambling?

Can Binary Options Trading be a Long-Term Profitable Way of Income?

QUICK INFO: Many people who are interested in binary options trading are questioning if binary options trading is gambling. Also many Forex traders will say that binary options is gambling. So is binary options trading the same as gambling?

The answer to this question has many sides and facets, and much has to do with approach one has to binary options trading. So let's try to demystify and clarify this question by approaching the answer from different angles and by giving out some of the facts. On the end, if you just want to know if making the long-term consistent profit with binary options trading is possible, the answer is definitely YES. Please, read on to understand more.

Definition of Gambling:

If we take the definition of gambling, which says that gambling is

- play games of chance for money, bet,

- take risky action in the hope of a desired result,

then we can say that binary options trading can definitely be considered gambling. However by this definition, we can claim that any type of investing in financial and stock markets can be considered gambling as well.

Difference Between Forex and Binary Options

Forex traders often like to say that binary options is gambling because of the nature of how binary options trades are executed. In Forex trading a trader enters a position of a trade at certain level and he can sell his position at any point in future. Depending on the future price level, he can sell in profit or in loss. Forex trade is not limited by expiry time and the profit or loss risk is defined by leverage and difference in price of the traded asset in time of closing the trading position.

With binary options the only factor that determines if the trade was a win or a loss is the fact if the price of the traded asset is above or below the trade opening position in predetermined time of closure. The trader only has to decide if the price will be higher or lower in for example next 5 minutes, hour, or even 60 seconds. However, the time of closure is decided when the trade is opened and it can not be changed afterwards. This might look much more like gambling as opposed to Forex trading, but this doesn't mean that binary options are more unpredictable.

I strongly believe that experienced binary options trader can make much more profit with same level of risk in the same time frame and same market conditions as a Forex trader would make.

What is Gambling with Binary Options?

Trading binary options can be very fast, especially with all the 60 second and 2 minutes trades, offered by majority of binary options brokers. This type of trading carries the highest reward in case of winning trades, but it also carries the biggest risk of loss. The main problem with high frequency trading is the human factor. A trader who is making many trades in short amount of time, exchanging rapid winning streaks with number of losses oftentimes will double or triple his investment (enter so called martingale trades) in case of a few losing trades in a row. If such actions are not controlled and are not in-line with a profitable trading strategy, but are based on pure emotion and adrenaline, then such trader does not hold good chances to become a long-term profitable binary options trader. This type of trader can be considered a gambler. There are many Forex gamblers as well.

Any type of trading which does not include trading discipline, trading strategy and strategy related money management can be considered binary options gambling.

What is Not Gambling with Binary Options?

Stock and Forex market and charts have certain logic and at certain points the outcomes of binary options trades can be predicted with higher odds. This means that there is a real possibility to develop a trading strategy that carries low risk and enables the trader to reach long-term profitability. A trader, who is disciplined with trading a strategy or multiple strategies that are statistically profitable, is not a gambler and his way of binary options trading is not gambling. Besides a good strategy a proper money management technique is in order to become a long-term successful binary options trader.

There are many possible ways of trading with binary options and many strategies and systems. Strategies can be based on technical analysis or on business news. Both approaches can result in making quite high profits in short amount of time, especially if a trader optimizes his strategy and is consistent with his trading. Traders who master this approach are definitely not gamblers.

Trading Traps and Tips for Beginners

Many beginners will get caught in gambling with binary options, especially because of the promise of high profits in short amount of time. When a beginner enters a wining streak with 60 seconds trades and makes for example 300% profit in 20 minutes of trading, this will make him believe that he has mastered the trading and that it is very simple to continue this way. This is when he gets caught in gambling. In the next step this will lead him to loss of his complete investment and hopefully the trader will start looking into education and start analyzing different trading strategies before he decides to make the next investment.

However, a beginner trader has to get 'burned', hopefully with small account, before he can get shaped in serious trader. This is simply the part of the learning curve. There are many steps before one becomes a successful technical analysis trader who is independent from all other sources (such as signal services etc. ).

The best advice I can give to beginners who want to start trading by themselves is to start with minimum investment, trade a lot on the demo account and always learn from your own mistakes. Also it is best to stay away from short term trades and focus on longer expiry times from 10 minutes up to 1 hour. It will be easier to understand some of the market rules reflecting on the technical charts if they are analysed on higher time frames (for example 5 minute, 15 minute and 1 hour charts).

Learn the Proper Way of Binary Options Trading

Learning to trade with technical analysis is extremely interesting and can be very rewarding, however it is important to be aware that there are many steps before one can start building his own trading systems and strategies.

If you want to learn how to trade by yourself, it is best to take a closer look under the EDUCATION. INDICATORS and STRATEGIES tabs on this website. You can find a lot of useful information here. In future I will prepare a serious binary options trading course for anyone who is interested to become a fully independent trader.

If you are simply looking for low-risk profitable approach to start making profit with binary options without learning how to trade, I can recommend you to check out my binary options signals service at https://www. realbinaryoptionssignals. com .

Is Binary Options Gambling or not?

Our readers in South Africa sometimes ask is binary options trading same as gambling or are there any differences between these two industries. To majority of population, binary options trading is still relatively unknown field and they don’t have enough information regarding binary industry. Therefore, they search for more info and check if there are similarities with gambling world.

Here on Binary Options South Africa. we will try to provide our readers a detailed information about similarities and differences between binary options and gambling industry and answer on question is binary options gambling or not.

As stated above, people interested in binary options can see how there are few facts which are alike to gambling, such as risk involved, strategy and excitement during process itself. Besides that, there is a big contrast between those two industries.

For more on is binary options gambling or not, check below in our article.

Trading / Gaming / Gambling Definitions

To begin with, let us introduce you with several definitions, relevant to this topic.

Trading – term used in binary options or any other financial sector, which implies an action of entering or closing the position on financial market. Basically, it explains swapping money for a particular financial instrument.

Gaming – term used for types of gambling activities, approved by law. This is actually legal gambling.

Gambling – term used as wagering money with an uncertain outcome. Motivation to win and earn money is the biggest factor.

Trading vs. Gaming Risk

Both traders and gamers find risk assessment to be the focus of participating on different markets in order to make a profit. This can be done either by wagering an amount of money or by detecting chances that can lead to winning status. Same logic can not be used in trading and gaming world. Read more below.

Risk in Gaming Industry

When people think on gaming, the first that comes in their mind are online gaming sites. These sites include online casinos with a wide selection of different games, including poker, slots, bingo, roulette etc.

So let’s say, you are a gamer and want to know how to profit from playing online casino games. Since software basically executes entire job and manages the way of odds outcomes, it can be pretty challenging for player to create his own chances to win.

Software itself uses random algorithms to create specific odds and it takes a special level of expertise to understand strategies, which can be used to increase odds of winning and achieving high payouts. To master those strategies, a great amount of data is required for players to be able to accurately predict final outcome.

Risk in Trading Industry

Unlike gaming risk, South African traders should know that risk on financial markets, such as in binary options industry is completely different. This trading risk involves risk in short term period, as in forex, binary options or CFDs and also long term risks.

In binary options, risk can depend on several variables. One of them is an underlying asset, such as stock, currency, commodity or index. Risk level depend on the value of an asset that fluctuates as they are being traded in predetermined period of time. This is basically what’s the most important to know for all South Africans interested in binary options trading. As a new online investment type, binary options trading is based on predicting an asset movement (up or down) in a specific time in the future.

To be successful when trading binary options is to read broker reviews to get better understanding of available trading features and check the latest important market news and reports. This can serve as great help to increase chances of winning and have more knowledge in order to accurately predict possible effect that might influence on specific asset. Sites, such as financialmail. co. za. moneyweb. co. za and are an excellent prime sources for valuable financial news.

Popularity of Binary Options Trading and Gaming

It is assumed that gaming and trading industry target different types of people. In gaming world, luck and excitement are the peak of player’s experience. Usually, luck is the most important element to succeed in case strategies aren’t followed. A lot of online gaming sites have tendency to offer bonuses to reward their players and offer them exactly what they want – more thrill to enjoy the game.

Binary options trading also brings thrill for their traders, but in a different way. Binary industry appeared in late 2008. Since then, they quickly gathered a lot of people worldwide who wanted to experience this new way of online investment. Thanks to its many benefits and great possibility to maximize profit, binary options trading is widespread in South Africa. Traders are able to invest in binary options with many reliable brokers, listed here in our trusted broker list.

South Africans are able to trade with different trade options, such as 60 Second, which enables excitement in 60 seconds, High/Low, One Touch, Ladder and many more, depending on which broker traders select. Binary industry enables a wide selection of expiry times, both short term and long term, up to 150 days.

Regulatory Status

Majority of traders who are interested in online trading or gaming industry, prefer those who are regulated. Traders in South Africa should know that both industries are covered by gaming authorities, that provide them regulatory license. There are few countries which enable regulation to binary brokers and other gaming companies to conduct their business transparent.

First one is Cyprus and well-known CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission) regulatory body. CySEC is responsible for binary brokers and oversee if EU rules are implemented on their trading platform.

However, in gaming world, it is obligation of the regulator by which software has to ensure a specific payout that is spent playing. This is logical, because otherwise there are room for manipulation on payouts of funds on machines. They could easily use player’s incapacity to track the odds and make false promises of possible jackpot. Nowadays, there is approx 95% of possible return and it all depends if a big sum of money has been paid recently.

Trading vs. Gaming Conclusion

To summarize, although there are some elements which are similar to trading and gaming, it is clear how there are even more differences, without mentioning differences between trading and gambling. As stated above in the article, to answer the question is binary options gambling or not, answer is definitely no.

Both gaming and binary options industry imply that traders have to invest and risk their own funds. However, experience, motivation and strategy are those that make the key difference between them. Although, luck can turn out to be handy sometimes, but in binary options trading, traders in South Africa should rely on strategies, analysis and understanding of financial market and available trading instruments which can lead them to achieving high payouts.

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Response to the Forbes ‘Don’t Gamble on Binary Options’ Article

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Many of you who have done some research on the subject of binary options will have come across a piece that Forbes ran recently advising readers to not invest their money in binary options. Contrary to the high standard usually maintained by the Forbes editors this piece (titled Don’t Gamble on Binary Options), was poorly researched and gave a fundamentally skewed account of what this new trading vehicle is all about. To this end we have decided to address the comments made in the piece point by point so as to provide readers with a more balanced view.

To begin with the first point the article makes is that binary trading attracts the same kind of people who gamble on online poker sites, that somehow binary options brokers have managed to cloak themselves in an air of respectability, but that at root binary options are just another form of gambling. Anyone who has ever traded will tell you that bad traders are indeed gamblers. Educated traders however, traders who spend every waking moment researching the assets they trade and keeping abreast of all the factors that affect their value, are certainly NOT gamblers. Furthermore there is a fundamental difference between gambling and trading that should always be borne in mind. The outcome of a dice roll has absolutely nothing to do with all the previous rolls of that dice. In trading the price action of an asset is intimately connected with its historical price action. This means that attempting to forecast a random walk is an exercise in futility, and using the historical movements of an asset’s price in combination with the wider geopolitical events currently affecting it, are both statistically significant methods of being able to forecast with some degree of accuracy what is likely to happen next. And with binary trading being so geared to trading on events and not requiring the trader to beat a pip spread, manage stop-losses or play with leverage, it is the simplest and most surgically precise way to get in and out at the right time.

The second issue we take with the Forbes piece is that the writer does not appear to have done his own research. For the first half of the article he relies on pure unfounded conjecture and the second he just copies and pastes the email that alerted him to the binary options “scam”, into the body of his article.

Now on to the email itself, which is actually penned by an individual who refers to himself as a professional poker player, and is engaged in trying to convince his father not to gamble on binary options. While his grasp of binary payout structures is within the realms of possibility, depending on the broker in question (which he does not mention), he is wildly wrong when he assumes that only seasoned professionals can have any sort of advantage over the odds. Binary options have become so popular recently because inexperienced traders can quickly become proficient at trading them. The growth of the industry testifies to this fact far more than it does to brokerages using aggressive sales tactics. To put it simply if average traders weren’t seeing results they wouldn’t carry on trading.

Also the only argument the writer of the piece seems to have against the trading of binary options is that they could probably end up being quite addictive, which is a pretty weak argument. The article’s tone is one of exposing a new scam to its readers and the only argument the writer ends up putting forward is that people could possibly get hooked on trading. Preposterous in itself but there’s more.

The secondary argument is that no one, no matter how plugged in to the markets they are, can possibly get it right all the time. Which, aside from being self-evident, is not an argument that binary brokers, however aggressive, tend to make. Nobody going into a trading scenario believes that they can possibly get it right all of the time. If they do they will swiftly be brought crashing back down to earth.

Now as for the “house” having a slight advantage due to the payout structure, which the writer states as being around a 54% success rate being needed for a trader to break even. This is significantly less that online Forex due to the fact that there are no spreads in binary options, and the precalculated payout structures (again unlike online Forex) are upfront and leave no possible room for miscommunication between parties.

Finally the writer is also erroneous in his claims that binary brokers are operating in a completely unregulated environment. This may have been true several years ago but with the first binary options license having been awarded late in 2012 and a slew of other companies rushing to also engage with the regulatory procedure by the time you read this there is a good chance that many other binary brokers will be operating in fully licensed environments.

Binary options are of course receiving the same sort of negative press from some commentators that online Forex did when the technology advanced to a point that online trading became feasible for the mass market. But the most interesting part of this story is that Forbes actually runs advertisements for online binary options brokerages, which is an enormous contradiction given the tone of the article (see this article image), which you can read here:

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Binary options gambling

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Why binary options are not a form of gambling?

You should not think of binary trading as it is a gambling platform.

It is very important to keep this in mind because when you start to think like a gambler your situation is going to change dramatically and you do not want that.

As we know, the most popular types of gambling are poker, casino games, sports betting and many other games based only or mostly on luck. The idea and principles of this kind of entertainment are very different from the binary options.

It is true that when you trade with binaries you place your investment which some can say is very similar to betting but we think that in the end of the day it is not just a fortune platform. There are many things such as education, alerts, markets situation and graphs which are key factors to your trades.

The truth is that many betting operators have on their platforms options to bet on the market but that's only because it's popular and you should know that this is not the well-known forex trading, stock exchange or something in trading areas.

The principles of the changes of assets indexes are based on the real market and not on cards, slots, gaming software or lucky number. This is the big difference!

When you understand that binary options are type of trading you will stop to trade like a gambler. When you realize that you will change your point of view 180 degrees.

If you think about binary trading as gambling, you are placing trades exactly like bets, based on the how you understand the market without any research.

In gambling the results are not based on economic changes.

On the Internet we see that many people treat it as a way of gambling.

The only thing that we can say that looks like gambling is the payouts because they look like odds.

It is a very interesting topic for comments and opinions. Please share your point of view with us and tell us what you think?

Submitted by Toni Hamilton on Saturday November 2, 2017 11:27 pm GMT

Disclaimer: The author does not have any positions in the currency pairs (or any other assets) mentioned, and no plans to initiate one during the next 72 hours. He wrote the article himself, and it expresses his own opinions. He has no business nor personal relationships with any government entities nor stocks mentioned. You should not treat any opinion expressed by the author as a specific inducement to make a particular investment or follow a particular strategy, but only as an expression of his opinion.

Páginas legales

BinaryOptionsPost. com ha tomado medidas razonables para garantizar la exactitud de la información en el sitio web, sin embargo, no lo garantiza. Los datos expuestos en este sitio web no necesariamente son siempre en tiempo real o completamente exactos; Esto incluye análisis de mercado, pronósticos, señales, cotizaciones de precios de activos y gráficos. Los lectores no deben tratar ninguna opinión expresada por los autores de BinaryOptionsPost. com como un incentivo específico para hacer un determinado comercio o seguir una estrategia en particular, sino sólo como una expresión de su opinión actual. Las opiniones expresadas en el foro son expresadas por miembros del foro y no necesariamente reflejan las opiniones de BinaryOptionsPost. com.

Los riesgos involucrados en el comercio de opciones binarias son altos y pueden no ser adecuados para todos los comerciantes. BinaryOptionsPost. com no se hace responsable de las pérdidas que los lectores puedan enfrentar como resultado del uso de la información presentada en este sitio web.

&dupdo; 2012-2017 BinaryOptionsPost. com - Todos los derechos reservados - Contáctenos - Toni Hamilton

Are binary options trading or gambling

This question is on the lips of many new binary traders, so let’s start by defining gambling and trading.


Based on the online dictionary. to gamble is ‘ to play at any game of chance for money or other stakes ‘, ‘ to take a chance on ‘ or ‘ to stake or risk money, or anything of value, on the outcome of something involving chance ‘.

The last definition ‘ to risk money on the outcome of something involving chance ‘ is probably the closest to what people mean when they say gambling in financial markets. There are two key components, (1) risking money, (2) where chance is involved.

So here we need to step back a bit and ask the following question: is there any chance in financial market prices? And the answer is a big YES. Because all pricing models, Black and Scholes options. mortgage securities models or balance sheet forecasts need to include some unpredictability. This is called volatility, variance or standard deviation to name a few statistical terms. Every pricing model has to use a deterministic component plus a noise component, which is the ‘chance’ component.

If the history of probability is of any help, let’s remember that the founder of this branch of mathematics, Pascal Blaise, started his theory by resolving card games problems. This is the origin of all modern financial modelling and it shows how chance is such a deep-seated part of all asset prices, even to this day.


Now what is trading? Let’s go back to our Internet dictionary from reference. com, and we get a few definitions for the word trade: ‘ the act or process of buying, selling, or exchanging commodities, at either wholesale or retail, within a country or between countries ‘ or ‘ to buy and sell ‘.

A better definition as far as trading financial assets is concerned can be found at http://www. thefreedictionary. com/ where it says: ‘ to engage in buying and selling for profit ‘.

Trading or gambling

These two dictionary definitions above may not completely show what people mean when they say gambling or trading with binary options. Gambling has a negative connotation and sounds more like taking bets based on pure luck, like gambling on a game of dice, where the outcome is completely unpredictable. Clearly gambling this way with your money is a bad idea. Whereas trading sounds like a more noble activity, where the buying and selling has some thinking behind it and is part of a technical profession or activity.

In summary if we want to go to the essence of the meaning of the question as it is understood by both practitioners and the public, we have:

Gambling with binaries . to buy binary options like playing the game of roulette or craps, making random bets like betting on a coin flip,

Trading binaries . to buy binary options using rational thinking and evaluations to make predictions about future prices, while trying to optimize one’s ROI.

Of course everyone can do what they want, but it is clear that most binary options traders trade them. and do not gamble with them. Because if you want to get involved with these products it generally means that you have a keen interest in financial markets and asset price formation. And that you want to use your brain to trade, not gamble and make silly bets like tossing a coin.

Binary options are best suited to someone who likes to follow market news and events and who has a strong opinion about what is going on in the financial markets. These digital options let you take tailor made bets on future market movements, and as such they are unique. It is up to you if you want to trade or gamble, both choices are available for you to pick. Decide for your self.

Mensaje de navegación

Top 3 brokers

What are binaries?

A binary option is a new financial instrument you can trade, with benefits unlike any you have seen before.

Binaries are unique because you can trade your own pure view of the market. Is the market bullish or bearish? Is the market ranging or trending? Is the market strongly bullish or bearish?

You can create tailored trades based on your own predictions, whatever they are.

Also a binary option has a fixed-odds payout. In other words you know precisely how much you risk and how much profit you can earn before you make a trade.

Another unique advantage is you can conveniently trade different asset classes like stocks, indices, commodities and currencies, all from the same trading application.

Never before in the history of retail investing have people like you and me been able to start and take positions based on their views only, with so many assets to choose from, yet with such user friendly software.

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Is Binary Options Gambling

It is important to choose a brokers have their own baby whilst doing as well as technical analysis tools and tested to trade the binary options trade. For that particular trades. Step 7 – Review and Monitor.

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Mensaje de navegación

Welcome to Binary Options! We are here in hopes of providing information, clarity, and advice in regards to the latest investment craze; Opciones binarias. If you have any requests for Product or Alert Service reviews, please contact us and we will try our best to feature it on your site.

We will also feature information on penny stocks, day trading, and the lot, all while adhering to all Federal Laws and Regulations. There will be no talk of manipulating inflation of a penny stock and/or “Pump and Dumps”. We want to help you avoid ending up like Jordan Belfort (portrayed above by Mr. DiCaprio), while still helping you make a profit.

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Introduction to Binary Options

If you don't know what Binary Options are now, then you are either missing out or it just goes to show how this trending type of trading is starting to mature on it's own.

The simplest way to explain what binary options is, is to compare it to gambling. Many people call it trading but you could also call gambling trading as well. So what is the difference? Almost none to be honest, just that instead of placing a bet on a blackjack table, you are placing it in another medium where the outcome is based on a real event. Sounds familiar? Sounds exactly like betting on sports!

So basically there are 2 types of binary options and they are cash or nothing or assets or nothing. Cash or nothing means you are paid a fixed amount if the option expires in the money. Assets or nothing pays out if the true value. As the word binary implies, there is only 1 of 2 outcomes and this is like an on/off result.

Examples are the easiest way to explain how it really works.

Taking currency as an example:

You can bet on the EUR/USD strike price will close at or above say 1.2750 at 6pm. So a trader that predicts the price will close below can buy a put option whereas the opposite would be a call option.

Now binary options are not simply available to everyone in the world. Since it is like gambling, it isn't exactly fully regulated around the world. It is a grey area for traders in the United States whereas in Europe it is more of an open free market. There are many companies that are well established and based around the world. The licensing isn't anywhere near as reputable as online gambling but at some point it will become important as if you are going to be doing any trading online you will want to ensure that you are always able to retrieve your money.

Trade smart and trade safe!

Is Binary Options Gambling?

Many would argue that any form of trading is really another form of gambling . The main difference between trading and gambling is that trading has a cleaner image that it is less like gambling and more like investments. Well in a nutshell that is exactly what gambling is. You have people that use it as a means of investment whether they are the trading company (gambling enterprise) or a professional gambler that profits for a living, just like any successful trader would.

So where to draw the line and how to identify gambling within something like binary options?

In a nutshell binary options is trading and unless you don't know what you are doing, you might as well call this gambling. People trade like they gamble, which is based on emotions that they have a 'feeling' their trades will give them profits. When they don't see the profits, they keep a continuous cycle going or constantly trading, or gambling as a means to make up for lost money. You could compare trading to either poker or sportsbetting. There are certain odds and uncertanties involved and this is where professionals can use the given odds against the probabilities to make smart decisions on what to do for betting, which in the end turns out to be smart investing. When people don't have a system in place or they can't explain why a bet is a bad one to take, then you have just identified a gambler and this person will be constantly feeding someone else, a professional, or they will have to give in to defeat and admit they are not beating the system. If that is the case they are better off investing in something else like a low yield highly secured bond for example.

Gambling is popular because it gives people a buzz and that is the same for winning money. Nobody knows what will happen and this is why most people play games blindly to the odds.

Now what is forex compared to binary options?

Well almost the same thing, just a different type of trade but it boils down to the same problem: If you don't know what you are doing or don't have a smart system in place then you are just gambling. Sure you could invest money in forex like betting that the GBP currency will gain over the Euro in say the next 6 months but this is a slow investment and there is no guarantees on it. Many people are day traders just in forex alone . Many are gamblers within forex and of course there will always exist the sharp and smart people that have a system and are only in it to make money. They don't get emotional when they win or lose but rather they put in the time, effort and stay consistent with their decisions and rarely make a mistake.

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Binary Options: Trading or Gambling?

12 November 2012 4555 2 Comments http%3A%2F%2F20smoney. com%2F2012%2F11%2F12%2Fbinary-options-trading-gambling%2F Binary+Options%3A+Trading+or+Gambling%3F 2012-11-12+11%3A30%3A54 AzouzG http%3A%2F%2F20smoney. com%2F%3Fp%3D4555

The world of trading is laden with euphoric and horrid tales of success and world-crumbling losses. High highs and low lows; adventure and drama. It’s very typical in trading. And with the rising popularity of web-based binary options trading, we may not know even half of these stories.

A quick search on Google on the keyword “binary options” would return 17,700,000 results on my end and most of the top results are binary options broker offering promotions like “earn up to 80% of your investment in an hour or less” or “trade major markets”. If the search results are any indication, binary options are getting quite a following.

Binary Options: How Does It Work?

A typical binary options trade goes like this: say at 2:30 PM, you placed a $100 call option on stock ABC, thinking that the asset will go up in price in 30 minutes or at 3:00 PM. Now, if you are right, and the stock’s price did indeed go up, you will receive up to 70% returns of your money; in this case, $170 including your initial investment. However, if you are wrong, you end up out-of-the-money so you’ll get back 15% of your capital; in this case, $15.

For people who are into online pokers and such, you can definitely understand the appeal of binary options. For one, it sounds more respectable than flat out saying you’re into gambling. And with sites churning out words like “controlled risks” and “options contracts”, it does sound a level more estimable than poker. But is it any better?

For one, profits may be tempting. However, if you look at it in mathematical terms, the site has the upper hand in terms of probability. You would need to be right around 55% of the time just to break even. And seeing that there’s 50% probability of an asset’s price going up or down; mathematically, the odds are stacked against you.

Second, the main attraction of binary options trading is its simplicity. While it’s true that there are only two ways the price would move: up or down, there’s never any way to predict how it will move in the next 30 minutes or so. Again, it’s a complete coin toss.

And lastly, one of the most alluring features touted by most binary options brokers is how you don’t need much capital to get started trading binary options contracts. Thus, the risk and possibility of loss is not as gut-wrenching and mind-numbing compared to trading other underlying assets. Losses may come in tiny trickles but as with other addictive activities, those tiny trickles when summed up, could just be as painful.

Is it Trading or Gambling?

There are certainly some upsides to binary options trading like no commission fees, access to major markets, and you don’t have to concern yourself with liquidity issues. However, it does violate one of trading’s cardinal wisdom: reward has to be greater than the risk. Trading has and always will be about stacking odds in your favor through solidly devised system and careful analysis of charts and other variables that may affect the trade. It’s all about minimizing risks and maximizing rewards. Anything less than that is gambling.

Patrik Fonce is a trader and editor for QS Trading Software

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You actually would have better odds playing online poker, where you play against others (not the house) and skill is the determining factor. Short term market movement is so random, binary options are more like playing roulette, where the house always wins.

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All content provided on this site is provided for entertainment purposes only. Do not make any financial decisions based upon the information presented on this website. Investing, the stock market, and other topics discussed on this site can be extremely risky and easily result in loss of money. Do your own research before making any financial decisions. &dupdo; Copyright 20s Money 2007-2017. Todos los derechos reservados. Política de privacidad

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5 Tips for Smart Gambling with Binary Options

5 Tips for Smart Gambling with Binary Options

Trading binary options for fun? Even if profit is not your goal, and you’re willing to lose money for the sake of entertainment, you can still choose to gamble smart. When you make smart decisions trading binary options, you extend your bankroll, and with it your fun. The longer you can stay in the game, the higher the odds are that you will win the game. And even if you don’t, you’ll be able to play for longer before you run out of funds. So is binary options trading considered gambling? Find out .

There’s one more advantage to gambling smart too, and that’s avoiding problem gambling behavior. There’s a reason gambling is often considered to be a social vice, and that’s that there is a huge crossover between the population of gamblers and addicts. Gambling addiction is a serious matter which can have grave financial consequences, both for yourself and for others who depend on you. Making smart decisions keeps your head in the game and keeps you grounded, which helps you to avoid falling into a pattern of addictive behavior.

Here are 5 tips for gambling intelligently and advantageously.

This is a tip that I typically give to traders who are serious about trading for a living, but it’s one that applies equally well to any gambler. Money management rules determine how much money you are willing to risk on a single trade. You don’t have to be as strict about this as a professional trader, who might only risk 3% per trade. You might risk 5%, or 10%. But it’s important to calculate how many losses you can withstand before you burn through your entire account. The less you risk, the more trades you can enjoy before you blow your account. And the longer you stay in the game, the more likely you are to win.

I also tell professionally oriented traders to trade a consistent amount on each of their trades. But this is because professionally oriented traders only take the very best setups, those they expect to win based on careful research. As a gambler, you don’t need to follow this kind of consistency if you don’t want to. After all, you’re here to have fun. You still should consider doing this however if you are a methodical gambler and you are trying to hone your edge. It can help you to succeed—and like some poker players in Las Vegas, you too might discover that you can “gamble” for a living. Sometimes gamblers who are methodical enough in their techniques turn into pros.

Trade with a method if you want an edge

If you don’t care about having an edge, and you just want to have fun and not worry about the details, this point is not particularly important. If however developing an edge is part of what you find compelling about trading, then you are going to need a trading method, just like a professional trader would use. You wouldn’t necessarily approach this with the same seriousness and dedication as a pro, but you would definitely want to at least have some consistent basis for placing your trades. When you see the effect this has on your bottom line, you may very well decide to keep learning and fine-tuning. Once again, when you trade intelligently, you stand a chance of crossing over the line from gambler to professional.

Bonuses come with a lot of fine print that traders fail to understand, often because they fail to actually read the fine print in question. Typically you have to roll-over your deposit and bonus 20 to 40 times in trade volume to claim the bonus as cash, though you can use the bonus to trade. This impacts your money management plan, so you absolutely must think carefully before you accept a bonus, and then you need to calculate exactly how that affects the percentages you plan to invest on your trades.

Another common string attached which you’ll want to look out for is brokers who refuse to allow you to withdraw your initial deposit at all until you meet the volume turnover requirements associated with the bonus. Yes, that means that you are forfeiting your initial deposit if you aren’t going to achieve that turnover. That’s a hefty cost, just for clicking “Yes, I agree.” No, not all brokers are like this, but you have to check the terms and conditions carefully. You don’t want to fall into a trap like this, even if you’re trading for fun.

This follows directly off of the advice above. Just as you want to be selective when accepting a bonus (or not), you are going to want to be selective in choosing your broker. Check out the bonus terms in advance, if a bonus is important to you. Also check whether accepting the bonus is optional. Some brokers actually require it.

What else should you check for when you sign up?

Fast and flexible deposits and withdrawals. Particularly pay attention to terms that apply to withdrawals, and make sure that your money will be accessible to you when you want to withdraw it.

Good customer service. A broker that answers your emails promptly and staffs their live chat line with a helpful, transparent employee is best. When you get on the phone, avoid brokers that hard-sell you on a sign-up, and choose a broker that provides you with prompt, informative answers to your questions.

Tools for controlling trades. Look for a broker that lets you close out early if you want to, double up, or roll over. A broker that offers Option Builder and lets you choose your own expiry times is also providing you with valuable tools.

Reputation. Look up binary options broker reviews to make sure that you are choosing a broker that hasn’t been red-flagged. When you read reviews, use your own discernment to decide whether you are reading objective critiques or not. Some reviews are written by competitors, and others are posted by advertisers. But many are posted by customers and by third party objective researchers who are trying to help customers make informed choices.

Stay accountable

Probably the most important thing you can do as a gambler is stay accountable to yourself, and if applicable, your family. Gambling for fun is no different than spending money on any other form of entertainment. When you spend money to go see a film or a performance, or to watch cable television, or to play a game online, you are still exchanging money for entertainment. With gambling, it is no different—except that you have the chance to get some of it back.

But you need to always remember that it is no more than a chance, and that luck is fickle. Set an entertainment budget for yourself each month, and don’t spend money outside that budget on binary options. Keep the essentials and necessities of life as your priorities. If you cannot afford to spend money on binary options one month and pay your bills, don’t trade that month. Keep a log of your expenditures, and keep that log open and available to members of your household. And if someone who depends on you for money asks you to stop trading because he or she thinks you are developing an addiction, give that person the power to close your account.

Gambling binary options is a lot of fun, and it can be lucrative when luck is on your side. You will have a much better shot at cashing out if you follow these simple tips. Trade with a money management plan, and if you want to develop an edge, use a trading method. Research brokers thoroughly and read the fine print on their terms and conditions, and stay accountable to yourself and your family members about your trading activities.

Tagged with gambling strategy

Wednesday, November 20th, 2017 by Michael Freeman

One of the most talked about strategies, and the most commonly used probability technique in the gambling world is the Martingale Strategy. Get an inside look into the Martingale Technique and it’s application with binary options. How well does it work? Let’s start by defining it properly and see if we can apply it with binary options.

The Martingale Technique was first introduced in the late 18th century in France and was used by old-school gamblers in one of the most ancient gambling games, Coin Flipping with two possible outcomes, Heads or Tails. This technique made and still seems to make sense to gamblers in the Roulette Game which similar to Coin Flipping . provides the gambler with a %50 probability of hitting red/black. As a golden rule, the Martingale Strategy is used when the probability of winning or losing is equal to %50.

The Theory behind Martingale

Assuming there is a %50 chance to win a bet, according to theory advocates for every losing bet the gambler must double the investment which will recover the loss and break-even, even with consecutive losing trades as the investment is always double the total loss . eventually yielding a break-even. On every winning bet, which statistically occurs in %50 of the times, the next investment must remain equal to the previous investment amount. On losing investments we break-even eventually and with winning investments we generate profit.

Doesn’t it sound a little bit too good to be true? The strategy doesn’t take into account the exponential increasing of the investment amount which is unavoidable and is required in order to stay in the game, as the goal is to double the investment and recover the lost capital on losing investments. There are no investors on this planet with an infinite budget, therefore after an X number of investments, bankruptcy is inevitable. There is a limit to how many times one can double his/her investment due to budget constraints and as we keep doubling the investment amount on every losing traders eventually we are bound to lose everything on a single and final trade!

Using Martingale with Binary Options

The good thing about binary options is that it allows traders to conduct a market analysis and technical analysis in order to make sense out of an investment decision, meaning that this decision is not limited to a random choice of Up/Down, Black/Red or Heads/Tails. In general when it comes to’ investment in financial assets’, there are actually known factors that affect the movement of price such as supply and demand, market events relating to the asset we trade and respectively these factors can be measured and studied using Price Action Analysis and Fundamental Analysis. There is no room for a gambling strategy that doesn’t even work when all things are equal and the probability of winning is %50. Keep in mind that with binary options, traders must maintain a winning ratio of 6.5/10 or %65 in order to generate profit which already disproves the Martingale Technique as being of any practical use when applied with binary options, as it doesn’t even work with better odds equaling to a 5/10 ratio or %50 chance of winning. The only outcome is a losing outcome when the Martingale strategy is being used. Gamblers will always advocate strategies that are based on emotions and irrational thought process, let’s face it, gambling is an addiction and just like a drug addict, gamblers tend to feed themselves with lies and wishful thoughts. Don’t believe the videos promoting this strategy with Binary Options! It simply doesn’t work. If you are interested to learn about legitimate binary options strategies, visit the strategy resources below.

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Know Between Gambling and Trading in Binary Options

Every one of you love you wager on something, don’t you? Be it over a game of cards or on poker or on games or even on investment. The high rush of blood in you doesn’t let you stay away from these gambles.

Is these gamble and risks are what caused you to try your hands on binary options trading. The lure of high-returns with a low-risk and plenty of choices to make, you started your journey of trading in the binary options. You trade on your first asset, use your gambling instincts and even manage to win out pay-outs. How impressive, ain’t it? May be all seems going up so smoothly. But before long, you could gain a perspective of binary options trading you start losing out investment and you step down. Has your gambling instinct’s abandoned you? You question yourself don’t you?

What if we were to tell you that your strategies from day one was wrong? What if we point out to the fact that you took trading as gambling has cots you big bucks? Oh si. You wouldn’t want to believe but that’s the harsh reality.

Binary options trading are basically in the nature of wagering. You wager on the possible outcomes with your ‘call’ or ‘put’ options. But there’s a considerate difference between wagering and gambling. In a trading world you’d need a disciplined strategy and a well-worked out plan to succeed. You would need a sustainable business approach to your trading concept to make your way into the upper echo leans of the profit and returns world.

Binary options trading uses different tools to analyses the behavior of assets over a period of time. Neglecting these tools and embarking on the journey of gambling approach won’t work a nick over these platforms. Binary options trading puts candidates against each other and you could be facing someone with well-worked strategy. You may get the feeling of being doomed right there and then. Your competitor might exploit any available data while you rely on your gambling sense to bail you out.

It’s important that you have a clear plan with you. Don’t step unprepared in the battle, after all it’s the matter of money. You wouldn’t want to lose out, do you?

Basically, trading in binary options is a comparatively profitable way of making money online today. However, you need a more business oriented approach to the market, in addition to discipline and proper application of trading strategies in order to succeed. Avoiding the above mentioned mistakes will improve your chances of continually profiting from the trade.

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Binary options are a way to speculate and potentially make money in short term price movements in the financial markets. As opposed to financial spread betting where you are basically trading the underlying instrument with binary options you are betting on a specific price being reached or not. For more information on how binary options betting works see here .

Binary option broker reviews

There are seemingly hundreds of binary options brokers marketing for new business on the internet. Before you apply for an account make sure you read our binary option broker reviews for more information on who owns a company, their regulatory status, welcome bonuses and what range or markets and prices are on offer.

Learning to trade binary options

Trading binary options is actually quite easy. The terminology may be quite daunting at first, but once you get your head around that and the mechanics of how binary options works the principle is simple. Learn how to trade binary options with our guides and articles.

Getting started in binary betting

The first thing to do if you want to start binary options trading is to pick a broker. Our binary betting comparison tables give a good overview of the brokers that provide online binary option betting platforms. Our getting started guide to binary options guide will talk you through then best places to get started and give some simple tips on strategy and what you should expect from the market.

Puts and calls?!$#!!

Puts and Calls are the terminology used in traditional options trading. Binary betting has been derived from options so the terms still loosely apply. A call is simply the right to buy meaning you think the market will go up if you are a buyer. A put is the reverse i. e. you think the market will go down and you have the right to sell. With binary options it is much simpler, you either pick yes or no to an event and the prices settles when the time expires. Some brokers use the phrases put and call to make the product sound more professional.

Are binary options a scam?

Binary options themselves are not a scam but there are some unscrupulous so called brokers operating in the industry. To avoid trouble always go with a UK regulated firm that offers binary options and be sure to check the main office is based in the UK. Find out more about binary options scams here .

Is it investing or trading or betting or what?

Firstly, binary options is certainly not investing. Because of the absolute nature of the product it can hardly be called trading either. The most appropriate label would be betting. Binary options are a form of betting on an event either happening or not happening.

The regulation of binary betting

There is some confusion in the industry as to who actually should regulate binary betting. Most binary options brokers seem to be located in Cyprus and use variants of the local Cyprian authorisation to operate in different domains. It is expected that at some point binary options betting will be regulated in the UK by either the FCA or Gambling Commission.

Binary betting welcome bonuses

These are fairly standard across most binary betting brokers. Binary options welcome bonuses generally work on getting a percentage of your initial deposit as a bonus once you have placed a certain amount of trades or bets. For example a 100% bonus on a £100 initial deposit would result in getting a further £100 in bonus funds. There are of course the usual terms such as not being able to withdraw bonus amounts and a time limit to claim them. In order to claim you will have to bet an equal or greater amount that you will be receiving so take them with a pinch of salt.

Can you actually make money binary betting?

As with any financial product binary betting is there as a mechanism to speculate on price movements. Whether or not you make money is totally dependent you your ability to predict the financial markets. So the answer is yes you can make money if you call the market right. You can also lose money if you call it wrong. Even though binary betting is predicated on either yes/no outcomes it should be noted that the odds of winning are not 50/50. The odds will always be stacked against you. Even though there is an element of skill involved when comparing it to online gambling it is more like online poker than an online casino.

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If you're an avid participant in Binary Options trading then you should be aware of the warning recently put forth by the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC).

The UK Gambling Commission has warned customers in the area about scams masquerading as binary options trading. If you're considering taking part in any sort of binary options betting, you should thoroughly research the market before participating.

Here are a few handy tips to consider and make use of before delving into binary trading, especially as any money lost to illegal operations cannot be recovered for you by the UK Gambling Commission. This will mean no compensation and your money will be permanently lost.

Always be sure that you are working with a licensed binary trading operator . All binary options operators in Great Britain must be licensed by the UK Gambling Commission and that license must be displayed on their website. If you're using an operator in a reputable jurisdiction, they will have their own local regulators.

If there is any doubt about whether or not a binary options operator is licensed, avoid using their services. If an operator is unlicensed there's a strong chance that they are running an illegal operation. Unlicensed operators will more than likely use false names, fake addresses and incorrect contact numbers. This makes tracking down these operators impossible and they are able to disappear without a trace.

If you have ever lost money after using what you suspect to be an illegal binary options operator then the UK Gambling Commission recommends that you contact Action Fraud. Action Fraud is the UK’s national fraud and internet crime reporting centre and they can be contacted through their website, actionfraud. police. uk, or on 0300 123 2040.

More about Binary Options Trading

Simply put, binary options trading is a form of betting where the customer attempts to predict the outcome of events in financial markets. 'Binary' refers to the fact that there are two possible outcomes: If the customer is correct, they win the bet. If the prediction is wrong, the bet is lost.

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Binary options brokers to be FCA regulated?

Published on April 17, 2017

When binary options were first introduced, the UK authorities described them as “ fixed odds bets ” and classed them as gambling for the purposes of legal and financial regulation. So binary options brokers were placed under the jurisdiction of the UK Gambling Commission. All this was detailed in the most recent legislation to encompass gambling law – the Gambling Act 2005.

In Europe however, a different view was taken. Standard European practice was to class binary options and binary options trading as a financial instrument and govern them accordingly. Some nations began to regulate them appropriately and it was ultimately the CySec regulation that was adopted across Europe. CySec registration is now the standard that the most reputable binary options brokers will hold.

Changing UK view on binary options regulation

With one eye as ever, on Europe, the UK is beginning to look again at how binary options are regulated. In a letter written in August 2017, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport wrote to the UK Gambling Commission. The letter suggested that the government was looking again at the most appropriate body to oversee binary brokers.

The letter, referring to binary options trading, suggested the plan was to “ take such products out of the scope of the Gambling Act 2005, and regulate them as financial products ”. It went on to say the government intended to publish results of any consultation by January 2017. While those timelines have slipped a little, the plans remain the same with the consultation now underway. Classing binaries as financial products would see them fall under the jurisdiction of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

All this has left binary options brokers free to operate in the UK under the umbrella of CySec regulation. The Gambling Commission have shelved plans to ensure all firms have a UK Gambling license until the future landscape has been decided. The sector has become much better policed under the regulations from Cyprus, with some hefty fines ensuring firms are aware the regulations have teeth.

For UK consumers however, the reassurance that FCA regulation would give cannot be underestimated. The recent collapse of Alpari illustrated how important those financial safeguards can be when the worst does happen. Binary options brokers themselves can see the positive benefit that the additional consumer confidence would bring. The responsible firms would all welcome regulation, and the opportunity to prove they run ethical and importantly, secure operations after some of the less favourable operators of yesteryear.

With the Gambling Commission reluctant to put too much of a financial and administrative burden on brokers – and the likelihood that that could prove unnecessary anyway – the move to reclassify binary options as financial products cannot come soon enough for the industry. FCA regulation could have a really positive effect on the growth of binary options trading in the UK, so the sooner the better in our view.

One UK based broker – IG Index – is already fully regulated by the FCA . This is due to the firm offering financial investments that already fall under the regulations, in addition to binary options. Read our full review of IG here .

Top 5 brokers

What is Binary Options?

The long view on short-term investments.

Topics Addressed

Trade in 3 Steps

Binary options online trading

Short-term contracts

Binary options online trading is one of the most simplified methods of trading that gives traders flexibility and control. With fixed odds returns, structured reward and risk ratios, and variability of underlying assets, it is no wonder why this platform of trading is turning into a worldwide trend. These short-term investments possess high rates of return and are traded by both inexpert and experts alike. Binary options are straightforward and effortless; the trading concept is extremely easy to ascertain. Along with ease and simplicity is accessibility. Binary options are available to trade 24 hours a day, 7 days a week making trading available to anyone wishing to start a new trading venture.

Binary option trading only recently became available to individual investors. In 2008, the Securities and Exchange Commission approved the listing of binary options with continuous quotations to individuals. Until 2008, binary option trading was only accessible via a broker or via a brokerage firm. A major barrier of entrance for those wishing to trade binary options was the cost associated with the third party. Today, the option to use a broker or a brokerage firm is still available to individual investors but the need for the middle man has decreased immensely. Most individual investors involved with binary option trading use an online platform that does not charge a fee and is continuously accessible.

Binary Options, also known as digital options and exotic options are contracts which are traded within private sectors. The underlying assets of these contracts possess fixed payouts and exceed the predetermined strike price within a given time frame without the obligation of purchasing the asset. The payout of the option is independent from the scale by which the price of the underlying asset moves.

To put it more simpler terms, binary options are short-term contracts that allow an investor to trade an underlying asset yet not purchase the asset and has a predetermined return percentage. For the investor to collect the predetermined percentage, or to be "in the money", the trader must correctly determine whether or not the traded asset will rise or fall against the strike price, the price of the underlying asset at the exact time of the trade, within an expiry time. It is irrelevant how great or minor the prediction is against the strike price, so long as it is correct, a trader is "in the money" even by just one pip, or price point.

Trade in 3 Steps

One of the reasons trading binary options is growing so quickly in popularity is because of its simplicity. With little research of market status and a basic understanding of binary options, making a profitable trade is highly conceivable.

There are two types of options; call and put. A call option affirms that the price of the chosen underlying asset will rise above the strike price within a specified period of time. A put option affirms that the price of the chosen underlying asset will fall below the strike price within a specified period of time. Binary options also have various expiry times which display appeal to diverse investors. For example, you can choose the asset in which you decide to invest to expire in 15 minutes, 30 minutes, one hour, intraday, weekly, biweekly, or even monthly. Ranging ending times gives the investor a heightened sense of control in the role of returns.

The information provided thus far is that is needed to enter the market of binary options. In just three simple steps and just a few minutes, a trader is able to make major earnings. There are three steps to trading binary options:

Choose the underlying asset in which you wish to invest

Decide which type of option to purchase, either call or put, and choose the desired time frame

Select an amount to invest

These are the basics to trading binary options. When trading, it is always important to remember to keep up with the market. A person does not need to be a professional but it is crucial to stay updates with world headlines. Being updated with market status will act as a guide in the appropriate directions in order to minimize risk and in which to earn the most profits.


Study the markets to some degree before placing bets.

Binary options are more than just gambling on outcomes, they are knowledge-based too.

The reputable binary options trading sites listed on this page and across our site include market analyses and news updates on commodities, currencies and other financial trends.

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5 Reasons Why Binary Options Trading Beats Playing at an Online Casino

5 Reasons Why Binary Options Trading Beats Playing at an Online Casino

A lot of the articles I write here are geared at binary options traders who are hoping to make a living from binary options. The reason that most of the articles focus on these would-be professionals is simple: it takes a lot more work and a lot more thought to be profitable with binary options over the long term than it does simply to trade them for fun. But if fun is your main reason for taking an interest in trading binary options, that actually puts you in the majority. Most people who trade binary options are in it for the entertainment factor. Why start trading options though instead of continuing to patron your favorite online casino? After all, isn’t trading a lot of work to learn regardless?

Learning to trade binary options actually isn’t a lot of work. In fact, you could argue that it’s easier than learning how to play a lot of the games offered at your online casino. If you still haven’t decided to open an account and make a deposit, here are 5 reasons why binary options trading beats out playing at any online casino.

When you hear the word “trading,” do your eyes glaze over? Do you suddenly find yourself back in your first college economics class, falling asleep? It’s true that learning to trade profitably is not an easy venture. But thankfully, learning how to place a trade (without worrying about all those details) online is quite easy. On any binary options website, you’ll find very fast how-to guides that you read in under a minute. The simplest types of trades literally can be placed with just a few quick clicks.

The basic process of placing a High/Low binary option (the most basic type of option in existence) is much faster and easier to learn than, say, the process of playing poker. It’s actually even simpler than learning how to play roulette! The difficulty level is akin to playing slots, which pretty much anybody can do with their eyes closed. So if you’ve been feeling intimidated by the word “trading,” don’t be. Binary options were designed to be easy, just for you.

2.You can learn to develop an edge

If you are willing to learn more and spend more time and effort, you can develop an edge with binary options trading which will weigh the game in your favor. While chance will always be a part of any trade, it does not have to be the whole. Your skill can play into the decisions you make. In that sense, trading binary options is very far removed from playing slots. There is little you can do other than manage your money intelligently to improve your odds with slots. Binary options trading thus shares more in common with poker or 21. So you get the best of both worlds. Trading is as easy to learn as slots, but if you want, you can develop the same kind of edge that you can with a more complex game.

This point could probably be argued in either direction, but for traders who are uncomfortable with the gambling restrictions in the United States and the obscure language they are written in, binary options may offer a more comfortable alternative. In the US, you still can’t participate fully in binary options (most brokers prohibit you from trading currencies and commodities, for reasons of regulation, but still allow you to trade stocks and indices), but at least you don’t have to constantly wonder whether you are breaking the law by gambling. Click here for a list of assets you can trade.

When your friends ask you what you did over the weekend, they may not look particularly impressed when you say, “I played slot machines!” They probably look a little more impressed when you say, “I won at poker again,” though. ¿Por qué? Because poker requires skill, and slots does not. Even if you’re good at cards, though, you still have to put up with that stigma of being a gambler.

When you tell people, “I was investing this weekend,” you may notice people look at you differently. Investing, like poker, takes skill, and is not so immediately associated with gambling as a casino game. People think about Wall Street when they hear the word “investing.” It’s an intellectual activity, and a highly respected occupation. So when you trade binary options, you can look forward to other people seeing you in a new light, as somebody with skill and responsibility—even if you’re just trading for fun. After all, you don’t have to tell them that!

Bonuses are part of the fun of online gambling for a lot of people. When you sign up at an online casino, you are usually offered a match bonus as a welcome gift. When you deposit X amount of money, the casino will provide you a certain percentage in matching funds. You can’t withdraw that money as cash, but you can use it to gamble. That means you can make bigger investments, or simply extend your bankroll and have more fun. And once you do achieve a certain turnover, you can withdraw the bonus along with your winnings for even greater profit.

Some of the biggest welcome bonuses you are ever going to find are offered by binary options brokers to their new customers. Even if you are only depositing a few hundred dollars, you may very well be offered a couple hundred dollars in matching funds. And if you open a very large account with thousands of dollars, you could be given thousands of dollars for free, just for signing up and trading with the broker.

Binary options bonuses work the same way as the welcome bonuses you are awarded by an online casino. You can’t claim them as cash until you reach the turnover volume set by the broker. But until then, you can use them as trading funds. Make bigger bets and enjoy the thrill of staking more, or keep your bets the same size, and trade longer before you run through your bankroll.

If you enjoy gambling at casinos, online and offline, you will have a great time trading binary options for entertainment. While they may sound intimidating, they are really very approachable. You will find them easy to learn, and flexible enough to fit with any gambling style. If you want to entirely leave your fate up to chance, you can, but if you want to develop an edge, that’s up to you. The bonuses are great, trading binary options is legal around the world, and other people will be impressed when they hear that you’ve become an investor!

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Acerca de, Privacidad, Términos, Exención de responsabilidad Gobierno de los EE. UU. Exención de responsabilidad obligatoria - Commodity Futures Trading Commission Futuros y opciones de comercio tiene grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también grandes riesgos potenciales. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en los mercados de futuros y opciones. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Esto no es ni una solicitud ni una oferta de compra / venta de futuros u opciones. No se está haciendo ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros. CFTC REGLA 4.41 - LOS RESULTADOS DE RENDIMIENTO HIPOTÉTICOS O SIMULADOS TIENEN CIERTAS LIMITACIONES. DESCONOCIDO UN REGISTRO DE RENDIMIENTO REAL, LOS RESULTADOS SIMULADOS NO REPRESENTAN COMERCIO REAL. TAMBIÉN, DADO QUE LOS COMERCIOS NO HAN SIDO EJECUTADOS, LOS RESULTADOS PUEDEN TENERSE COMPARTIDOS POR EL IMPACTO, EN CASO DE, DE CIERTOS FACTORES DE MERCADO, COMO LA FALTA DE LIQUIDEZ. LOS PROGRAMAS DE COMERCIO SIMULADOS EN GENERAL ESTÁN SUJETOS AL FACTOR DE QUE SEAN DISEÑADOS CON EL BENEFICIO DE HINDSIGHT. NO SE HACE NINGUNA REPRESENTACIÓN QUE CUALQUIER CUENTA TENDRÁ O ES POSIBLE PARA LOGRAR GANANCIAS O PÉRDIDAS SIMILARES A LOS MOSTRADOS.


Tenga en cuenta: Todo el contenido de este sitio web se basa en nuestras experiencias escritores y editores y no están destinados a acusar a cualquier corredor con asuntos ilegales. Las palabras Scam, blacklist, fraudes, hoax, sucks, etc se utilizan porque todo el contenido de este sitio web está escrito en un formato ficticio, entretenimiento, satírico y exagerado y por lo tanto a veces desconectado de la realidad. Todos los lectores deben juzgar personalmente todo el contenido y los corredores por sus propios méritos. Además, los comentarios de los visitantes no están moderados, salvo el evidente vínculo de spam. La gente miente. Utilice su discernimiento. Descargo de responsabilidad: Opciones binarias comerciales es extremadamente riesgoso y puede perder toda su inversión. Sólo depósito y el comercio con el dinero que puede permitirse el lujo de perder. Siempre consulte las leyes, jurisdicciones y autoridades locales antes de realizar cualquier acción en Internet. El contenido de este sitio web NO es asesoramiento financiero y por el uso de este sitio usted acepta mantenerse 100% inofensivo por cualquier pérdida.

The binary options riddle – gambling or investing?

Binary options trading has become a popular way of online investing or betting in the past few years. 2017 was a significant year for the blooming industry with increased recognition by various regulators mainly European oriented. Increased popularity once again raises the question whether this is a form of trading or pure gambling .

When trading binaries the trader is placing a position against the broker, the situation is that profits are paid by the broker and losses are paid to the broker, so the principal is similar to betting in a casino where the percentage of losses overtake the number of wins. The similarity to online gambling in casino’s or gaming is indeed there.

However binary options brokers have gained wide recognition by several legal regulators over the past years starting with a CIF license granted by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission. This license was a road mark on the way to becoming a worldwide recognized financial instrument rather than online gambling.

The whole process is similar to the journey which the Forex industry went through, meaning the binary options industry is slowly maturing and becoming a well-established industry gaining recognition and obliged to international ruling and investment laws.

The future holds two different approaches which raise the question of the industry’s definition. Binary trading platforms are based on two main providers; “Tradologic” and “TechFinancials”, while the industry is on its way to being defined as a financial product Tradologic has clearly stated that its aiming its product to be more gambling and gaming oriented rather than a financial product, approaching UK and Australian clients as their main clientele. These countries allow online gambling and have shown great interest in the product in its gaming form. Tradologic is taking this one step forwards by developing an online platform which is designed to give a look and feel of an arcade game.

On the other hand we have Techfinacials, this provider believes the future is a continued recognition in binary options as a pure financial product. The past years growth shows binaries will have better results as a regulated and legitimate way of financial trading and therefore Techfinacials will continue to work on gaining further recognition and supplying a simple and easy to use trading platform.

Binary options trading is a risky way of trading, traders speculate whether a price of a certain asset will either rise or fall and profit by predicting correctly. When a prediction fails, the trader loses his money which is how the brokers makes his money. Traders can use a variety of strategies which can help them stay in-the-money.

Avoid Gambling With Binary Options

Posted by Clare Brown on Jan 14, 2017 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Avoid Gambling With Binary Options

Binary options is not a gambling game in the first place, so why should it have anything to do with gambling? This is actually something to mean with losing a lot of money when trading with binary options. The dream of becoming big and having a lot of fun around the world with the earnings they got from binary options is actually possible, but most of them are dreaming of it done quickly. In order to get big with binary options like most are dreaming about, it needs a lot of time and a package of strategies that work to accurately win predictions. In other words, it will take a lot of tries for a person to be successful with trading binary options.

The reason why experts are advising against newly sprouted traders when trading with binary options is because a lot of web sites related to it are popping up one after another. It doesn’t mean that these websites are fake or illegal. Most of them are actually legit. But the danger about these websites is that they are clever with their marketing scheme. They advertise their sites that convince beginners they are able to win tenfold of their initial investment in just a matter of time. This happens often, to beginners nonetheless. This is called “beginner’s luck”, and most of those that are caught up into the rhythm of this kind of luck lose a lot of money right after that. There is a lack of money management with it. Those who have made it through either have already gotten the experience of trading with other forms of investment or they know how to control the hype that they themselves are experiencing and know very well that quick money does not exist.

A lot of these sites have been doing great business for a while. When you do a search in Google in regards to websites of binary options, it was able to produce about 870,000 hits that come up with their own promotions nearing 75 percent of earnings in every hour. Other promotions include 81 percent of profit in less than an hour and trading possible with all the major markets. Anyone can place a bet on this, which is what it really amounts to everything. Some of these sites even offer free guides about binary options by the time you get to begin. The only warnings that beginners get when trading with binary options is to learn more about the fundamentals with trading with it, but not as much as gambling with it.

A lot of professionals also lose money from trading with binary options. They think that they have what it takes to win heaps of money because they have a lot of advantage with it, but little do they know that it such mentality is eating them up and will only make them lose a lot of money instead. If you wish to trade with binary options, get rid of the thought that it will make you money in a short amount of time.

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Gambling with Bitcoins on Binary Options

There are a lot of talks about crypto currencies nowadays. Some claim that it is illegal and uncontrolled by any existing governmental organization. But the fact is rather simple, more and more people become aware of crypto currencies and, hence, start using them.

Furthermore, cryptocurrencies have a real exchange rate and can be easily traded for real currencies like dollars or pounds. Sounds interesting? Read full gambling with Bitcoins on Binary Options article and see how you can get revenue from it while having some fun!

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is the main crypto currency that exists nowadays. At this moment it is accepted by a large variety of online and offline shops and can be traded against the main currencies on the Forex market. Additionally, it is used as the main payment option in the deep web. Recent news suggest that Chinese grey market has accepted bitcoins as their main currency as well, which has resulted in the recent increase in the price of BTC.

From the point of view of the traditional monetarism, Bitcoins do not have any real value since they are not supported by any type of goods and services produced as well as this currency does not have any commodities to back it up. Next to this, BTCs are not printed and cannot be placed into a deposit account of any traditional bank. Cryptocurrencies as such are stored only on the hard drives of their owners or at certain web services. Now as you know what bitcoin is, let’s find out whether bitcoin gambling can be profitable.

How to predict BTC volatility

Looking at weekly chart of BTC/USD it can be easily observed that this cryptocurrency is highly volatile when compared to all major currencies. This is why it can be the perfect instrument for binary options.

Additionally, this idea can be confirmed via 1 minute chart of BTC/USD. As can be seen on the graph presented below, BTC/USD support levels are not as easy to analyse. Also, movement of this instrument is less responsive to upcoming news since BTC is not related to any specific country and exists outside of the governmental control. This makes bitcoin gambling a rather viable option as it can be predicted easier via technical analysis.

Of course, if there are news about dollars or Euro, they will most certainly have influence on bitcoins, but you have to be cautious with such predictions.

For volatility predictions you can use recent cryptocurrency trends and activity of the deep web combined with the macroeconomic data of the currencies, yet it rather has a fractional impact when trading binary options on BTC/USD.

Bitcoin Gambling During Bubbles

Gambling on cryptocurrency during bubbles is one of the most profitable strategies. Bubbles can be characterized as sharp and straightforward, hence easy to predict.

It is never possible to predict the length of the bubble and the impact of it, any bubble can result in BTC/USD price going as high as 10,000 USD per 1 BTC or falling as low as an absolute 0. Hence, investing your own money into BTC may be rather tricky during such periods. However, as the odds of binary options are fixed, this is why getting into binary options is one of the best ways of bitcoin gambling. When you see a start of the bubble, simply get a PUT Option on BTC/USD for the time period you expect the bubble to last.

Gambling BTC on Binary Options

It is obvious that the best way to gamble on Bitcoins is by using binary options on BTC/USD or BTC/EUR. It is recommended to use only basic type of binary options and do not use ladder or Touch/No Touch options. Such options are recommended only for gambling during bubbles, if you are okay with high uncertainty and are looking for very high payouts.

Most of the regulated binary options brokers offer BTC/USD as well as BTC/EUR, so it is not difficult to find the one that fits you. Main recommendation is to test the platform before making a deposit so you will be sure that you feel comfortable with it.

Remember, check Binary Options broker reviews before you register, this way you will not find yourself having business with a scam. Make your bitcoin gambling on binary options only with honest brokers that will allow you to withdraw your profits without any restrictions.

Why Trade Binary Options?

Binary Options Trading is certainly a great way to make money online. It requires less experience compared to forex trading, yet binary options trading also involves a significant degree of risk. Among the benefits of binary options, ease of access is the main one. Also binary options provide higher payouts within the lower timeframe. Another advantage of binary options trading is web platforms, no installation required. It is fun and exciting process, yet you need to have a decent binary options trading strategy - get one at Binary Options Hub.

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Best Binary Trading Platforms

Binary Brokers vs Platforms

Many traders mislead the definition of binary options brokers and binary options platforms, Binary Options Hub is here to make it clear. Binary Options Brokers are the ones that supply you with services like customer support, help with deposits and withdrawals, various client benefits and so on. Binary Options Brokers are servicing you. Binary Options Platforms are the trading software providers, most of the Binary Options Brokers have a third-party Binary Options Platform. In other words, a Binary Options Platform is simply an options trading platform.

Risk Warning

Binary Options trading is risky. Check our Binary Starter's Guide to avoid mistakes.

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Binary Options Trading Bonus

Most of the Binary Options Brokers offer countless binary options bonus promotions. Binary Options Hub is here to guide you and make sure you only settle for the trusted binary options brokers. While deposit bonus at binary brokers tends to be from 20% to 200%, there are a lot of binary options scams. Do not settle for any offer before you found it verified at Binary Options Hub. In addition to this, Binary Options Hub always recommends to settle for smaller deposit bonuses, as they are easier to withdraw. Only best binary bonuses here!


Binary Options Hub is a website dedicated to making binary options trading industry more transparent, honest and reliable. Our mission is to supply binary options traders with honest binary options reviews and also to provide a detailed reivew of the binary options trading platforms. Note that binary options trading involves a high level of risk itself and it is much risker when you trade with unregulated binary options brokers. Also there are a lot of binary options scams in this industry. Binary Options Hub is here to guide your through the available offers on the market and assure that you are always making a right choice when it comes to selecting the best binary options broker or top binary options trading platform. Trading binary options is quite fun and exciting process that may also result in financial gains, however it is also very risky. Please note that Binary Options Hub does not take any responsibility for your investment decisions. Binary Options Hub also recommends you to consult with an expert before engaging into binary options trading activity. Please read our full disclaimer and risk warning to understand the risks of binary options trading better. Do not deposit more than you are willing to risk.

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Is Binary Options Gambling?

Many would argue that any form of trading is really another form of gambling . The main difference between trading and gambling is that trading has a cleaner image that it is less like gambling and more like investments. Well in a nutshell that is exactly what gambling is. You have people that use it as a means of investment whether they are the trading company (gambling enterprise) or a professional gambler that profits for a living, just like any successful trader would.

So where to draw the line and how to identify gambling within something like binary options?

In a nutshell binary options is trading and unless you don't know what you are doing, you might as well call this gambling. People trade like they gamble, which is based on emotions that they have a 'feeling' their trades will give them profits. When they don't see the profits, they keep a continuous cycle going or constantly trading, or gambling as a means to make up for lost money. You could compare trading to either poker or sportsbetting. There are certain odds and uncertanties involved and this is where professionals can use the given odds against the probabilities to make smart decisions on what to do for betting, which in the end turns out to be smart investing. When people don't have a system in place or they can't explain why a bet is a bad one to take, then you have just identified a gambler and this person will be constantly feeding someone else, a professional, or they will have to give in to defeat and admit they are not beating the system. If that is the case they are better off investing in something else like a low yield highly secured bond for example.

Gambling is popular because it gives people a buzz and that is the same for winning money. Nobody knows what will happen and this is why most people play games blindly to the odds.

Now what is forex compared to binary options?

Well almost the same thing, just a different type of trade but it boils down to the same problem: If you don't know what you are doing or don't have a smart system in place then you are just gambling. Sure you could invest money in forex like betting that the GBP currency will gain over the Euro in say the next 6 months but this is a slow investment and there is no guarantees on it. Many people are day traders just in forex alone . Many are gamblers within forex and of course there will always exist the sharp and smart people that have a system and are only in it to make money. They don't get emotional when they win or lose but rather they put in the time, effort and stay consistent with their decisions and rarely make a mistake.

Trading binary options is a fast paced way to trade stocks, commodities, indices and forex pairs.

In 60 seconds from now, do you think the price of oil is going to be higher or lower than it is right now? Ready…. Go!

That is binary options trading in a nutshell. You predict up or down and click the button to make the trade. It’s fast, fun and addicting.

You can trade oil and other commodities like gold as well as stocks, indices and forex pairs. The best part is that binary options trading is made simplistic so anyone can do it. You do not have to be a seasoned trader with 5 different charts running, live ticker news streaming and all the experience and strategy needed to do well in the more traditional trading like forex. You can learn how to trade binaries here, www. binarytrading. org Anyone can trade binary options. They are made easy to trade.

You can trade binary options in a little as 60 second expiry times. You can seriously make 80%+ returns in 1 minute flat trading options.

What Does Binary Options Have In Common With Poker

Once the infamous “Black Friday” hit on April 15th poker players were left with out much to do. Some of these poker players come from a trading background. Some famous players like Alan Goehring made his fortune trading junk bonds. Bloomberg relates how poker and financial trading go together. It was a natural fit for a large swath of the poker playing community to make the move to binary options.

Binary options trading is one of the big three markets that opened up to capitalize on the flood of poker players looking to do. The other two being daily fantasy sports for cash and the infamous penny auctions where you play a game of ‘chicken’ against other bidders to score incredible deals.

The daily sports sites have appealed to poker players due to the strategic game play process of building your fantasy teams. The penny auctions appeal to the psychological warfare mindset of poker players. Binary options appeal to the financial and trader instinct that many poker players have.

Penny auctions, fantasy sports and binary trading are the three big markets that opened up since online poker was effectively shut down in the U. S.

Compare Binary Options & Playing Poker

Binary options takes strategic planning and execution, so does poker. Binary trading is some what of a gamble because you are not actually buying the underlying asset and re-selling it, you are only making a ‘bet’ on which way it’s price will go. Trading binary options gives you a chance to make extremely high returns in exchange for significant risk, similar to poker and gambling in general.

The nutshell answer is that if forex is more complicated than you want to master to spend time mastering but you enjoy the idea of trading then binary options might be what you are looking for.

Where To Trade Binary Options Today?

The best binary options brokers of today include 24option. com and Banc De Binary. You will get fair trades, easy deposits and opportunity to earn big money. We are in the process of adding our reviews of the binary brokers we are trading at so you can get a better feel for what it is really like trading binaries.

Is Binary Options Trading gambling? Newbie question.

Originally Posted by arif456

So far what do I know about binary options trading is :

You select the asset and an amount to bet with and a direction. Low or High. Within the given time range if your prediction happens to be true, you win the trade and have the money into your account.

Is Binary option trading as simple as that? If it is then I assume it's kinda gambling . Isn't it? What do think about this?

However, what kind of topics are generally bated on? or any other explanation would be appreciated.

Note: I am not a trader as of now. Just a newbie in this industry. Haven't joined any broker yet. Just researching the web to understand the logic.

Yes, it's gambling. But, there are professional gamblers out there. Some do very well. Are you suited to becoming a professional?

Can you do as well as the card counter in a casino? It's pretty much on you.

Very few gamblers are disciplined investors to allow their winnings to grow, too many have the impulse, which they seldom control.

No BO isn't gambling. Your risk is limited to 100% of your investment. In the case of highly leveraged trading, your risk could exceed 100% of your investment. This is why BO exists, it's not some "cash loophole."

Is it a good idea for newbie traders? Absolutely not. If you haven't been a trader for an extended period of time (years, possibly decades) then you will not understand the situations where these options make sense and will not understand the strategies to use them correctly.

Most people who get into BO are newbies who got sold into the idea via some BizOp. If a newbie trader wanted to get involved with leveraged trading I would highly suggest learning the ropes of leveraged ETFs and understanding that you must have a cash position before the market closes. When the market reopens you can then evaluate the market conditions and then pick which leveraged ETF to buy.

BO is basically maximum leverage trading on every single trade, leveraged trading is risky in itself, and this is obviously much more risky.

Will ETFs make you get rich? Doubtful, but who knows? It's unlikely that you will end up broke fast, like you probably will with BO. It takes years of trading experience to consistently make money with any form of trading.

Originally Posted by writeaway


There ARE Market trends both at the index and individual stock level

Your job is to do your homework regarding market sentiment and invest on a DIRECTION

That's what's awesome about Binary Options, you invest in a DIRECTION and your payout is SIZABLE.

Normally, when you invest long, your stock moves sideways over long timeframes unless you do day trading and you're betting on momentum

It isn't gambling. not by a long shot.

Your confusing real investing and real strategies with this dressed up gambling method. There's not homework that goes into a 30 sec less guess on if something is going up or down.

Lots of opinions here, so heck -- I'll add mine!

Not gambling, theoretically. As people here have already said, you can (should) do your due diligence and study, basing your best decision (or 'best bet'? haha -- ok, maybe gambling) on chart patterns you've seen before that turned out well.

But so many variables here, not the least of which is the broker and their ethics. With binary options, very few are registered / regulated in the USA (where I'm located, anyway), and even data feeds can vary significantly from broker to broker.

And again, even if you DO win the broker can find various loopholes to keep from paying you.

The investor is definitely not in control, and even 'winning' doesn't mean getting paid. So while theoretically not gambling, you actually may do even BETTER in an actual casino.

Yup -- my opinion, but have seen all of these things (and more) play out. Having said that, I have a friend here on this forum that makes enough money from binaries that he's taking a trip for the next 2 years funded solely from his gambl. er, INVESTING venture!

Ah yes -- 2 sides to every coin (Oh, OK -- double or nothing!)

It's definitely gambling and anyone who says otherwise is either profiting from your loss or has been tricked into believing this dressed up form of gambling. I'm pretty sure BO only emerged because many countries made it illegal to gamble online within the past years and so this is a great point in time to enter the market for BO's and disguise it as a legit investment scheme.

That being said, there are plenty of legit ways to actually do some trading of currencies or commodities. First you need to familiarize yourself with technical analysis (the ability to predict trends by looking at price movement) which is an extremely broad topic with thousands of different trading strategies being developed all the time and secondly you need to really understand how the financial world functions and the only way to do that is to read up every article you can find on Bloomberg and related websites and at the same time keep an eye on the market's movements.

Over time you start to put two and two together and understand why the market behaves the way it does when certain news are published. You will realize that everything is interconnected and seemingly unrelated events to the common folk (terrorist attacks, oil platform explosions, etc) become an actual indicator for your financial decisions. The world out there is pretty brutal to be honest.

Technical analysis works better in times of economic stability, but when things are generally messed up like they are right now, even the most sophisticated technical analysis can be thrown out the window when the central banks get creative (ie. what happened to EURO last week).

So you want to really trade and be profitable? It's going to take you a long time and a lot of patience. Trading on the Forex market is a skill to be mastered just like any other and there are no shortcuts, you are going to have to learn and learn and learn unless you just want to throw your money into the wind.

Originally Posted by arif456

So far what do I know about binary options trading is :

You select the asset and an amount to bet with and a direction. Low or High. Within the given time range if your prediction happens to be true, you win the trade and have the money into your account.

Is Binary option trading as simple as that? If it is then I assume it's kinda gambling. Isn't it? What do think about this?

However, what kind of topics are generally bated on? or any other explanation would be appreciated.

Note: I am not a trader as of now. Just a newbie in this industry. Haven't joined any broker yet. Just researching the web to understand the logic.

Stocks in general is gambling, but binary options is not true trading nor is it investing. It is gambling with a stock based theme and only loosely can be considered trading.

In stocks you buy the horse. In binary options you bet on a short race for a horse. Understand and heed that difference.

To me, trading binary options IS gambling. It's an all or nothing proposition.

If I'm wrong, I lose all my bet. If I'm right, I gain all my bet (minus fees). That is no different than betting on the coin flip at the Superbowl. (Which I would have lost by the way)

In my opinion, trading stocks, while risky, is not gambling. I say this because I can limit my losses and I can gain MORE than 100%.

Trading options is more risky because they can potentially expire worthless. But, within the time frame of the option I have the chance to get out of the trade and salvage some of my money.

You can't do that with a coin flip.

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Lots of opinions here, so heck -- I'll add mine!

Not gambling, theoretically. As people here have already said, you can (should) do your due diligence and study, basing your best decision (or 'best bet'? haha -- ok, maybe gambling) on chart patterns you've seen before that turned out well.

But so many variables here, not the least of which is the broker and their ethics. With binary options, very few are registered / regulated in the USA (where I'm located, anyway), and even data feeds can vary significantly from broker to broker.

And again, even if you DO win the broker can find various loopholes to keep from paying you.

The investor is definitely not in control, and even 'winning' doesn't mean getting paid. So while theoretically not gambling, you actually may do even BETTER in an actual casino.

Yup -- my opinion, but have seen all of these things (and more) play out. Having said that, I have a friend here on this forum that makes enough money from binaries that he's taking a trip for the next 2 years funded solely from his gambl. er, INVESTING venture!

Ah yes -- 2 sides to every coin (Oh, OK -- double or nothing!)

If you have a dream, a plan, and you're determined, any one can do it.

Initially I considered responding to a few naysayers, then thought.

When a man is convinced in his own mind of his own ideals.

I've done affiliate marketing, freelancing, trading (obviously). and all of them are a gamble to some degree.

Every bought a solo-ad and never received the clicks you bought?

Ever turned in content for a client and never got paid or paid a writer and didn't receive the work?

Ever used a broker, made money and denied your withdrawal claim?

Entrepreneurship is a gamble.

But I understand the singling out of trading, particularly binary options.

For one, it's 'popular' to do so.

Most has experienced, know of someone or heard a horror story or two.

Two, most concerns are actually warranted.

There ARE scammy brokers who take the other side of the trade and there are some who are downright crooks stealing both your profit and your deposit.

Three, which is the primary reason.

jealousy, misunderstanding or failure to succeed doing it themselves.

It's easier to believe stories at face value of people who lost hundreds and thousands of dollars.

but not so easy to accept some young hot - shot making hundreds or thousands of dollars . as a college drop-out. traveling. living life on HIS terms (not some boss). creating his own financial economy.

See those stories are not as easy to believe because that narrative is not your own.

Of course, it doesn't dawn on folks that the majority of trading losses is on the part of the trader. not the broker.

In fact, most off-shore brokers were the ones being *scammed* by supposedly innocent traders.

When deposits were made subsequently lost as a result of poor trading, guess who called foul?

So now, being unregulated and American customers knowing it were able to file chargeback claims on their broker, getting their deposit back after having lost fairly screwing the broker and having to front the loses made from traders to cover their books.

A lot of them stopped serving U. S. customers, not because our government forced them to stop, but because assholes were taking advantage of the system to get a free ride.

The government didn't have to make them stop. They happily volunteered to do so.

That's the truth.

The ones that exist require you to authorize that you made a payment so if you were to try and pull that "I didn't know they were unregulated" b. s. they have a legal document that you signed proving you were conscious of your decision.

It makes no difference if people want to trade or not, that's the beautiful thing about trading.

My results do NOT depend on rather or not you BELIEVE it so I can sell it to you as a result.

I could care less, but it's fun to talk about and inform those who maybe were thinking about trading binary options to possibly reconsider, first to earn extra income. then earn a side income. then if you want to make it full-time (which doesn't mean trading 8hrs a day but making a full-time income in the same time it took you to earn extra income)

Besides, if you're that paranoid about scammy brokers and want regulation, there's NADEX which is a awesome broker I started using recently.

Personally, I like off-shore for it's simplicity.

Nadex for its regularity and forex for it's liquity and leverage.

They all have their positives and negatives and I take advantage of them.

trading binary options is pretty damn cool.

Imagine Starting off with a $100 deposit and within an hour turning it into $20 with smart leverage?

You just earned a $20 profit instantly without sending an email, creating a product or knocking on doors.

Yes, it takes work to make those kinds of returns and better. You need to study. Research. Be a student of the game. But it will all boil down to very simple principles.

It's not uncommon to start off with a $1000 account and earn $50 - $100 a day *Starting off*.

The problem some people have is earning $100 a day initially as a goal, getting greedy and wanting to earn $1000 a day (laughing). THAT'S when people loss their shirt because it's so easy to scale and leverage but just as it is a benefit it is also a way to lose your entire account.

Having the ability to earn a 100% ROI every day doesn't mean you should try to because it would naturally require HUGE leverage and risk to pull off.

It can be done occassionally, but as some point you will lose it all on a single trade.

Anyway, I'm rambling. Hope this helps someone.

Soy perezoso. but I bank $60 - $100/daily pure profit. within minutes. robbing the bank traders blind with their own method. click here to see how

Originally Posted by essmeier

The only sense that applies here is the legal one. In the United States, binary options trading is not considered to be gambling by the Federal government.

If you don't know if it's gambling or not from an operational standpoint, then I'd suggest that you don't know enough about the subject yet to justify investing any money in it.

Here is the thing not every one live in the USA as you have to remember this is a world forum so what you have as lawful in the US! it may not be else where,

Binary Options Trading Is a form of Gambling if you don't know what you are doing and with all the scams going on so many get caught up in the BS and before they know it they have gambled their life savings or house away.

You meet people for a Reason a Season or Life Time and they define who are later in life. have no regrets take action and always have fun RW

Free alternative to the War Room for newbies

When a man is convinced in his own mind of his own ideals.

Yes, those who said trading is gambling in this forum are probably beginners who's being scammed by tons of auto trader thing. And perhaps never lose enough money on IM products or paid ads. IMO, if you don't want to lose money at all, then quit making money online and sell whatever of your products only to your friends in your country. Don't pay for ads, because you could risk losing money to that. And don't rent a shop or building lot for the sake of opening a restaurant because it could cost at least $1000/month for your shop to be seen by customers.

The trick is to research whether the money making method is legit or not at related forums. We have social media these days for that purpose.

FYI, I also not from US. Even worse, MYR is much lower than USD or EURO. But, I've met real person in my country who's been a successful forex trader since 2007. I even went to his house in Bukit Antarabangsa, KL. So, if you were me, who would you believe more. Some random people on the net, with weird forum username or someone who you've met in person.

Originally Posted by Joe Benjamin

I've done affiliate marketing, freelancing, trading (obviously). and all of them are a gamble to some degree.

Every bought a solo-ad and never received the clicks you bought?

Ever turned in content for a client and never got paid or paid a writer and didn't receive the work?

Ever used a broker, made money and denied your withdrawal claim?

Entrepreneurship is a gamble.

Originally Posted by Joe Benjamin

Yes, I also spent tons of money on solo ads thing since the launch of Chronic Commissions product in 2011. And lose ton of money too. Never get back my ROI. The list which I've made with solo ads never click or open my email let alone buy from me despite the sellers get lots of rave reviews in this forum. Can I make refund claim or something on that? Of course not.

Not to mention before 2011, I was actually an Adwords obsessed since lots of marketers were selling Adwords related course - Day Job Killer, Aff Project X, Get Google Ads For Free (give me a break). Before finding Wealthy Affiliate, I've bid on keywords like "make money online", "weight loss" and anti spyware. Of course I won't be making the money. Consider that gambling if you wish .

Direct linking is the 1st method that is making me money. However, once the cost is getting higher, and Google started banning direct linking, I never get good ROI with Adwords. I tried using Google content network, but my ROI is -90%. That's why when marketers was so obsessed with Facebook Ads around 2010 something, I said, that is not for me.

Spend money on certain automated SEO software. Still, didn't satisfy with it. Luckily those software had some kind of free trial offer so I don't need to pay much, just around $5 or something.

And then tons more of internet marketing related courses. The more expensive it gets, the less worthy it is. Most of them are complete BS that I never spend money on marketing related products these days. IM courses which is sold around $200- $250 has the best value these days.

As for trading, I found that some fx traders sell their powerful custom indicators at low price or even for free at forex factory. And some of them offer good Kindle ebooks at cheap price at Amazon. And also you can find free tutorials at Youtube. Just type in the name of indicator or method that you want to learn and there goes your tutorial.

Originally Posted by Regional Warrior

Here is the thing not every one live in the USA as you have to remember this is a world forum so what you have as lawful in the US! it may not be else where,

Binary Options Trading Is a form of Gambling if you don't know what you are doing and with all the scams going on so many get caught up in the BS and before they know it they have gambled their life savings or house away.

assuming you are in a position where you can take a risk to improve your financial well-being.

binary options is available in most countries around the world. In fact, you have more options than we do.

24Options is a popular and good one.

NADEX is a regulated exchange (not a broker) so you can have greater control of your trades unlike off shore brokers.

Trust me, you have options my friend.

I had a brief spell of binary options trading. basically when I was young I invested 100 pound into it. Which I quickly tripled to 300 pound. Not a lot but as far as percentage wise it is a large increase. I had people phoning me asking my trading strategies and asking if I wanted to invest more money and what not. I said no as I'm just a random noob having a little dabble. then in the following days / week or so. I lost it all.

I dunno. something strikes me as shady when it comes to binary options. I feel like there will be a lot of shady businesses about. Was kinda strange how I tripled my account. received all these calls which I declined the offers. then boom money just disappears. Plus I was watching the graphs in real time. and when the timer tracked down I had 'won' my bet. but then I didn't receive pay out. Id email the managers (seemed to be a new manager every time) and they would give me some speal about how I lost and some other nonsense about the graphs.

just never know these days!

Blame falls on both sides.

Just as quickly as you can make money you can lose just as fast *by your own hand*.

Yes, there are brokers who screwed people on winning trades (NADEX is your answer to that), but this is a rarity.

Here's what most likely happened:

The speed at which you earned money on such a small balance made you overly-confident.

When things went south, you point fingers at everyone else but yourself.

you said NOTHING when you were WINNING and making money on your trades.

Did you complain about how you were earning so much money so fast?

did you volunteer to 'give your profit back' because it seemed "suspicious'?

You took full responsibility *then* of your winners according to YOUR method of trading.

so what changed when you began to lose?

The mindset behind MOST failed traders is that "It's MY fault if I WIN, but THEIR fault if I LOSE"

Is that ethical?

I don't think so.

But this is why the MAJORITY of people who gave up trading call it "scam".

The difference between me and you is that I took ownership of both my winners AND losers.

And I learned the most when I lost, so now I lose less and trading became very simple.

but not after having made a lot of mistakes and learning from them.

You, like most other failed traders were simply unwilling to learn from YOUR mistakes. because you couldn't get past the FIRST step of accepting them.

And even if you were scammed.

okay. so. move on. Educate yourself to SEE if there's a way to do it legit without dealing with the scam outliers.

Originally Posted by DWaters

Binary options is a very shady business. Lots of scams and spam involved. The "highly rated" trading company I once used went out of biz and took my money (small amount fortunately). There are many so called business opportunities out there that promise great wealth but they are really an affiliate scam.

To get access to their great trading method you have to sign up with a certain broker. It is a scummy method of getting potential traders to open accounts. The actual trading is much like any gambling - it designed so the house will win, the odds are with them.

If you fall for the promise of "great wealth", you had it coming.

Guess what. I fell for them, too. Don't we all.

Did I whine about it?

Nope. I said. "Now that's interesting."

Educated myself. Researched. Study. And figured out how to do it the right way.

yes, there is a method of having people sign - up to a broker to learn their trading system.

I don't condone it if the strategy is actually a good one tested and used profitably by the person offering it to others.

What sucks is if the person is offering a system they haven't tested, used or traded live and then selling what people can find for free.

but there's a lesson to be learned here, too.

If you want convenience, you are going to pay a price for it.

That's just how business works.

I don't personally do this, but I do charge some small amount to learn what took me a LOT of time, trials and errors to learn through hard work and hundreds of hours studying the charts.

am I supposed to just give that up to you or anyone else for free as if it has no value?

I do on occasion, depends on the person, but I don't usually because people won't appreciate what I GIVE to them for free nearly as much as what they invested into it for themselves.

Human nature is wonky like that.

I've spent hundreds on strategies and methods and such.

and what I use now that makes money is no where remotely close to what I spent money on. but what I took the time to discover on my own. for free.

Soy perezoso. but I bank $60 - $100/daily pure profit. within minutes. robbing the bank traders blind with their own method. click here to see how

These days binary option trading has become a large and lucrative industry. The trading of binary options and the provision of binary option signals to clients and investors worldwide has created a highly competitive market amongst binary option brokers and signal providers. As much of binary option trading and signalling happens online over the internet it’s often not regulated which lends the industry to lots of fraud and scams. For this reason it is essential to know which binary option brokering and signal providing companies to utilise and which to avoid.

Banc de Binary Broker the Binary option brokerage under review in this article seems to be a legitimate binary option brokerage company that provides a number of different advantageous services to its users, clients or investors.

Firstly, Banc de Binary allows the trading of FOREX in most of the major world currencies which allows for a lot of diversity and in turn choice of FOREX trading options. These currencies include British Pounds, Euros and American Dollars. So Banc de Binary allows FOREX trading in all major FOREX currency which is a major advantage of doing business with Banc de Binary.

Secondly, Banc de Binary Broker allows its users, customers a diverse range of depositing methods. With Banc de Binary one can choose to deposit their money by using their credit cards, Moneybookers, wire transfers or PayPal. This diverse range of depositing methods makes business with Banc de Binary Broker a lot easier and more convenient for customers, clients or investors or potential customers, clients or investors.

Thirdly and in addition to the second major pro of Banc de Binary Broker. Banc de Binary Broker offers its users a very wide variety or a large choice of methods to reduce its funds. Customers, clients or investors can withdraw their funds by using nearly all types of credit cards wire transfer or Moneybookers.

Fourthly, Banc de Binary Broker provides its users with very good customer support with professionalism being the underlying quality in this regard. Their platform is also easy to navigate making business with the brokerage even more convenient and easier.

Lastly, but defiantly not least a major advantage of doing business with Banc de Binary Brokers is that the brokerage offers users or potential users a fully featured demo account to start trading binary options with which requires no initial investment whilst traders are getting used to the package, its features and how to maximise profit using the companies software and binary option signals.

So to conclude, the binary option trading market has become a thriving, lucrative and highly competitive industry in recent years. One must watch out for any scams or schemes when undertaking such binary option trading as much of the trading and signalling is done over the internet or emailed and it is often not regulated. Finding a company or brokerage that is well known, reputed, has a good track record, regulated and provides a lot of effective, convenient and useful tools to help maximise investment profit is thus essential. In this light Banc de Binary Brokerage in light of this article and the research done does seem to be a good company to do business with because of its many features and diverse payment and withdrawal methods as well as its inclusion of a demo account basically.

Trading with binary options can be a very profitable and very exciting experience, if done right, but it can also be very dangerous and have some undesired consequences if wrong broker house is selected. Since trading in this method is very similar to gambling and sports betting, a lot of people have fears and concerns about safety and security, and therefore they cannot relax and enjoy the thrill of trading in binary options. A lot of companies out there are providing this type of services but not all of them are good at what they do, nor do they all present reliable and trustworthy enterprises.

People can have difficulties when trying to establish reliability of a certain broker, and sometimes is can be quite hard to see if some of those broker houses are in fact scams. The best way to be sure is to read as much as possible about the company and also to check as many fact as customers can get their hands on. Information is the key in this process, and if clients have sufficient information then they can make the appropriate decision and sign with the adequate broker.

Those “adequate brokers” are nowadays mostly restricted to several very respectable and renowned companies which belong to the very top in this business and they are often referred to as the best binary options brokers . These companies include names like “ Banc de Binary ”, “ 24Option ”, “ Porter Finance ” or “ StockPair ” and clients who sign up to their services are seldom having any problems and almost all of them are satisfied and happy.

Top Binary Brokers

Upon selecting one of these broker houses as their desired destination, new customers will probably be taken on a short tour to explore the features of the website and see everything that is available with the broker in question. This most often includes educational center where new traders can learn a lot about trading in binary options, types of assets that are supported and trading signals which are usually provided for free once you register your account. Account is a personal profile and they can be described as folders where all customer’s preferences are saved and they also serve as “places” where funds and investments are stored. They can be activated by deposits and most of those best binary options brokers will accepts minimum deposits of around $200-250 to start the “lowest” type of accounts. Also, most of them provide clients with a demo period or a free trial, which can be very beneficial and can be used to further increase the knowledge about the company without spending any money.

If the new users are happy with what they see, then they can start trading. Most of the best binary option brokers have more than 200 assets on offer, and with the help of trading signals which are usually incorporated into the website they can find suitable trading opportunities and hopefully invest their funds in the best possible way. This will make them satisfied, but it would also mean that they will come back to do some more trading and this is also good news for the broker, so in fact – everybody wins!

Although a lot of people still have doubts and concerns about safety and regularity of companies which deal with binary options, it is evident that the popularity of these broker houses is rising and that more and more people are being involved in this type of trading. One of the most famous companies of this type is “24Option” broker, and this enterprise is a clear example of how trading can be safe and protected and in the same time enjoyable and exciting.

The world of numbers and charts may seem boring to most people, but all of those who have harvested profits with investments through this broker house will confirm that the buzz and the joy that overwhelms you when a predictions ends up correct are more than exciting and should be experienced by everyone!

The reasons behind the success of this enterprise are multiple and they can generally be attributed to few basic elements: security, reliability and performances. When it comes to security and safety, this company has one of the safest platforms on the market and traders can be completely free of concerns about the protection of their funds or personal information. 24Option broker would not be present on the market for so many years if it was a scam, and licenses from many regulatory bodies confirm that. One of the most important of those offices is a well-known company from Cyprus, called CySEC . or Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission . and they have issued their license to “24Option” in 2017. This license is a strong guarantee about the nature of this company and proves to all skeptics and doubters out there that brokers from this house offer completely legitimate services.

Performances of the official website of “24Option” and the mobile apps that are created for Android and iOS devices are probably among the top three in the market, if not the best of all. Due to the great platform provided by TechFinancials . “24Option” offers fast and efficient trading through a super-friendly interface which is very easy to use and can be additionally customized. Binary trading signals are also incorporated into the website and they greatly help those traders who are not sure which opportunities are currently present on the market. They come with a reliability meter, so even clients who do not have so much experience and knowledge can be successful and increase their profits with “24Option” broker.

Creating accounts and depositing money with this company is very simple and fast, and can be done in just a couple of steps. As mentioned above, security is on the highest level, and all major currencies and types of money transfer are supported. Trading process itself is also very efficient and there are over 200 assets offered by this broker house. Clients can choose between different methods of bidding and different time frames, and usual success rate is around 70-80%. And, if ever any problem comes up with the performances of the website or users just have some questions there is a super-efficient and very pleasant customer support team who will give answers in the shortest amount of time.

Posted by Carolyn Shafer on Nov 13, 2017 in Binary Options. Trading | Comments Off on Trading binary options via mobile platform

Trading binary options has become a very widespread and popular method of trade in the last couple of years. The trading method itself has been around for over 30 years, but it was officially recognized not even ten years ago. Since then, the number of online brokers and traders has grown significantly. Also, many facilitating solutions have been created for the traders, such as binary signals and binary bots for automated trading.

Also, most of the brokers have created a mobile platform as well, in order to follow the technological development and current trends. Mobile platform are available for Android and iOS by all brokers that provide mobile trading, and some of them also offer a platform for Windows Phone or Blackberry .

There are both good and bad sides of using mobile platform for trading. On the plus side, there is, of course, mobility. Since you can carry your mobile phone with you wherever you go, if you install mobile trading platform, you will be able to trade anytime, anywhere. This enables you to be flexible, both with the time and the place for your trading. All you need is a place with Wi-Fi signal, or a decent mobile internet connection. You can use the trading account you already have, since every broker you choose will have a mobile platform for you to download, all you need to do is link the existing account with the mobile platform. If you use a demo account, you can also use it on your mobile device, and instead of playing time-wasting games, you can practice binary trading and develop your strategy.

On the minus side, the first thing to mention is a possibility of disconnection. It can always happen that Wi-Fi or mobile connection breaks (for example in an elevator or a tunnel) – which can be very frustrating. Not only that it is annoying, but if it happens in a critical situation, it can leave you without the money you invested in a particular trade. Also, another thing that can affect the outcome of your trade is the slow execution, which can occur on some mobile trading platforms, depending on the broker. Some brokers also charge additional costs for using their mobile platform, so make sure to read the terms and conditions before deciding to install the platform.

No matter the mobile device you own, you are most likely to be able to download a trading app for your phone. You can choose to download a trading application through iTunes or Google Play (depending on whether you use an iPhone or an Android phone), and some brokers, such as 24Option. offer a reliable web-app which works through the phone’s browser.

In order to avoid slow or badly designed platforms, do yourself a favor and read any reliable review you can find online, as well as other users’ comments on the broker and the platform. One of the brokers with the most comprehensive and fast-responsive mobile platforms is 24Option, so if you are eager to trade via mobile, their platform is probably the best choice.

Posted by Carolyn Shafer on Nov 13, 2017 in Binary Options. Trading | Comments Off on Types of automated binary options trading

There are undoubtedly many traders who trade binary options, either as an additional source of income or even instead of a full-time job. On the other hand, there are plenty of people who judge binary options trading, considering it to be only another way of gambling meant for those who are not serious traders. No matter the difference in opinions, the fact is that both groups of people can be right about binary options, depending on the behavior of the traders.

There are, indeed, those who trade binary options and make it look like gambling. They are usually those who think of the binary options as being an opportunity for easy money, and approach to every trade without previous knowledge and market analysis. Their characteristic is also that they make trading decisions based on emotions and intuition, which truly does resemble gambling more than actual trading. With those who take themselves and binary options seriously, there is a serious education, preparation and planning before executing the trades. These traders are serious in their trading intentions, and they leave emotions on the side, relying purely on the market conditions and fluctuations in price.

But even for the most cold-headed and professional traders sometimes find it difficult to cope with emotions when making a decision. Many factors can influence this – a tough day at work, stress at home or several trades that went unexpectedly bad. No matter the reason of emotional involvement, it can hinder the trade and leave the trader with unplanned and unpredicted loss. The solution for unwanted emotional involvement comes with semi-automated or fully automated trading, with help of binary signals or binary option robot .

Binary signals are not only useful for removing emotional decision making from the traders, but they can also save a lot of time you would spend on market analysis, reading the news and drawing conclusions from the charts. If you are a beginner in binary trading, these can help you predict the outcome without doing the market analysis, if you still do not know how to do it. Binary signals are created either by software or by human experts, and they serve for the purpose of giving suggestions to the traders on whether to call or put a certain option, and it is up to the trader what he will do.

Binary options robots are a step further from binary signals, even though they operate based on the signals provided by software. The robot can be connected with the account with binary broker, and based on the signals it receives and the parameters given by the trader – it can execute the trades on the trader’s behalf. This is the ultimate solution against emotional involvement, since the only thing required from the trader is to set the parameters, such as the assets to trade, the maximum amount of loss, the trading amount etc.

However, you should be careful when using a binary options robot, because no robot is more than 80% accurate, some of them are not even 50% accurate when making predictions. Make sure to supervise the trading just in case, and use the robots only when you need a rest and when you feel that you cannot judge straight.

Posted by Carolyn Shafer on Nov 13, 2017 in Binary Options. Tips and Advice. Trading | Comments Off on Useful tips before you decide to trade binary options

Trading binary options, despite being a relatively new method of trade, is constantly growing in popularity. There are many successful forex and stock traders who have started trading binary options and many skillful and educated binary traders who know a lot about the market and trading strategies. However, there are a rising number of those who have no previous experience in trading of any kind, but who want to make binary options trading as an additional or even only source of income. Since there may be many of those who have never experienced any kind of trading before, and who do not even know much about economy, market, trading and the like, it is important to follow several important guidelines before entering the world of binary trading.

Set goals – before you even begin trading binary options, it is important to think of the specific goals you want to achieve. Write down how much money you are willing to invest daily, how much you are ready to lose, how much you want to earn in how long period of time. After this, try creating a strategy for achieving these goals, and once you start trading, keep monitoring the progress you are making towards your goals.

Do your homework – before signing up with a broker, make sure to investigate as much as possible about which brokers are reliable, and which are nothing but scam. There is, unfortunately, a lot of scam present in the world of binary trading, so read the reviews about the brokers and pay attention to the other users’ comments. Choosing a reliable broker, like Porter Finance, 24Option, TropicalTrade etc. is the key steps to safe trading.

Learn a lot and learn constantly – one of the things that separate binary trading from gambling is knowledge. Therefore, being educated, well informed and aware of the situations on the market will give you a huge advantage in trading over those who rely purely on luck and intuition.

Practice – many binary brokers offer a demo account for their potential traders. Most of them require you to create an account and place the first deposit before using a demo, but there are also some that offer such account without the deposit over a limited period of time. Make sure to use this perk, because on demo accounts, you trade with fictional money and there is no real money involved. You will not win anything, but you also have nothing to lose, so this is a great opportunity to practice your skills, develop a strategy and get to know the trading platform.

Do not expect “easy money” – take yourself seriously, as well as binary trading. Be aware of the fact that binary options are not a method of getting rich fast, but just a trading method like any other, where you need to invest a lot of effort, time and money in order to start earning. There is no big money in short time no matter what you do, and the case is the same with binary options.

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Industry survivors such as Helmerich & Payne and Exxon Mobil have risen as much as 29% in the past two months, writes Phil van Doorn.

A bad call by Goldman Sachs, the oil market and Apple were among topics covered by MarketWatch.

One company hopes Chipotle will get people interested in their 401(k) accounts.

It pays to wait if you want to save money on tickets.

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Inicio & raquo; Educación & raquo; Are binary options comparable to gambling?

Are binary options comparable to gambling?

Binary options are nothing like casino games and gambling . The strategy and the arguments supporting the investment are completely different. Casino games are, most of the time, probability games. You get a return based on the probability of realisation of an event and it is always at a disadvantage to the player and at an advantage for the casino. The casino has a positive edge and the house always wins in the end.

Binary does not mean gambling – gambling is a probability game

Indeed, what most people don’t understand is that binary does not mean 50%-50% chance . Binary only means that at the maturity of the option, only two alternatives are available, either you earn the return on your invested amount, either you loose your invested amount (you may eventually recover a return on loss or refund ). Investing on a binary option has nothing to do with betting on casino roulette where the probability of red number is truly 50% (it is even less than 50% if you take into account the 0 number). This is called gambling. It is the same as sports betting when you get a return that is propositional to the odds of a team winning against another one. This is the pure definition of gambling.

Binary options payoffs are based on multiple factors

With binary options. the return is not proportional to the probability of the underlying asset price moving up or moving down. This is thus not comparable to gambling. Most of the time, you earn the same return whatever the direction you want to invest in (High binary option or Low binary option ) until the maturity of the contract. With binary options, you are investing on assets that are impacted by much more factors than only probabilities . The forex market is impacted by the monetary policies of central banks. Stock prices are impacted by company results and corporate actions (dividends, share buybacks…). This is why you are able to implement strategies in binary options trading .

Binary options trading is a professional investment activity

Binary option trading is a professional activity. Although the instrument is really easy to understand and has a lot advantages. the factors impacting the underlying asset prices are multiple and you will have to gain experience and strengthen your knowledge to understand these factors. This is what is called trading, as opposed to gambling, an investment activity that requires knowledge, experience and curiosity . We highly recommend you to improve your technical and fundamental analysis skills should you want to increase your chances of success with binary options trading.

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XP Markets Review


Revision completa

Using XP Markets unique and incredibly user friendly trading platform, you can make up to 85% profit in less than an hour, on investments starting from as low as $5. XP Markets offers various trading resources and is set up to assist speakers of many languages, globally, as well as offering generous bonus schemes, as well as a comprehensive ebook guide to invest, to assist new clients. With a huge global client base, security is paramount for this broker, and with a vastly growing list of investors, XP Markets aims at keeping security and user comfort-ability, a prime aim. Below is a fundamental examination of what this broker has to offer its traders.

Company Information

Plataforma de negociación

Traders can invest using their luxury trading platform, on a clinical white background, and will find superb introductory and onward promotions all year round. To continue their streamlined professionalism, this platform includes Call/Put buttons when investing, to realize the importance of the real trading experience. It couldn’t be simpler with this user friendly platform. To invest in a trade (or binary option), that you believe will rise in an allotted time of your choice, just click the ‘Call’ button, followed by the amount you wish to invest. Alternatively, if you’re confident that the price of the binary option will fall, then just click ‘Put’ and the amount you wish to invest, it’s that simple!

If the binary option you selected expires ‘in-the-money’, you could receive up to 85% on top of the initial investment.

This platform also offers the opportunity to trade in the ‘Touch’ and ‘Range’ options. Overall, we found this to be a very user friendly and extremely well crafted online platform, which offers a clean and simple facility to trade binary options online.

Main Features

The free demo account is one of the best features which this broker offers it traders. This is especially the case due to a number of other brokers out there not offering this feature. However, customers can only receive the demo once they deposit $200 into their trading accounts. We were impressed with the BuyBack option, allowing traders to minimize potential losses by selling their trades back to XP Markets before the original expiry time.

Atención al cliente

They have a great international support team, offering support on a global scale, via the medium of fax, email, telephone, Skype and live chat. It is entirely at the customers discretion, as to what form of contact he/she wishes to use. In summary, our findings into the customer support service of this company are entirely positive, with a number of us messaging, in all of the above mediums and in various languages, and we concluded that the assistance was absolutely accurate, speedy and entirely helpful, and clearly, the use of experienced traders is a great plus. Email: Phone: +44 203 627 9245

User Friendly

This company’ website is set up to be very user friendly, and unlike the majority of it’s rivals, they offer a free demonstration video upon simply registration. Furthermore, there are also excellent and simple methods of depositing and withdrawing funds. In summary, this binary trading platform is well designed and formatted, leading to simple and potentially, successful trades and investments.

The simplicity to trading on this particular platform, continues further, with the superbly written ebook, that is given, free of charge, to each depositor. The ebook contains all the information needed, to build a successful and healthy trading portfolio. They are, in our opinion, a top rate binary options broker, and go the extra mile, in ensuring their customers security and well being.

Ultimate Overview

The experienced traders and financial experts on offer, are clearly adding to the advantages of trading through this particular binary options platform. The white backdrop on their user friendly website, adds to the quality, and ensures a quick and easy transition for the inexperienced trader. With the absolute personal assistance available, this could be the perfect binary options brokerage for the novice or inexperienced traders out there, as their multilingual trading team is there to advise to all, at all times.

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Mensaje de navegación

We recently spoke with Sydney Ifergan, a successful binary options affiliate and SEO consultant on the top ways to convert casino players to binary options traders and why the binary business is about to boom.

Tell us about how you landed in iGaming. What led you to this business?

Back in 2002, I was working as a systems admin at I did not even know what affiliates or affiliate marketing was until some of colleagues asked if I knew what affiliates were. I could not answer them so I went onto Google and did some research. After a few minutes or reading, I was hooked and realized that this is a great way to make money. That night I went home and bought my first domain and started building a site. SEO was still pretty easy back then and within a few short weeks my site was ranking and I was bringing in my first players. As they say, “The rest is history.”

You’re currently working in binary options. Can you talk a bit about that niche, its opportunities and its challenges?

Binary Options is becoming another industry giant such, much like gambling and forex. About two years ago, one of the only traffic sources you could send to binary option sites was purely “make money” traffic. As the binary industry is evolving and developing and people are becoming more educated, the demand and search volume is growing exponentially.

For casino affiliates looking to expanding into binary options, what sort of tips can you recommend for converting casino players into options traders?

Casino traffic isn’t that different from binary options. In both instances, these are people who are prepared to take risks in order to make a profit. What is working really well are video mails that explain how to trade and most importantly how to profit from binary options. As with any online marketing quality landing and squeeze pages make all the difference.

Based on your experience, what types of traffic produces the best quality binary options traders?

There are various types of traffic that convert, but the two main ones that everyone is looking at, is “make money” and “trading.” The “make money” traffic is typically much larger volumes and easier converting however the values are lower, so bear this in mind even if you on a CPA, because medium to long term you will end up getting much lower CPA’s from the network. Nobody wants cheap, low value customers. On the other end of the scale is the “trading” traffic and this is much lower volume but much higher values. If you looking to build a long term, sustainable, rev-share business then I would recommend this route.

In your professional opinion, which operators are the best at retaining their binary options traders and maximizing lifetime values and why?

There are plenty of good operators out there and often it depends on where your traffic is from who will convert and retain it the best. I work with just a handful of operators as it also gives me bargaining power on my CPA’s and rev-share deals by driving more traffic to less brands.

iOption is doing pretty great so far with my traffic especially on the English/Arabic/Spanish and French. 24option is great and have a powerful sales team.

Whoever you choose to work with, do a little homework and see that they are here for the long run.

What types of promotions do binary options traders react best to?

It all depends on where you want to focus but “make money,” “get a bonus,” “generate extra revenue,” “work from home” all work but as I said if you want quality, high value traders then stick to the “trading” terms.

As an affiliate, how can I rank the retention efforts of the operators I send traffic to?

First try focus your attention on who converts better through their sales team. Binary works different to gambling in that the binary operators have outbound call centers with sales people who follow up each and every lead. I get on average about a 25% conversion.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever tested that’s worked?

I’ve told my mum about affiliation, and I succeeded in turning my retired mum into a successful gambling affiliate.

What is your advice to an affiliate looking to enter the binary options niche today?

Take your time looking around and learn about binary options. Most of the affiliates know that to create a website doesn’t take more than 10 minutes, but a converting site takes time, testing and perseverance.

The key difference between a gambler and a binary option trader is that binary traders read content and follow advice so making sure your content is relevant and useful is extra important.

Where do you see the binary options niche in the next 5 years?

The market will mature and as regulation comes into place there will be huge opportunities and massive markets to target. I’m pretty sure that in 5 years from now binary will be one of the big players.

About Sydney Ifergan

Sydney Ifergan has been part of the casino and binary option affiliate game for close to 10 years, operating his own network of affiliate websites reaching out to hundreds of thousands of clients and traders per year. Sydney also is a leading consultant in the industry, helping build brands and traffic. He has launched numerous projects and developed specialized funnels and processes to increase traffic and conversion numbers. Sydney in his spare time, plays with electronic and computer devices which he eventually fits into his websites or uses to enhance traffic. Sydney offers lectures, classes and support information for affiliates to develop and grow their business. Sydney is a true leader in the affiliate game.

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Is Binary Options Gambling?

Is Binary Options Gambling?

New binary options brokers are springing up left, right and centre as the popularity for the lucrative form of derivative continues to grow. For every investor that has huge profits to boast, there is often another investor that has their tail in between their legs. It’s without doubt an extremely volatile market which has lead to a number of investors posing the question, is binary options gambling?

To cut to the chase, no, Binary Options is not a form of gambling. However they do require very careful navigation, as do most high risk assets. Is flying a plane risky? It most certainly is if you’ve never done it before. It’s a similar scenario with Binary Options. It’s not something that you can expect to pick up within a few days and triple your account. The stock market is a cruel mistress and although binary options simplifies the way in which you carry out your trades, the markets themselves are always going to be volatile.

What makes them a financial instrument rather than a gamble?

There are regularities that one can exploit in the markets in order to take advantage of Binary Options. You can look at both technical and fundamental analysis to come to a calculated decision on whether or not you believe the price of a stock is going to increase or decrease. Because of the simple premise of Binary Options, investors are often lured into believing that the execution is also simple. At the end of the day you might understand how a car works but that doesn’t mean you know how to drive one.

While there are many retail investors who invest a thousand pounds at a time into Binary Options there are also sophisticated investors who will have been trading Binary Options for over 20 years. You’d have your work cut out trying to convince those guys that they’ve been gambling for the majority of their careers.


So is Binary Options gambling? Unfortunately there are a number of companies that have portrayed Binary Options as a get rich quick scheme. Therefore it’s no surprise at all that a sense of stigma now surrounds the asset class. There is no doubt at all that if another high risk asset class suddenly became extremely popular a number of investors would be venting online about the money they had lost. Binary Options is not gambling, however that doesn’t mean that it isn’t risky. Your outcome may well depend on your experience and the broker you are using. If you use an experienced broker than you significantly reduce the risk of you losing any of your hard earned cash.

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Binary Options Trading – A new and exciting form of gambling!

Posted by admin on March 13, 2017

Pretty much everyone knows about online gambling at this point. It has gotten massively popular within the last couple of years, much thanks to it being so easily accessible on the internet. A lot of people are interested in gambling, but not a lot of people have heard of financial betting, such as binary options.

I know what you’re thinking. Stocks, indices and currencies seems really complicated and hard to grasp, and yes, if you want to become a Wall Street hot shot, you inevitably have to dedicate your life to work. However, since binary trading entered the scene, it has all become so much easier. Binary options is an extremely simple, yet effective, financial instrument that you can use to make profit on different assets on the market.

A lot of other forms of trading, such as stock trading or forex currency trading, requires quite a large starting capital in order to make money. The profit you want to make there is more of a safe, long term kind of profit. Binary options offer the complete opposite, as it is designed to generate quick and large profits for successful investors. They way it works is very easy. A player chooses an asset in which he would like to invest. These assets could be stocks, indices, commodities or currencies. The goal of binary trading is then to predict whether that asset will go up or down in value before the option expires. So the trader then invests on a position and either Calls the option, thinking the asset will rise in value, or Puts, thinking it will lose value. He then chooses the amount he wishes to invest and then he gets to choose an expiry time for the option. The expiry times can range from sixty seconds up to a couple of days.

In binary options, there are only two possible outcomes to a trade. You either win or you lose. If you were correct in your prediction, you will get your initial investment back along with a profit, determined by the payout rate of the option you bought. The payout rates in binary trading are high, usually 70-80%. Find out more about binary options brokers. betting systems and strategies on binary options portals such as binaryoptions. pm, or opciones binarias for spanish speaking traders!

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Since binary options came into being and gained popularity in the world of trading financial instruments, many traders have been engaging in discussions to determine whether this type of online trading is similar or comparable to roulette. For those of you who are not aware, roulette is a form of gambling that players play in online and offline casinos. Most gambling addicts love this betting game. On the other hand, binary options have gained popularity among online investors that desire to make great incomes while trading.

Many people think that binary options are forms of online gambling, just like roulette. However, a comparison between the two reveals great differences that make binary option to be more excellent than roulette.

What is Roulette?

Roulette is a game of gamblers who in most cases know in advance that there is a great probability of losing money when gambling in the play. Actually, an analysis done recently concluded that the dealer or the house in Roulette has at least 80% probability of winning from the outset over the player, who has only the remaining 20%. What does that mean? Simply put, a serious investor who wants to make money online should not attempt Roulette, unless he wants to lose money.

Different ways exist through which people bet in roulette. Each of these ways gives the trader a low probability of emerging a winner. Perhaps if we look at the three most common trading strategies in Roulette, we shall gain understanding of how exploitative the game is when compared to binary options:

At first, things may look simple with thirty-six numbers evenly divided between black (18) and red (18). However, on the roulette wheel, there is also a (green color). Hence, from the mathematical point of view, the odds are against the player by about 53% if he simply places the bet on red or green. As we can see, your winning odds are below 50%.

The player can also place his bet on one of the numbers, 0 included. From the outset, this puts his winning odds at 1/37 or under 3%. Hence, it is difficult to win against the house using this strategy.

Another common way of roulette gambling is betting with your money on the numbers 1 to 12 (first third), 13 to 24 (second third), or 25 to 36 (last third). Hence, your odds of winning cannot exceed a third (take the number) into account too).

Opciones binarias

On the other hand, investing in binary options differs greatly from playing roulette. The trade of binary options is based entirely on real facts such as the behavior of the market. Unlike roulette, binary options do not rely on fixed and non-fixed odds at a roulette table. A trader can predict with great confidence the outcome of the binary options trade. Instead of choosing between the many options such as red, black and green, a binary options trader simply needs to forecast whether an option will expire higher (Call) or expire lower (Put) that the current position. As we can see, binary options trading are much simpler than roulette, since you only have to choose between two options, Call and Put. You do not have to guess through many options as in the case of roulette playing.

Some small percentage of people may think that binary options and roulette are similar in operation. However, this is not correct at all. In fact, binary options trading as gained popularity for being among the most dynamic methods of investing on the markets of finances. From the outset, a binary options trader stands at a greater chance of winning than a roulette player does. The odds of ending in the money are by far much higher in binary options than in roulette. Even from the outset, most brokers provide as much as 85% payouts for traders that end in the money.

If the trade becomes unsuccessful and it finishes out of money, most brokers will give you a rebate that ranges between 10% and 15% of your initial investment to compensate you. such rebates makes traders to feel comforted and try again. When it comes to roulette, a person that makes an unsuccessful gambling loses all his money without receiving any rebate. If you are a serious trader that wants to make money, you will easily get discouraged.

Another great thing that makes binary options trading more advantageous than roulette is the fact that a trader can access several types of financial assets to trade - stocks, forex, indices and commodities. If you carefully follow fundamental and technical analysis, you will boost your chances by a great percentage. Consequently, you stand at a better position to gain much money in case the trade ends successfully as per your earlier prediction. A serious trader than wants to invest his money needs to consider choosing binary options over roulette since binary options present significant advantages over roulette:

i.) Binary Options are Customizable

In binary options, you can customize your trade to suit your preferences. For example, you can decide on the amount you want to trade without being forced. The binary options trades also allows you to select the period of trading, which varies anywhere between one hour and a week. Additionally, some brokers can allow you to customize the trading platform to suit your preferences. When it comes to roulette trading, the amount of investment is fixed. The duration of trade is also fixed.

ii.) Binary options allow you to affect the outcome

In binary options, a trader can affect the results of the trade. For example, you can go through the broker’s learning materials and sections in their website to get the basics of trading well. Most brokers avail crucial strategies that traders need in increasing their chances of winning in the money. as you apply the knowledge and strategies in your trades on daily basis, you gain more experience in trading binary options. Hence, you stand to increase your profitability in future. In other words, your positive actions in trading binary options boost chances of winning the trade.

Most brokers in binary options also avails various trading options such as one touch, sixty seconds, range options and many others. Hence, you are at liberty to select the option that will increase chances of winning a trade.

When it comes to roulette, the game is purely gambling. You cannot predict the outcome of the game since it is based mainly on luck and chance. You cannot say that you will gain enough knowledge and experience to make moves that are more profitable in future. Thus, if you think you can affect the outcome of roulette gambling, you are wrong.

iii.) Profits in Binary options are higher than in Roulette winnings

In trading binary options, a trader needs to be successful around 60% of the time for him to gain profits. On the other hand, a roulette player needs to be successful slightly more than 50%. The biggest difference between binary options and roulette is that playing in roulette is a pure game of chance. You do not have any advantage over the house when it comes to the actual roulette bet. In fact, you stand to lose over time since the dealer will win more than 50% of the time. The reason is that they win if you land on the losing color and “0”. In effect, the fact that there are three possible outcomes in roulette (red, black and 0) disqualifies the game as truly binary. In other words, roulette has a hidden zero as a third outcome on top of the red and black outcomes.

When it comes to binary options, it is not a game of chance in the sense of the word. A trader has an opportunity to utilize strategies that are based on both fundamental and technical analysis. If you use them well, you stand at a greater chance of gaining an edge over the house on each trade. Furthermore, you are in a better position to select the trade conditions such as expiry time and the asset class. It is impossible to win 100% of your trades even with the most sophisticated trading strategies. However, implementation of a basic trading strategy with a familiar asset can see you winning 60-70% of your trades. Thus, the advantage swings to your favor over the dealer and can help you make consistent profit-making trades.

Roulette and other games of chance that have fixed odds cannot help you have an advantage over the house, leading you to lose a lot of money.

Roulette wheel and table


As we have seen, binary options trade is not gambling or a game of chance like roulette. In binary options, the outcomes are only two: Yes or No. there is no hidden “zero” that can take away your money. You can also customize the binary options to gain an edge over the house. Additionally, you can engage in useful actions that will enable you win trades in binary options, unlike in roulette games. As much, it is recommendable to choose binary options over roulette.

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